Learning About Namek.



I awoke with Winter snuggling into the nape of my neck, her calm, deep breathing a steady reminder of how close she was. Staying there for a bit, I flickered to my feet a moment later, watching as Winter collapsed into the pillow my head was just on.


"...Let her sleep, I did work her over last night… I've put up an appetite." Idly murmuring to myself, I headed out of the room, then headed downstairs, the large home she worked out of on the planet Sadala I still needed to learn my way around, I found the bathroom. Showering for a bit, I headed down to the kitchen, though I found Winter there already.


"Hmm, your awake then. Here, eat up Kron. You looked to have healed up, how are you feeling love." She asked, placing a hot chocolate in front of me, as I gazed upon the large spread of food and I dug in, drinking too.


"Hmm… I've healed up a bit, and last night…" I gave her a 'look' to which she smirked, replying.


"Alright Husband… so, you going to tell me what happened last night? You were pretty tired, all things considered, even before we had sex." she said concerned, her mouth covered by her cup of hot coffee, I replied.


"I got into a fight with one of your old gods, the ones you worshiped or rather, your people worshiped. Anyway, the one I fought was the god of darkness- it was that same feeling that I felt when our place was attacked and destroyed… Anyway, he was much stronger than Majin Buu, at least, for a little while but there might be a problem." Winter, placing her cup onto the kitchen counter, replied in worry.


"Hmm, what problem, come on love, spill." she demanded, as I approached her, she leaned in and accepted as I held her delicately, whispering as I placed my chin upon the top of her head. Winter hummed, content from how close we are.


"Well, the god of darkness seems to be after me, or precisely, my body. And! Not in that way hon, he wants to possess me or something, but I was able to resist the bastard. It might be because of the wish I made on Namek long ago, though he might go about trying to get me to surrender my body to him a different way. Winter… love, you should come home-" her head tilted, she looked to be about to protest but I bet her to it.


"Look, these gods, they appear to have a target on my back, though they might have been targeting Salem too, who knows. Until we destroy them, they could very well decide to possess anyone to get to me, and you up here by yourself, your mom… your brother, could be all targets. Just use a clone, to run things. You have 'Instant Transmission' and I know you've learned my 'Aura Sphere' technique so, getting to the planet should be easy enough for you." Winter huffed, speaking up as she looked up towards me.


"I can do that, though at the moment my mother is running the day to day here for the company. As to the brother gods, the god of darkness… was it only him, you only mentioned him then? So, where is the other one, do you have any ideas? Well, you ought to ask King Kai, seeing that he is omnipresent to a degree. Also, from what I know of Salem. She should know more. Studying your enemy is to know your enemy, yes, practice it instead of-" she clenched her left hand into a fist and thumped me softly onto my right shoulder then she laid a few kisses where she hit, eyeing me with a playful grin.


"-fighting. Think on it husband… Now, I've got some time to kill, do you want to… mess me up some more, I've got a meeting in a few hours, but I've got the time for… it." I nodded, hungrily though not for the rest of the spread I was scarfing down.




"Piccolo, you're here. I've been having a weird feeling ever since yesterday. Tell me I'm not the only one." he questioned as Piccolo landed nearby to him. An hour ago, this feeling kept on creeping up on him and Dende kept an extra eye on Majin Buu, but he's fine. I also eyed the place where Kid Buu has been reborn, that wish of Goku's… well, it isn't him either as you know, Kid Buu is only a few days old in their new mother's womb-" Piccolo eyed him weirdly, as Dende blushed, he added.


"-Y-Yeah, I've been watching a fetus. I was worried. But yeah, something is definitely 'off'. I can't quite place it though…" Piccolo stared at him, he grunted as his gaze tore from Dende, glancing down off of the lookout as he spoke.


"...Well, keep an eye out for any trouble, I'm not convinced that these shadow beings aren't actually here, among us and biding their time. Also, Dende, keep an eye out for those demons… that Dabura, his sister Towa and then there's the one who had his mind controlled… They also can be trouble, don't forget that Dende." Dende nodded, he was keeping an eye on Dabura, he was more visible than the other two, though Dende has seen the other two rarely, their ability to hide was impressive, but Dende is the guardian of Earth, this is 'his' realm, so finding them, while difficult, was something he could do in the end.


The sudden appearance of Shin, the supreme Kai on top the lookout surprised the both of them, Dende bowed humbly to the god-ling while Piccolo looked on, nodding in reverence, before speaking up with a serious tone of voice.


"Supreme Kai… Shin, what has happened now? This is the second time you've come to us, and we know how the first time went. So, pardon my disrespect but spill, tell us up front. Instead of hiding the truth until it was too late to matter." Piccolo demanded, Shin replied quickly, a nod as he agreed with Piccolo's assessment of the first time Shin 'came' to them for help, Dende knew he meant about Shin being all mysterious the first time he came to them for help with Majin Buu, without giving them the information about Majin Buu first.


"...Yes, your right. I will be more forthcoming in the future, having you and your people- your friends and allies to call on. Speaking of your people Piccolo, Dende… I have just gotten news from King Yemma, the Namekian's have just passed through, they were killed-" Dende's eyes widened but it was Piccolo who voiced the thought first.


"-H-How? who was it? has Moori, Nail or any of the other Namekian's been questioned at the check-in station. Did King Yemma get the answers from any of them? Piccolo asked while glaring towards Shin." Shin nodded, speaking slowly, having looked like he aged in a moment, as he sighed a moment later.


"Yes, it was confirmed by Moori, he among the Namekian's the only one who kept his body, as well as Nail. Nail is heading to King Kai's. As for their killer… it was two beings, the two of them a shadow being and a lightened being, I headed to the area in space where Namek is and only found these, the dragon balls a void of any energy, cracked and turned to stone… The divine energy residue I'd picked up while there has me worried, whoever these two are, they are the ones whose energy has enraptured the higher planes in other world. For now, only heaven, Hell, the various Kai's planets and the grand Kai's planets are still accessible by me, but the others? Whatever is blocking me, it is these two's energy who's sealed enveloped the other world, particularly the realm for where time is governed." Piccolo blinked, Dende also knew of Trunks situation, the future one that is so he asked.


"Are these two the reason for Trunks stranded state here in this timeline? Hmm, then the others should know about the destruction of Namek. What did Moori mention about their reasons, supreme Kai." Shin responded with a quick nod, glancing to his right as Kibito appeared nearby to him, the much larger Kai nodded towards them humbled, before standing at attention to Shin's right. Shin replied.


"As of now, it is confirmed that these two are, their essence leftover at the location of Namek, now a asteroid field, then the energy disrupting the flow of energy in the other world, they are the same. Now Moori explained that the one enshrouded in darkness, whose name is the god of Darkness according to the other one, the other one, called the god of light. As to what gods… their names are rather…unoriginal, so finding information on them in other world has been at an in pass, there is nothing on them at all. No information-" Piccolo and Shin turned when Dende gasped, he did speak with Salem for a moment, but she felt… she had a residue, a leftover energy besides her magical abilities, so he replied about that.


"Supreme Kai, there is someone I'd like you to meet. She is someone who lives with Kron, as a… she is currently living her life as Kron's kids, surrogate grandmother, perhaps she has the answers you seek, for I've found that at the time she was on the lookout, she had an energy that surrounded her, but I could tell it wasn't hers. Piccolo, could you help the Supreme Kai to find her, she might the answers we seek." Dende turned to glance at Piccolo, he nodded, glancing at the night sky.


"...Alright, Shin, keep up with me then. Will have to fly to the west. Dende, remember what we discussed." Shin waved his hands out, speaking up quickly.


"Well, I will come with you to meet this woman, but there is more information! See here, the dragon balls… their energy is drained." Dende interrupted, he was sad at the state of them, for these were the dragon balls of his home world, but they could be resurrected, his family on Namek were killed so for now, they first had to defeat these two and then, they can revive them. Dende sighed, speaking up.


"Yeah, the dragon balls lose their strength when the current head of the dragon balls whose energy is used to create or maintain the energy of the dragon is killed. Though the cracks are new… they could have been damaged in the destruction of Namek. Leave them here with me, I will see what I can do with them, I might be able to repair the damage done to them, Supreme Kai, sir." Shin glanced towards him, in his thoughts for a moment before he smiled, a nod was given to Dende and the dragon balls, which hovered behind Shin were lowered into a pile nearby to where Dende stood. Piccolo called spoke, a bit impatient.


"Come, Shin, Kibito. The Salem woman is this way. Keep up now, I've got to keep an eye out for these two beings encase they make to attack Kron-" Piccolo paused, turning back down to Dende, adding as he glanced towards Dende.


"-Dende, Salem… she lives with Kron right. Could she have been the target? Logically speaking, with you explaining that she has a residue of energy… hmm, never mind. Once we get to her, Shin here can figure out if my hypothesis is correct. Let's go!" Piccolo blasted off, Shin and Kibito followed in turn while Dende closed his eyes, sighing out briefly, before he resumed his role as guardian, keeping an 'eye' on the planet, the people and… any potential problems.


"Right… those dragon balls…. I better ask that Mr. Popo take them inside, where I can look them over." he said aloud, as his thoughts went into overdrive, already begun his 'guardian role'.




Tien was the only one still up, late at night and yet he continued his training to an intense degree, within his own gravity chamber. With Majin Buu ending up as a potential ally, then the attack on the villa which Kron live in with his many wives, their children… Well, they are fine and the ones who attacked the place had used another, possession or some such ability, their friends were alive.


Currently, he was training at six hundred times earth's normal gravity, the intense gravity was a recent addition but a welcome one as even now, whilst he struggled, he felt that doing this would allow him to attain much more strength and much faster. He also upped his weights too, making the training a much more challenging addition to the already struggle of training. Along with his normal routine, Tien was also pushing up the multiplier of his 'Kaio-Ken' ability, pushing it to new heights.


Tien's intense workout was interrupted as a blast, of red energy sailed towards him, a slow pace. Tien blinked, but out of anger for the audacity and feeling confident, he managed to back-hand the red-energy sphere away from his gravity chamber controls. The blast singed into contact of the perpetrator of the attack, being the one known as Dabura. The demonic-like humanoid landed in his space, a cackling gaze, he grumbled in an indifferent tone, as if he was bored or something, Tien glared.


"So, what is this contraption called eh, a machine with the power to effect a person's sense of gravity… hmm, a training device eh, which manipulates the gravitational forces upon the body-"


"-Dabura… y-your attempt at destroying my training facility has failed. Why are you here and make it quick. Even if your stronger than me now… that won't remain as is forever. Now, your ugly mug has interrupted my training, is there a reason or are you trying to provoke me or something." Tien glared, Dabura hummed, turning into a chuckle as he disregarded Tien's threat, idly playing with one of the machines knobs, clawed fingers running along the red switch.


"I was just wondering how you earthlings, those whose strength is much more impressive than the rest of this weak planet gets their strength. I was intrigued and came aboard this large domed device. As to why I am here, I was curious… but I was also a tad bit worried-" Tien, not quite believing him, repeated.


"...Worried… about?" Tien headed for the machine controls and shut them down now, now that this guy was here, he might as well call it quits for the day. Tien was shocked about just how late it was, almost midnight really.


"Hmm… about these self-proclaimed gods, the one who took control of my sisters little 'pet'. Just a little bit of advice, keep a close eye on your friends- who knows who is next to be possessed by this shadowed being. I've come to train with you, a spar and since you're the only one up, I come to ask you. So, feeling up for me to testing your meager skills against a former demon king" he cracked his knuckles, stalking forwards and Tien nodded, seeing an opportunity to fight against someone else for a change. Besides, Tien wasn't that tired yet, fighting against this guy seemed like a good prospect to test his strength.


"Fine then, but not around here, Yang and Chiaotzu are sleeping in our place nearby and I'd rather not have my home destroyed. Come with me a ten-minute flight from here, should be far enough. Follow me then, Dabura." Tien took off, Dabura following along.


The two of them reached an area further out, Dabura followed Tien down and they landed across from one another. It was also dark, Tien was using all his eyes to see, his third eye helped him to see a bit better and Dabura, well Tien knew that he was a demon, his words so there must be a way for the guy to see him in the dark.


"Will begin here, now… show me what you've got." Tien begun to inflame his Ki, lighting up the landscape nearby from his white Ki, Dabura only smirked, as the landscape flickered as if an earthquake was going off. Dabura finally regarded Tien as a threat, instead of standing still he begun to also bring up his Ki to a fighting level, the two of them met in the middle, Tien blasting forwards while Dabura flickered towards Tien, their exchange begun then, a mix-match of fast-punches and kicks, every exchange forced a bit of the ground to explode away from their impacts. Tien could see better with his Ki inflamed around him, engulfed in his own, red-colored Ki, Dabura only smirked his way, easily keeping up with him with a bit of effort.


It was easy to tell that compared to Tien, Dabura's fighting stance was more relaxed compared to his own, such as his power. Though at the moment Tien was not using 'Kaio-Ken' at the moment, he would need to mix it up and soon in order to put the demon in his place. But having once again trained in the Hyperbolic time chamber, this time as far and deep he could penetrate into that hellish dimension, him and Raditz improved much within and Tien's time with the arrogant Raditz improved him immensely.


"Right then, I've warmed up now. 'Kaio-Ken'-" Tien's already inflamed Ki took on that familiar red-hue of tone, blazing wildly as his own muscles expanded, intensifying from the power up, this time… for Dabura to understand that underestimating him was foolish, he would shout out his technique so the demon would understand.


"-'Times one-hundred and two!' Haaaaaa!" in a blitz flashing forwards, almost teleporting faster than the speed of sound, he met Dabura's face with his own extended fist as Dabura was in the process of questioning just what was happening and possibly, about to shout in surprise.


"-What-" Tien's fist connected then, shutting Dabura up and accidentally snapping Dabura's mouth shut, as blood erupted from the demon's mouth, lapping down his chin and out of his teeth. Then a tooth or two followed out the spit Dabura managed to cough up whilst Tien continued to lay into Dabura, with the demon king now taking the beating seriously and therefore, their bout as the serious exchange that it is instead of his prior attitude which only added to Tien's anger before. Tien didn't care about inflicting blood, showing his more ruthless side as he continued to treat Dabura like a bag, using him with each connection of his blows and showing the difference in their strength now. Dabura was hammered into the dirt, Tien flickered towards him when Dabura bounced from the kinetic force pushing him back upwards from the ground, kicking him in the side of the body, the demon king was sent careening towards the mountain nearby, but Tien wasn't finished. Placing his hands together, he would finish this fight with a bang, showing Dabura the difference between him, his still red-overwhelming using of 'Kaio-Ken' now affecting Tien with it's damaging side-effect, though he could take it for a couple of more minutes. Ending this now, Tien shouted intensely while a red energy begun to ignite in the triangle formation that his hands were placed in.


"Alright Dabura, g-good night!! 'Tri-Beam' haaaaaaaaaa!!!" a bright, red flash of Ki exploded towards Dabura's location, exploding in a large wave, taking out a part of the mountainous area in a wide blast, digging a surface trench which ended in a long, triangle shape, half-way from the attack. Tien's senses felt as Dabura afterimaged out of the explosion before he could be engulfed but right now, Tien knew he won this bout and with a large advantage over Dabura.


"Hmph, now you can see the difference Dabura. Now-" Tien turned, to face Dabura behind him, whose glare towards and his red aura-Ki surrounding him was helped to shine him in this night. Tien continued.


"-I'll be getting back home then, and hey, if you think you can handle it, come to my place tomorrow." Dabura, intrigued, replied, his glare leaving his face.


"...You're inviting me, to… train with you then? Hmph, an interesting prospect, but I accept… for until I am able to combat you on an even footing, I've still got a goal, to take a couple Saiyan's down a peg or two." Tien furrowed his brows, interested in the particular reason Dabura had as to target a couple of Saiyan's, his guess was it was either Vegeta and Raditz- one of them in any case, Tien figured he'd find out by asking directly, which he did.


"And? Which out of very small population of Saiyan's are you meaning to pick a fight with? Because if you're not familiar, I've got an amicable relationship with the most of them. I hope you understand my meaning, Dabura." Tien peered towards the demon king, said 'man' stepped forward, a chuckle escaping him as his serious glint of challenge left his gaze, Dabura instead glanced to his right before meeting Tien's gaze once more.


"To the death you mean? As it stands, I've too much to gain by simply killing them, no… I've got a lot to gain by allying with you all, the Saiyan's most of all. After all, my pride demands of me to continue to hone my strength, and then there's this so-called god of Darkness, which I will show just what true darkness is. So do not fret my bald, three-eyed friend, you've made your point. I will enjoy the coming days where I learn under your youthful, interesting… ways of getting stronger." Tien nodded, Dabura could be an asset, that much is true, after all, Vegeta, Raditz, Piccolo… Zangya, they were once enemies, they changed and now were 'trusted' allies and confidants, their strength more then once helped to change the tide of a battle.


"First though, I need to get back now. Tomorrow, will train together, that is, Yang will enjoy fighting you I think, that woman doesn't like holding back… Alright, I'm off."


(Word Count for the Power List - 626)


?? = power-level is rising after training but not checked.

?-? = Suppressed.


(Battle - Powers)

(Battle - Powers)

(Legendary Super Saiyan Through S-Cells)

-Kron/MC Base = 84,804,200,000 Base -|- Oozeru(X10) = 848,042,000,000 -|- Golden Oozeru(X500) = 42,402,100,000,000 -|- Wrathful State(X10) = 848,042,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan(X150) = 12,720,630,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X150) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = X3,150 = 267,133,230,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan-II(X300) = 25,441,260,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan2(X300) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = X5,400 = 457,942,680,000,000  -|- Kaio-ken -X100 = 8,480,420,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan(X150) X Wrathful State(X10) = X1,500 = 127,206,300,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan4(Primal(X36,000)) = 3,052,951,200,000,000(Three Quadrillion Fifty-Two Trillion Nine Hundred Fifty-One Billion Two Hundred Million) -|- Legendary Super Saiyan4(Primal(X36,000)) X Wrathful State(X10) = X360,000 = 3.0529512e+16 (Thirty Quadrillion Five Hundred Twenty-Nine Trillion Five Hundred Twelve Billion)


-Raditz Base = 56,240,880 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 1,912,189,920 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 562,408,800 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 2,812,044,000


-(Future) - Trunks Base = 64,246,860 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 3,212,343,000 -|- Super Saiyan II (X100) = 6,424,686,000


-(Present) Trunks Base = 35,884,276 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 1,794,213,800


-Ursula Base = 35,745,345


-Achilles Base = 31,908,452


-Anthony Base = 32,145,108


-(FUTURE) - Jaina Base = 2,800,000 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000


-(Present) - Jaina Base = 21,460,487 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 1,073,024,350


-Yang = 43,700,440 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,709,427,280


-Goku Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 148,980,080 -|- Kaio-ken - X100 = 14,898,008,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 7,449,004,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = 1,050 = 156,429,084,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 14,898,008,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = 1,800 = 268,164,144,000 -|- Super Saiyan-III(X400) = 59,592,032,000


-Zangya Base = 6,400,000,000


-Winter Base = 23,848,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X48 = 1,144,704,000


-Krillin Base = 23,086,248 -|- Kaio-ken - X54 = 1,246,657,392


-Pyrrha Base = 42,700,924 -|- Kaio-ken - X64 = 2,732,859,136


-Gohan Base = 96,068,000,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 960,680,000,000 - Kaio-ken - x46 = 4,419,128,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,803,400,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,606,800,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken - x18 = 1,800 = 172,922,400,000,000


-Vegeta Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 122,600,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 6,130,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan Saiyan-II(X100) = 12,260,000,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 1,226,000,000 -|- Golden Oozeru(X500) = 61,300,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) = 490,400,000,000


-Raven Base = 40,240,620 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,494,918,440


-Blake Base = 26,084,460 -|- Kaio-ken - x49 = 1,278,138,540


-Weiss Base = 26,042,459 -|- Kaio-ken - x43 = 1,119,825,737


-Yamcha Base = 21,000,097 -|- Kaio-ken - x53 = 1,113,005,141


-Tien Base = 28,063,800 -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 1,852,210,800


-Chiaotzu Base = 12,000,000


-Ruby Base = 6,400,000


-Piccolo Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 6,060,800,000 (Weighted Clothes) -|- 7,000,000,000 ((Full Power) (Weighted Clothes Removed)) -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 462,000,000,000


-Chichi Base = 8,000


-Sixteen Base = 2,880,860,048


-Seventeen Base = 2,246,084,200 -|- Kaio-ken - X36 = 80,859,031,200


-Eighteen Base = 2,242,870,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 76,257,580,000


-Qrow Base = 23,084,021 -|- Kaio-ken - X46 = 1,061,864,966

-Hercule Max = 600

-Kibito Base = 90,000,000


-Shin Base = 4,200,000,000

-Dabura = 5,000,000 - Under Seals, also under control Of Babidi. -|-500,000,000 = Original Power Level with seals on power removed, No longer under Babidi's thrall. -|- 400,000,000,000 Empowered by Towa. (X800) 

-Majin Buu (Full Power) = 20,600,200,000,000

-Mira(S-Cells/Zenkai) - 24,000,000,000 -|- Towa Magically Empowering Mira(X800) - 19,200,000,000,000

-Towa - 600,000,000

-Kid Buu - 30,480,200,000,000 -|- Kaio-Ken(X2) - 60,480,200,000,000

-God of Darkness - ((Recoome Vessel) (One Half (50%))) Dragon Consumed = 3.1609512e+16 (Thirty-One Quadrillion Six Hundred Nine Trillion Five Hundred Twelve Billion) -|- ((Deteriorating Recoome Vessel) (One Half (50%))) Dragon Consumed = 1.5804756e+16 (Fifteen Quadrillion Eight Hundred Four Trillion Seven Hundred Fifty-Six Billion) -|-