Heading back to Earth, leaving a clone for Winter to order… around, I headed to Capsule Corp though instead of 'Instant Transmission', I took to flying through space, to clear my head and decide on my next move. To figure out how to deal with a literal god, one whose strength matched my own more or less in the same range of power as I.
Idly blasting my way through a decent sized asteroid, I came upon the sight of the planet Earth, I blasted forth and entered the stratosphere with ease, my Ki shrouded from heat as I entered the atmosphere, I came upon one of the largest cities and dived downwards, now noting that the city looked to be North City, as evidence from the northern snow-caped peaks and the winter landscape. Sensing around, I could feel that Vegeta was nearby, it was nighttime here on Earth so instead of annoying him in the night, I headed to West city to get something to eat.
"Hmm?" locking on to a large amount of energy to my right, I turned to face the east and sensed that Tien was close by.
"Heh, wasn't he, Yang and Chiaotzu established somewhere near North city? That felt like Tien though. Wonder who he's fighting." I said aloud, sensing for another, my concentration picked up that it wasn't Yang or Chiaotzu but Dabura. Though now, it seemed like their fluctuating Ki had calmed down now. The two of them being both alive also meant that Dabura wasn't trying to kill off Tien, nor the opposite. I decided to investigate before heading home. Eating could wait.
Blasting towards the reading of their Ki, the location was pretty dark, but I could see that outline of their energy, landing nearby the two of them, I called out to Tien.
"Tien, Dabura… what is happening here, you alright Tien?" I asked, Dabura's Ki felt tranquil, for a demon king, Tien's too, he replied nonchalantly, I had to quint to see where he was looking, dark and all.
"Huh… Kron, you're here then? You've wasted your time then; I was just finished with Dabura here. Dabura and I, along with Chiaotzu and Yang will be training together. Earn our trust and the like, he was easy to beat when I got going." Dabura grumbled, but didn't refute Tien's words. Getting sick of being in the dark, I powered up a 'Power Ball' and threw it upwards into the air with a lazy backwards throw, the technique exploded and enlightened the landscape around us.
"...Alright then, Kron… I'll be going now, Dabura, I'll see you tomorrow then." Tien gave me a nod and then took off into the air, Dabura and myself there left and I turned to him, he glanced towards me and smirked.
"Interesting technique, though as much as I want to beat you into submission, being beaten from Tien before, I require more strength to take you on. What has you suspicious of me Kron. I have made it clear; I am an ally… for now." Dabura took a step forwards, then a few more, heading for my direction, he passed me by and paused mid-stride, turning to me with a smirk, lit from the 'power ball' in the sky.
"Have you made in progress in those gods, their demise is in our best interest." I turned to match his gaze, suspicious of him.
"'Our' best interest? Hmm… right. I'll look forward to fighting you once more, until then. Keep an eye out, yeah." I casually rose into the air, left arm extended towards the artificial moon as I released a Ki-blast towards it, the purple-colored blast Illuminating the night sky with one final explosion of light.
She and Mira appeared from the darkness, in time to see the Saiyan Kron blasting upwards into the pitch night and Dabura regarded her with disinterest, he turned fully to her as he spoke, a deep tone bellowed out from him while he eyed Mira with a critical eye. Of course, she and her brother, plus her Mira was able to see one another in the darkness of the night, after all, darkness was their ally... so to be 'enemies' by this so-called 'god of darkness'… in order to escape, they still had to destroy this and the one of light, though she was yet to stumble upon any information about them on Earth at least.
"He's impressive, for… an unknown, he isn't an-" a beam of purple energy, no two beams shot downwards towards her, one ripping through her shoulder and the other missing by a degree or three, Towa flinched from the pain, the other beam which missed reacted queer-like, changing trajectory to an insane degree, homing in on her. Dabura flickered in front of her in time, knocking the beam out of the way in time, the beam assailed in an arc before hitting the ground nearby, exploding.
"I owe you for disrupting Goku's 'Spirit Bomb', you arrogant woman. You are hard to sense, but I've since learned how you feel whenever I sense for you. I thought I told you I'll gut you, the next time you cause trouble for us. Towa, Mira… Dabura, your sister is a nuisance, allow me to give her a thrashing, to teach her not to mess with us. Seeing as we're allies now… I will not brutalize her… too much" Towa glared, Mira stepped forwards as Dabura raised his right hand in front of her. Dabura glared towards her, before glaring at Kron.
"Unfortunate, but I cannot allow you to hurt my idiot of a sister. But I and Mira here, how about it Mira, us too against you, right here and now. I can use another battle; Mira here is also looking to be rearing to go. Aren't you, Towa's pet-" Mira blasted forwards, meeting with Kron in an instant, their flickering positions every time would end with them meeting with blows, as wind pockets exploded around the two of them. Dabura joined shortly after, and Towa glared towards the Saiyan, then at a thought, she smirked and rose both her hands and thrust them forwards. The energy she infused both Mira and Dabura enraptured the two of them and their strength rose as a result of her unique technique.
Towa sat back and watched, this time, with Mira being much stronger due to his Saiyan genes she used, and both Dabura and Mira being empowered by her, they should be able to teach the Saiyan a lesson not to lay a hand upon her body. The two of them should have enough power for this Saiyan now.
Mira and Dabura moved together, laying into Kron launching kicks and punches, which were dodged or deflected, or blocked, any attacks launched from Kron were also deflected and the two of them seemed to work together well as far as teamwork went, meaning they and by 'they', she meant Mira, hadn't disregarded Dabura.
"Impressive, with your sister's ability to raise the fighting powers of our allies, we should have a fighting chance in destroying the gods of darkness and light, then our alliance will come to an end… if you so wish it." Kron spoke, his Ki fluctuating wildly, he then shouted loudly, and a large orb of purple energy pulsed rapidly from out of him, multiple times as in quick succession, then Kron exploded in golden energy, a tint of green too-
"-That Ki… it cannot possibly be real-" Kron's howl, and his Ki pulsed out even larger, the green within that energy becoming more prominent, along with wisps of purple mixed in randomly, but less prominent than the golden green color. His muscle bulked to a larger size; Towa felt her skin grow cold at the sight. She knew of the legendary Super Saiyan, Broly… but another? How is that- how is this possible?
"Kron! Who is your father-" Kron knocked Dabura aside easily, Mira was still a lot stronger than Kron so far and easily kept up with him, with Dabura out of commission, landing in a hill which the impact forming a large crater, now it was just Kron, a legendary Super Saiyan, against Mira empowered by her.
"Hoh? Well, in any case, legend or no, Mira is much stronger now." Towa landed nearby to Dabura, who got to his feet, the damage inflicted upon him, Dabura smirked through the pain instead of glaring at Kron, just looked on in challenge. Towa scowled at his attitude but instead of questioning it, she glanced back at the fight.
Mira flickered towards Kron, the two of them met in the middle of the sky, the dark night sky flashing with the light blaring out from the Ki engulfing both of them, Mira quickly placed both hands together as an red energy sphere quickly formed, growing larger and he launched it towards Kron, the energy reached Kron, who instead of flickering out of the way, the Saiyan took the blast head on, holding on and the large energy sphere slowed down from the previous quick pace that it was launched with.
Towa could hear Kron's loud grunting, he fought against the sphere but Mira, her intelligent Mira… launched another Ki-blast into his own attack, detonating it, a large eclipsing sphere of energy erupted from the point of detonation, expanding outwards and lighting up the entire valley in which they were fighting in. This explosion was then blown out and out from all sides as a sphere of golden green energy pulsed out where Mira's energy sphere exploded at, this explosion then canceled out Mira's devastating wave of energy, Kron's Ki was now sparking randomly with bolts of white, light-blue colored lightning, his power further rose and Towa could feel that Mira was the weaker of the two of them this time. Before she could warn Mira of the threat that Kron seemed to bring this time, Kron flickered towards Mira, their blows meeting with Kron inflicting much more devastating exchanges between the two of them.
Towa bit her lip in anger, she turned sharply as Dabura chuckled, his deep tone of voice heard, grating in her ears, he sounded almost… excited? The prospect of fighting against this Saiyan, did he receive a serious amount of brain damage before?
"Hmm… you know something about Kron's increase in strength sister? Don't forget, I know you, know your tells very well, your surprise while well-hidden to any other, your ability to hide isn't hidden from me. Talk, sister." Towa glared, replying slowly, she scoffed in annoyance and a touch of anger which had Dabura glare in turn.
"T-There should be just one Legendary Super Saiyan… an insane Saiyan named Broly, he and his father-" she paused, the word 'father' echoing through her head. Her eyes locked onto Kron once more, particularly his skin tone, which matched with Paragus… Was that it? Was Kron another son of Paragus?
"Well, whatever you know, this fight is over. And might I say, I greatly enjoy Kron as he is now, brutalizing your little pet, and… it is over." Dabura cackled while Mira was launched downwards, a Ki-sphere hammering into him, pushing him down much faster and exploding at the point of impact with the ground. Kron flickered in front of her, a intense look of hatred on his face, he turned off the transformation and that intensity of hatred diminished a bit, Kron sneered at her before speaking.
"I'm not insane, unlike Broly was but don't give me a reason to be for you and Mira. Keep in touch and if you help out against these gods, will be square." Kron smirked, before taking off into the air, this time he left. Dabura chuckled once again, bidding Towa to glare his way.
"Hmm, sister… a Saiyan? That is what it takes to make you flush?" Dabura hovered upwards and left the area too, before Towa could snap at him, she headed over to where Mira was recovering, to see how much damage he had inflicted upon him.
(God of Light-POV)
His arrival on Earth was uneventful, those whose defense of this planet is abundant, he was here for the same reason as his brother.
Their Champion.
Possessing him would let them become as one, then, asserting their dominion on this large galaxy could become a reality. His brother left to do so, but their connection had told him that he had yet to succeed. His whereabouts was further away than this planet Earth. No help for he, the luminous god of light, his energy fueled by the various stars he passed by and the half of the planet Namek's dragon he consumed, his unimaginable power should be enough to now take 'Kron' as he calls himself now, the one who owed them for his new lease on life will have no choice but to bow his head and accept his reasoning for possessing him. Unlike his brother, who would have attempted to use brute force and arrogant tone of superiority, lording their superiority over the one they reincarnated together to help speed along their first projects civilizations use of the relics, now though that goal was no longer needed.
They fully decided long ago to leave Remnant but promised to come back when the relics were brought together, now though, he and his brother could reach new heights and using their past experience from creating Remnant, create all sorts of new worlds and life, while his brother would create more Grimm to keep them in check. First, they needed their champion, the one whose energy ran in this mortal, as it was 'their' energy' which ripped him into this fabric of reality and tore their small pocket dimension into this larger one, while the barrier to keep this dimension sealed and contained was nearing completion and would hold indefinitely, allowing those to come and go as they pleased as they did before.
Light sensed for that spark of energy, residing within 'Kron' and headed for him, intercepting him on the night side of the planet, stopping Kron in his tracks.
"You know why I am here, you'll feel much better if you accept my power, become one with me-" the reincarnation powered up to the fullest, his illuminating light that Light reflected around the night sky was now in competition with the colors of a golden yellow and green, the occasional wisps of purple energy surged upwards around the reincarnate and-
"-I'm not your servant, I don't owe you or that brother of yours nothing, you both are self-entitled beings with no care for what you've already created! But I'll gladly end your life, right now! Haaaargh ruuuuuuh raaaaaaaaaaah" Light manifested his golden light body and prepared for the upset reincarnation, it seemed now that he had no choice, he would have to put his foot down, 'Kron' as he's known will just have to accept that his life is now Lights own to mold-
"-I do not want to fight you, but you leave me no choice. You should have taken me in willingly, then our position in this galaxy could stand on strong foundations, now I will have to take your body by force-" he was cut off, the reincarnate blitzed forwards, flickering towards Light and he now realized why his brother had failed. This mortal's strength was off the charts! He had to escape, to find the Earth's dragon balls and consume-
"-Tyrant's Wave' haarrrrrrggh!" the wave of golden green with purple streaking through the technique overwhelmed him, washing over him in a constant barrage, the wave of energy begun to consume him whole, as Light made an attempt to leave the rushing energy now engulfing him. He heard the mortal scream out in rage, and Light found his position within the mass amount of energy untenable, he felt his body slowly corrode, vanishing as he desperately tried to leave the energy which kept him within the middle, slowly entrapping him, the large explosion begun to tear him apart! He called back the energy within the mortal which allowed him to find the mortal with ease, a desperate measure but in the end, this was a waste of time as his entire form begun to collapse, he felt himself disintegrating within.
"-Haaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh" I continued to pour more energy into the attack, feeling that the being within, seeing the god of lights essence trying to escape from my technique, I found myself smiling as the one creature within evaporated fully, leaving no energy behind as his body was torn apart from my 'Tyrants Wave'.
"...Hnnn, haaa… I feel good, this guy… at least I've dealt with one of them now. I'm too overpowered to be taken over by backwards gods whose unknown story should remain forgotten. Being a Legendary Super Saiyan now… currently in my 'Super Saiyan Primal' enhanced by the mutation of the legendary S-cells, I feel I can take on anything, god of darkness… finding it and finishing the job is my top most priority." powering down, I hovered in the area for a bit longer, taking a good look of the area and sensing around for if this joke god of light suddenly recovers or revives himself somehow, I ended up landing nearby and to calm down, I entered a state of calmness and kept my senses active encase the god of light would to reappear, hopefully I finished it off for good.
"...Well then, he's definitely not alive… if it was even a living being in the first place. Hmmm… now, I'd better get home and have a shower, get something nice to eat. Tracking down the other one is my goal, until it is also destroyed, whatever plans they have are still in play. Me and mine are at risk." I thought of my family, large and full of life. Standing upwards, I blasted off home and this time, hoped that I'd make it home without running into another of my allies, friends or… enemies.