Training Montage.



Now it had been one year, eleven months since I had returned from the Supreme Kai's planet, unlocking my full potential and destroying the God of Light, my run in with the God of Darkness and also that bit where Majin Buu was a threat, Super Buu… Kid Buu. Goku didn't end up wishing for Kid Buu to be reincarnated, so it was up to me, and I did so as soon as possible, at the same time where we also wished for the Namekian's killed by the Gods of Remnant and also wishing back their planet to the area in space it was destroyed at. The Namekian's dragon balls however, remained cracked and unusable, a conundrum that not even Moori could solve, even with the combination of his and Guru, whose fusion with Moori made him far more knowledgeable of the Namekian culture and magic abilities but even with that knowledge, solving this mystery was beyond them. They couldn't be healed either, Dende and a few of the other Namekian's tried, Moori the most skilled couldn't even do it.


The Namekian people, over eighteen hundred of them now that I mention them, were stranded on Earth for the time being, until Earth's dragon balls are reset.


The god of Darkness… that… whatever you'd call him, hadn't been found as of now, not even Shin or King kai had located him, so for the time being, so everyone kept up their training until he was found and destroyed for good.


Raven gave birth to another son a year ago, Vegeta named him Tora. Bulma gave birth to a daughter three six months ago, she named her Bulla, I would be training her soon when she was older. Now Vegeta, using a scouter, had checked his son's power level when he was born, it was pretty high, four hundred twenty-eight thousand. Thanks to how strong Vegeta and Raven were when he was conceived. While Bulla… she was born… what I believe was to be the legendary Super Saiyan, for her power was over four billion six hundred million two hundred forty-eight thousand. Possibly thanks to being conceived while I had unlocked the legendary Super Saiyan abilities I had, she was a naturally born 'Legendary Super Saiyan', like Broly was. She would need… me and Bulma to raise her well, so she didn't end up like Broly, I wasn't worried about that though, for now at her young age and her tail, she would be an instant planet obliterate with that kind of power so her sleeping patterns will be heavily monitored, same with Tora, Raven would handle Tora though.


Most everyone kept up their training, with Gohan and myself being sparring partners with Goku, Vegeta, Raditz, Zangya, Trunks from the future, Sixteen and Dabura primarily were the main partners which fought us two, either Gohan or I against a combination of them. The Saiyan's Zenkai's they gained also helped for their growth, while others like Sixteen, Zangya and Dabura only gained a minuscule amount by sparring, it was their own personal training via one of Bulma's newest gravity chamber devices.


Tien and Yang, along with Chiaotzu, with Yamcha, Krillin and Eighteen came together to spar, while also using their own gravity chamber devices to get stronger, Yamcha was fifty, fifty on training though, his baseball keeping him fulfilled.


To make a long story short, everyone was training for the time that the god of darkness would show up, but as of now, life went on. Majin Buu kept busy, that is, being a all-devouring glutton, sapping Hercules massive bank account, Hercule continued his own training, while Gohan and Videl grew more closer, Gohan making time to help train her too.


Capsule Corp expanded, the corporation too but I was talking about the main home to which we now lived in, with all the room, enough for thousands of people, plenty of room for the extended family to have their own rooms. A merger of 'Schnee Industries Corporation' and 'Capsule Corp' went ahead as planned, by Winter and Bulma to combine their resources, the Planet Sadala was, as I was told, experiencing growth as a stable colony of earth. That was well and interesting, but as a Saiyan, I was less interested in all the politics that played back and forth between Winter and Bulma, the two of them merging brought them together instead as allies, Capsule Industries Corp.


The kids… my sons Trunks, Anthony and Achilles and my daughters, Jaina, Ursula and Wylla along with Goten and Tarble pretty were pretty much growing up together, not in the same house of course, I meant that the time they spent with one another was, both to their benefit and helped to foster good relations between them all. Krillin and Eighteen's daughter Marron also frequented either her parents place, Raven and Vegeta's sizable place- no longer a Capsule Corp ship with a gravity chamber, or our place, 'Capsule Industries Corp' headquarters. Vegeta and I, you could say we grew closer, his appetite to train kept me training as hard as he, Goku kept up with the two of us, Vegeta and he had an epic fight about nine months ago, going all out which almost caused south city to sink into the ocean… 'that' was a problem avoided, by quick thinking from Vegeta, who had with regret, stopped the fight and instead asked for me to send them to another planet. Yeah, that planet was heavily damaged. South City was repaired by 'Capsule Industries Corp', the foundation of the city reinforced heavily.


I wanted to investigate the PTO too, those guys were still running amok, fighting among themselves, there was a thirst… for beating the crap out of Planet Trade Organization remnants, fighting Recoome… then the Recoome possessed with the god of darkness… that brought me back, to my days of the elite Ginyu force. I felt like sending a clone or two… I have plenty of power to use with clones, to live that space-type adventuring while I myself, continued to train and be a father to my kids, a husband to my loving wives.


I, right now was overlooking a free for all, Trunks, Achilles and Anthony versus Jaina, Ursula and Wylla was the teams, their sparring was being held in a larger than normal gravity chamber, a newer version of it called a gravity coliseum, more stronger, durable metals that could take quite a beating, a higher gravity level and a more wider space to fight or train within. It also came with a built-in stereo system, a radio signal too, which was handy, if nothing else.


Every one of the kids were within 'Super Saiyan' forms, each dashing across the space, held by a gravity intense enough not to hinder their growth, their blows upon one another a chaotic dance of attack and defense. Girls versus boys, their teamwork was also as good as it could get. They, unlike the likes of Goten, had their tails either flaring wildly behind them, a gold color from their transformations or wrapped firmed around their waists, grabbing said tails would do little to hinder them as I'd made sure to build them up a tolerance to having their tails grabbed.


Stray energy blasts deflected to myself were reflected back to them, empowered a little as a kind of punishing round, adding to the training, kind of like dodge ball, I also launched my own Ki-blasts within the large coliseum, mentally channeling my energy to move them in random directions, adding more challenge to their bout, they could also use these Ki-blasts against their opponents however they could do so.


Pyrrha, as she kept up her training the most out of all my wife's, had come here with me, using another part of the coliseum-sized arena to train herself and to keep an eye on the bout, there was much even she was learning from watching this kind of battle play out in front of her, much like myself as the kids did pull out some interesting… combo's, their own techniques and other abilities that could help them in a pitch. Pyrrha also became quite close with Zangya, they trained together and at times I would join them. Though training with Zangya, she always would send mixed signals my way which I understood that she desired me in an intimate fashion. What confused me though was Pyrrha's seemingly 'approval' of the situation though as of now neither she nor i made to 'act' upon it, confusingly much to Pyrrha's disappointment.


A stray blast, curtsy of Ursula, who'd used her own variant of my 'Royal Spear' upon her half-brother Trunks, which he managed to reinfect it towards myself with all his might, reminded me suddenly of my fight against Vegeta, the first one since I had become a full-blooded mutant, 'Legendary Super Saiyan variant, that is. Ever since witnessing my dramatic change, that of the intensified bulk of my transformed state in which I fought him in, he had redoubled his efforts to newer heights, our strength wedging even further only seemed to push him harder to catch up. He also told me something interesting… something that he forgotten that he remembered hearing about when he was but a child. Telling me that, after Paragus was exiled, the supposed corpse of Broly taken with him, which in that case, Broly survived, that Paragus also had another son…


Anyway, being told that, I was his son, that Broly was 'my' brother, explained little about why I was a mutant like Broly was, thanks to Old Kai as I my potential, every ounce had been unlocked for me had accelerated my Ki-density enough to, in Bulma's words, evolve. I did look a little like Paragus, that is in skin color, seeing as I didn't know him though told me that I must have, prior to been blasted to the planet Remnant through that wormhole, sent as a baby off to a planet when I was born, for I knew nothing of any father nor mother.


Finding out that, in fact, I did have a father in this life, and also a brother, to which I hadn't held back to eradicating for good… eh, well, this Broly was not that newer version I remembered seeing, back in my old… old life.


Hearing of my increase in strength, that of my now mutated 'Super Saiyan Variant forms' which I and the others, plus Bulma through some experiments she went over with her father for a little bit, considered to be a permanent part of me now, it was why Bulla was also born with a higher S-cell level than the other kids, why she was born the way she was, stronger and screaming when she came out of Bulma. Bulma, of course, survived the procedure, but unless she went ahead and proceeded to summon the dragon to wish her womb to be healed, would be barren after that bloody procedure. It also made me wary of the others too, I didn't want to cause one of them to die that way, I don't think the dragon could wish back them dying a natural death as cause by a dire extreme case of childbirth. Seven Kids is enough for me now, I was blessed having seven of them.


"Keep up your guard Jaina! Trunks, go easy on your sister alright. Good lad." I called out casually, Jain out of all of them, the most disinterested in fighting, a much more extreme compared to Gohan, Speaking of Jaina… nothing still, as to the whereabouts of the 'future' version of my daughter, I was worried but, King Kai knew to contact me when and if he found her location.


She could have headed through the wormhole, I was loath to go through it again myself, that is the time that was skipped for the one or those who travel through it, a day or two of travel within turning out as what? It's been a long time- ten, eleven days? Like I said, that place, didn't nor did I have the inclination to go through once again. 'Future' Jaina would turn up, and King Kai would help to allow me to sense her out, for which I would use 'Instant Transmission' to help her or see if she needed help… with whatever plans she had. With the god of light dealt with though, this mess would be settled once I and the others deal with the god of darkness, is only a matter of time until it resurfaces.




The line of souls behind him was boundless. Still waiting for Recoome's own judgment, the line where Recoome's soul lined up at thinned out quite a bit, he was getting closer to the so-called judge who'd sort out where 'Recoome' would head too, knowing that it should most likely be going to where doomed souls go. Hell, the underworld, whatever these otherworldly fools called it, it was only a matter of time. Perfected to an art, his own signature within Recoome could no longer be felt, he or should he say, 'Recoome's soul' was no longer been looked at by the local troll-like beings with either fear or nervousness, no longer was his darker nature… been sensed by these cretins, Darkness had no sense of time, everything will come to fruition and then, his plan will begin.


He had to be careful still, as there was still a wisp of his energy leaving him constantly, reinforcing the illusion he and his now dead brother placed upon this realm, particularly this over world he found himself within.


'When my plan is enacted, I will also take the opportunity to devour these other souls, finding out where those judged to be paragons of good end up would also be in my best interest in gathering more power, then and only then… will that reincarnate will be finally snuffed out, his own soul I will enjoy devouring and taking his body as my own.


Darkness could also feel a lot of stronger souls, somewhere within this dimension though in a higher plane than the one he found himself in, though going after them as he is now, would end with his final destruction, they seemed overwhelming when he had the chance to sense them. Prioritizing the soul's weakest, moving carefully within this realm, lest he becomes discovered early on before he was ready.


'...I cannot wait to see the look of despair on that mortal's face, when I come back, stronger than him… The look as I devour everything he holds dear, in retribution to his dismissal to not allowing my possession of the mortal…' His consciousness went back to a state of hibernation, seeing that he hadn't yet been judged, or well… his current 'host', Recoome's soul.




Landing on Roshi's island, he spotted Krillin, Eighteen, Marron their daughter swimming. A hot day, master Roshi was also outside, tanning on a chair, chuckling to himself, peering towards Eighteen in her bathing suite.


"Hey! Krillin, Eighteen. How are you master Roshi." Yamcha casually slapped a hand on Roshi's bald head, startling him as Krillin chuckled waving him over, Eighteen sending him the barest of looks before her gaze returned to Marron, swimming in the ocean with her.


"Hey man, you made it. Your looking good bro, keeping up your training looks like it. Come, grab a drink." Yamcha headed over, sitting on the sand and looking inside the cooler, grabbing himself a soda, opening it while glancing at Krillin who was sunbathing on the beach.


"I'm good, training and what not, yeah, everything's been good. Still winning it big at baseball. Though I bet you've seen me play on the T.V. It's been a year man, training for that creature- that god guy. He hasn't been seen since." Krillin sighed, taking a sip of his own drinking, wiping off his face.


"Yeah, I know what you mean. Whoever it is, they haven't made any moves as of yet, but… all we can do is keep an eye out and continue our training. But enough about that, this is going to be swell, we've hadn't really had a reunion in a while, eh? It's going to be like the old days- eh, speaking of old days, there's Raditz and Launch incoming over there." Krillin pointed upwards, Raditz flying over, unlike his usual armor, he was dressed as a civilian, a hoodie and shorts while Launch, the blonde… was held in Raditz arms, dressed in as yellow bikini and green short shorts.


They landed nearby, with Raditz scoffing towards them, as Launch headed over, a sub-machine gun appearing in her hand, she chucked it on top of Master Roshi and headed for Eighteen, the only other woman here as of now.


"Man, look at that stick in the mud. I remember when he first appeared, throwing me through Roshi's place… He's only here for the food!" Krillin chuckled, whispering to Yamcha and he cracked up laughing, trying not to look over to the scowling Raditz.


"Man, I will tell you this, that guy must be stronger than everyone here- even your wife at this point-" Krillin shook his head, disagreeing smugly.


"Nah, Eighteen is stronger- especially with 'Kaio-Ken' in use. Man, well. Want to help me inside, I've got to get started on dinner. Bulma, Kali and Blake will take over when they arrive. We're just going to uh, peel and prep and stuff." Yamcha stood up, taking another can from the cooler and then glancing at Raditz. Yamcha chucked the can towards Raditz, who caught it, sneering at him. Yamcha just waved, calling out.


"Hey Raditz! Good to see you man. Alright dude, see you at dinner." Raditz just cracked the can and leaned against the palm tree, drinking. Yamcha chuckled as Krillin looked on a bit worried, Krillin seemingly having flashbacks about Raditz first time arriving upon the island. Over the course of an hour, more arrived at the island, from Kron and his large family to Vegeta and his, then Goku, Gohan and Chichi with Videl coming along with Gohan. Zangya didn't come until two hours later, along with Piccolo coming last with Seventeen and Sixteen ten minutes or so before him.


Yamcha and Krillin, along with Tien and Chiaotzu sat down and talked with Goku reminiscing on their adventures telling these tales to the others who would listen, Kron raptly paid attention to them which while strange, wasn't that weird coming from the guy. Another year gone by, still though they remained vigilant for the threats to come.