The PTO Remnant.



The collapse of the planet reacted in a way that, the entire system and the two suns that housed the planet were thrown off their axis. Planets within the system were blown into the suns, which as the cosmic explosion ripped apart the planet, the two suns were in the process of colliding together. A massive wave of heat energy radiating off from their intense, blinding light, but I was already gone as the wave of death was about to wash over me, via 'Instant Transmission'. My chaotic Ki still ablaze around me, the green Ki swirling intensely. I was now in Winter's presence, she blinked and sighed loudly, the floor below me slowly eroded and the board of directors made way to stand in surprise from my sudden appearance. Winter immediately stood, her pony-tail whip-lashed as she turned to face one of her board members, she then glared my way.


"The meeting is over." the members filed out, though some slower than others, I felt a little exposed, as the woman filling some of the seats of Winter's company were eyeing me like a steak, that is until I locked gazes with my wife, after she waved them out to leave quicker. She then looked down, knuckles on her hips, she looks beautiful in her white C.E.O outfit consisting of a skirt and even a tie. Even more beautiful when she glared at me like that, right… I powered down immediately and felt a bit calmer than normal, that of the Legendary boost no longer affecting me in my base, normal everyday form.


"-Three things. One, husband, your… balls are showing." I looked down, now that I wasn't transformed, I realized some more important things, like that of my battle outfit being completely vaporized. Huh… that was the breeze then-


"-Secondly, you're supposed to ring first before you come here, encase I'm in a meeting, like just now. Third… come here, what the heck happened to you. Your covered in soot, and your eye is bruised. Bruise here…" she touched my left arm and other parts of my body while fussing, she removed her white coat and passed it my way, she tossed a capsule in the corner of the lavish, meeting room and proceeded to remove me some casual clothes, before taking back her coat and chucking it on her chair.


"Dress up, quick, will go back to our residence. But I'll be going into the Hyperbolic time chamber, I need to get a lid on my new power levels, to rain it in so I'm not a danger to the planet. But I can do that afterwards." I replied, dressing quickly, while avoiding the hole in the floor, as there were some curious people in the floor below.


"Sure, thing Winter… … … here, a top and shorts, I'll explain what happened. But first, those Remnant gods of yours-" I said as she replied, eyeing me whilst speaking up in confusion.


"Yeah? The brothers? Those gods, what? You saying that they did this- that they are real? Come love, I'll pack up and you can explain to me in better detail." She returned to capsule and then pointed towards me, speaking once again.


"Oh, wait here hon. I need to tell my secretary to cancel the rest of any meetings for today, also to order that this room is repaired." so, I nodded mutely, watching as she side-glanced me with a smirk before leaving the room and I waited for a bit.




"Where is Lord Recoome, he has not returned from Frieza planet number 324. Has anything come in about his where a bout's. Check for any transmissions!" he ordered to all the pathetic life-forms of his Lord Recoome's headquarters. Then, one of the aliens turned back to him, shouting out urgently.


"Sir, word of Lord Recoome's forces have stated that Lord Recoome and the crew of the third ship was killed, their transmission indicated that it was a Saiyan-"


"-A Saiyan you say." the alien with elongated dome-shaped head.


"Yes sir, the whole system has exploded, all planets have gone off in a chain-reaction with the rest of the system… Nothing remains. The crews of Lord Recoome's invasion force will return in a week's time. Shall I relay any more orders to them?" the alien intelligence agent asked him, Sorbet huffed.


"Relay to them that they make haste, with Lord Recoome now dead, the remnant will have a harder time against the other remnant forces and the rebels." he glared straight ahead, glancing at the large, windowed display. Their forces were in constant war with that of the other warlords and the rebel groups that were propping up all over. Even with some as strong as Lord Recoome became while leading them against other groups, that he is the last left alive of the Ginyu force- was… they would now be in a perilous position.


'We will need to locate the dragon balls, there is nothing for it. Ruling behind in the shadows as I've done, through that idiot, battle maniac Recoome, we aren't going to last longer without a powerful leader to rally behind… Even with Cooler's death, his own territory surprisingly rallied together to form their own empire, fighting them was one of Recoome's interests. The other groups, The Heeter army, five other remnant empires of Frieza's former territory and the rebels fighting everyone else.'


"I've told Lord Recoome that locating the planet Namek should have been our highest priority. Some of the strongest of the PTO could have been revived under his leadership. Now…" they had no choice, reviving King Cold, Frieza or possibly even Cooler as he was always the most level headed, had to be their top priority now that Recoome has gotten himself killed and by a Saiyan at that. Even if that meant giving up planets to other remnant forces to focus on locating the planet Namek.'


"Tagoma is returning from his mission of reconquest of Frieza planet 116 yes? tell him to return to headquarters. With him being Lord Recoome's sparring partner ever since Recoome escaped Namek, he is our strongest fighter. And with a power level of 1,648,000, he will be needed for when the moment is leaked to the other warlords that Lord Recoome is space dust…" Sorbet sighed, one of the aliens replied, he begun typing at a rapid pace into the display, relaying new orders.


"Yes Sir, I will relay orders to Tagoma this instant, sir!" Sorbet nodded, arms behind his back, eyes glancing at the display whilst his mind was preoccupied, contemplating the next steps, in this long, drawn out civil war.




He'd attempted another Oozeru transformation, the savanna landscape pelted with chunks of rock, craters littered the ground from whenever he lost control. Piccolo, Zangya and Trunks, that is, the elder one were nearby as his attempted failures had called them to the area. It was Zangya at first who knocked him out while he was mindlessly raging while as a normal type Oozeru. The one try he got as what Zangya and Piccolo described as a 'Super Great Ape' took Piccolo but one shot to knocked him down while in that form, Raditz was then the target of a vicious tongue-lashing from the green man while Zangya laughed at him in silence.


The boy, Trunks, showed up as he was in the area, doing who knows what, though it seemed that he was in the midst of training when he was lured here by sensing him at the 'Golden Ape'. Now, Raditz grudgingly asked for a favor from the three of them, to help him encase he lost control, there was either asking them or suffering the Namekian's wrath, that guy had gotten stronger since the bout between Majin Buu, the fight he had missed for being too weak.


"Alright then, I will try again. Prepare yourselves, this is getting annoying." Raditz scowled, getting into position, he brought up his power to the brink once more. He was taught the 'Power Ball' technique from Kron years ago, that was the first stage where he threw it upwards from his right hand, the 'Power Ball' exploded, spreading in the sky, the clouded area opened for the artificial moon in the sky, and he glanced at it whilst pushing his KI to the next step. Transforming to 'Super Saiyan' his expanded Ki rushed through him once more, he felt the blutz waves rush through his body and that of his tail tingling, he begun to growl out once more. His transformation begun, his Saiyan armor- designed and built by Capsule Corp begun to expand with him once again, that of the transformation and he blacked out once again.




"There he goes, a mindless monkey again…" Zangya chuckled nearby to him, Piccolo only grunted, arms no longer folded as taking Raditz, enraged as a real credible threat. Raditz begun to howl mid-transformation, slowly morphing into that of the great ape and Piccolo flickered closer, seeing that Raditz was exhibiting that of the mindless great ape. Piccolo of course, had experience with this transformation so he dealt with Raditz the only way he could. He knocked Raditz out by aiming for his face, viciously laying into him until ape-man Raditz fell backwards, off to dreamland. Piccolo landed down nearby to Raditz head, collapsed on the ground and checking that he was actually knocked out unlike the last attempt when Raditz got up once again.


"This guy…" Zangya and Trunks touched down nearby, Trunks fired a blast towards the artificial moon, exploding it without any effort. Raditz slowly transformed back down to size while unconscious and Piccolo turned to Trunks.


"Trunks, you should be fine to head out again. I am enough to take him out when he loses his mind. Continue your training, will might need you for this shadow warriors coming out of the woodwork's." Trunks, wearing some customized Saiyan armor without any of the pauldrons for the arms or legs, his sword on his back and his jacket folded his arms as he replied, looking down at the now transformed back Raditz still slumbering with a bruised eye.


"Well, if you're sure Piccolo… oi, Zangya, you're not doing much but mocking the guy. Want to be my sparring partner-" Trunks removed a cyan-tinted, Capsule Corp issued scouter, putting it on in front of his eyes briefly while looking towards her.


"...6,400,000,000. You are a match while I am in 'Super Saiyan Two' do you think you'd be up for it?" he glanced towards her, Piccolo locked gazes with her as she mulled it over. Finally, Zangya replied with a nod.


"...Fine, it would be a way to kill some time, though I want your help. I'm closer to enacting that of my Hera heritage, a transformation thew likes that only a few of my kind could reach, Koga and Bojack among them. In other words, I need a punching bag as much as you do." Zangya smirked, as Trunks nodded in turn, replying with a nod. He waved at Piccolo, a two-finger salute as he begun to rise into the air, Zangya trailed after him at her own speed. Turning, Piccolo eyed as Raditz stirred, Piccolo bent down and spoke.


"You blacked out and were about to mindlessly rage once again. Perhaps you ought to ask Kron or Vegeta-" Raditz stirred to his feet, glaring towards him as he huffed.


"-Vegeta wouldn't help, but I was close! Bah, I'll try again tomorrow. If Kron shows up, I'll ask for his help, though if he isn't-" Piccolo sighed, replying, interrupting Raditz as he begun to get angrier.


"-Fine, I'll help you out, though you will owe me, and I do need a sparring partner to fight against, whether or not your strong or weak, you'll do." Piccolo smirked, Raditz huffed, nodding as he agreed. The two of them turned when two others landed nearby, Gohan dressed in his casual clothing, with the girl Videl. Videl turned to Raditz and smiled.


"Oh, Gohan, your uncle right. Hi, I don't think we actually met. I'm Videl." she quickly stepped forwards to Raditz, extending a hand and the man… he looked on in disbelief, though after a moment of hesitance, he shook her hand awkwardly.


"...ugh, Videl… Gohan, I'll see you at dinner, Piccolo… thanks uh, for your help." Raditz took off and blasted off into the air, Piccolo turned to Gohan and Videl, giving Videl a small nod.


"Gohan, your uncle is attempting to transform into what Kron called the 'Primal form'. His attempts… require my being here, because as you know., an out-of-control great ape can cause devastating damage to the surrounding environment and those people, caught in the crossfire. Then the golden great ape is much worse, he could easily detonate the planet with ease." Piccolo paused, seeing Videl blink in confusion by their small talk, Gohan spoke towards Videl, a smile on his face.


"Ah, yeah… I can transform, that of my tail I've been hiding since I started high school, that there-" he wiggled it out for her to spot and she nodded, replying.


"Yeah, I seen it a few times, though I thought it was a belt. It makes you look… hunky Gohan-" he laughed aloud, blushing as Videl preened nearby to him and Piccolo decided to head out, watching these two was as bad as watching Kron and his army of female warriors, or Raven and Vegeta.


"Right, you two, I'm going to head out. Come see me sometime Gohan… your strength will be a challenge for me to test out my own strength against. You can come to if you'd like… Videl." he gave her a half smile while she pointed at herself, replying in shock.


"Uh… ha, yeah… if you think I can fight you or Gohan here, you're dreaming. I would enjoy watching Gohan's body- Gohan's fighting ability… yeah, I can cheer for him-" Piccolo grunted as Gohan was about to reply when Piccolo had beaten him to it.


"Speaking of you Videl, your father… how is he holding up? Him and Majin Buu are close… I'm presuming?" Videl hummed, as Gohan stilled for a moment, now interested in where the conversation was going.


"Yeah, he… yeah, he brought him around the mansion. That guy, uh- my dad has brought a lot of land near our place, a lot of land and he's in the process of getting huge herds of the planet's largest animals. Or he was, I told dad to just by a few extra fridges and stockpile a lot of candy, cakes, ice creams- whatever into them and feed him that instead. Their… relationship has greatly improved now. He is nice, Buu is… I am a little still a bit wary of him, but dad has told me to just take my time, to get to know him better. Did you want him to come and fight as well? You'd better off coming around, anytime to our place and asking him there." Videl coughed a little, turning to Gohan, adding. She pulled out her scroll device, glancing at it for a bit before she looked towards Gohan once again.


"I was just checking the Schnee Earth map app, marking where we are. Well, Gohan… we'd better get to your house soon… your mother will be mad if we're late for dinner. Bye uh… Piccolo… sir." She waved awkwardly as Piccolo nodded towards to her, Gohan about to speak up through a small chuckle. Before Videl could get far however, Piccolo called out to her, Gohan's mouth was agape, Piccolo beat Gohan to speaking first.


"Videl. Tell your father to come also, if Majin Buu is to come. I figure the man who helped to turn Majin Buu over from a… dark path ought to… prepare himself for the real fighting, though I don't expect he will be involved. Invite the man- your father to this spot, tomorrow." Videl blinked, she replied a little slowly, unsure at first.


"Ah, well, yeah… I'll ask him though he has aides and the like who usually plan events and the like, perhaps he will come if Gohan is coming. He does want to speak to you, actually… so yeah, I'll ask dad then, I'll go ahead Gohan."


"Right then Piccolo, I will be sure to see you sometime perhaps… Training together… these two beings who have come here, have you discovered what they want? What their end game is?" Piccolo's kind demeanor vanished in an instant, he glared towards the sky in thought, Gohan continued, a little worried.


"Ah… Piccolo-"


"-No… nothing has been found out about them, I will be heading for the lookout soon, I'll be keeping an eye out with Dende. If your serious about training, meet me instead of going to school" Piccolo seen Gohan about to protest, Piccolo knew that Gohan was serious about his education so he promptly added before Gohan could protest with words, as he was about to.


"-Use a clone for school. You will come to me and will begin our training here, Raditz will also be here if I know that guy… Possibly Trunks- that is, Trunks from the future and Zangya too, they have goals to meet for their training so expect them to either join in or expect us to help them train with them." Gohan nodded, sighing as he relaxed, breathing in quickly, Gohan replied.


"Right! Yeah, a clone would do… yeah, that can work, good. OK Piccolo, I really need to get going. Catch you later Piccolo!" Gohan took off into the sky, as Piccolo gazed towards him, watching him catch up to Videl whilst folding his arms, now in thought.




Catching up to Videl, she glanced back towards him, a smile on her face, she brushed her fringe out of her face as she glanced his way, speaking up.


"Piccolo is a nice guy… About my dad… I'll ask him to come back there, though I can't promise he will be hesitant to come. You know, first he thinks you guys did tricks, then the whole tournament happened and then he seen it firsthand with Majin Buu and the other one that was killed. Though I am looking forward to seeing your training firsthand, maybe even joining in. Who knows…" she smiled at him Gohan replied, replying when she turned away from him with a coy smirk, Gohan blinked, questioning her weird gaze.


"Huh… what's with that look Videl?" Clueless at first, his gaze tore away from her face when she removed something from her pocket, Gohan's interest was piqued, though when he seen the way, she glanced towards him… there was a look about her and the way she held… whatever that is. He shouted in shock.


"V-Videl! t-that is- is that a-" Videl waved the item, a smirk reached her lips when she was about to show him but didn't and instead just held it in her hand. Gohan glanced towards her… the way she looked towards him… though he knew enough what it was, well, Gohan had to believe it was… what surprised him though was her blatant way she waved her clenched fist around, as if doing weights in her hand, she winked towards him, replying… she had to be flirting with him… right?


"Yeah, I've gotten a whole pack of them. Also, I've got this in my capsule set, one capsule in particular… so we will have… a lot of privacy, I aim to take our relationship to the next level and-"


"-V-Videl!" Gohan stammered aloud, and Videl through the item he thought to be… a condom, which it actually turned out to be a capsule. Videl blinked, before giggling lightly, replying as she tried to hold in her laugh.


"Yeah, turns out that Capsule Corp don't sell these devices, Bulma gave me one as a gift, says I should use it if I want to get stronger and I thought we could… do it, together." Gohan sighed, his beating heart still hammering against his chest. Gohan thought that she wanted to have s-sex-


"-Haha, ah right. Bulma must have given you the latest in line of gravity chamber training capsules. Heck y-yeah, I can show you how to use it. Yeah…" Gohan sighed in relief, or was that disappointment…