(King Kai-POV)
"As I say that, Supreme Kai, this dark god has not been located, nor the other one neither." King Kai explained, looking around the planet of the grand Kai's planet, the other three Kai's stood around, already making their report, the same as his own he was just now making. The Grand Kai sat on his comfy chair, Shin replied, nodding.
"As of now, only the search for one of them is at hand, the other one has been confirmed destroyed. The confirmation was made when I received this scroll, from the supreme Kai of time, a message she managed through the cracks, to this timeline. The note only asked about why our timeline is currently not accessible. I cannot send a message back to reply as of now, but the cracks… with the one being destroyed, this other one must be found and this threat, ended as quick as possible. Regional Kai's, keep an eye out in your assigned sectors, Grand Kai, I want you to keep your warriors of the dead searching in this world as well, seeing that this god is divine, he could potentially be hiding in this realm as well." the Grand Kai waved him off, nodding with a relaxed grin, he replied in a slow way, laid back to the Supreme Kai.
"Ah, oh yeah, right sir… right… yeah, the boys will keep an eye on out… cool…" the man sat back down, done with speaking and Shin sighed, as he and Kibito headed out, teleporting off.
"Well, that is that. The supreme kai of time, she's finally gotten through this veil blocking out communication with us." the South Kai said with a smile, hovering upwards and leaving for his own planet. East and West stood around, East chuckled, she then teleported off while the west Kai chuckled, he called out to King Kai, a sneer crossing his face, though it was not malicious, just that of their own rivalry as King Kai glowered at him in return.
"I'll see you next time North Kai, keep an eye out, I and Pikkon, Pikkon especially is looking forward to challenging your warriors-" King Kai waved him off, teleporting to his own planet and flipping off his shoes, rubbing his toes into the grass with a happy sigh.
"...Well…" he sighed, taking a look around his part of the universe, the northern quadrant of the galaxy, using his antennae. His focus on the goings on in his northern quadrant, he made a brief peak on Earth but seeing as they were fine, searched around for signs of this rouge god in other areas within his northern section of the galaxy.
I was sent out, to hunt some of the PTO by the original, to go explore the galaxy some more, as there is still plenty to see. The planet trade organization- seeing Recoome again, brought back some nostalgia to my life, I wouldn't mind killing more of these guys but no, what I was really interested in was finding out if I could locate any other Saiyan's, Tarble among them, but there could always be others.
The galaxy is still a vast place to which I could scout out, much like the other few clones going in other directions at this moment as well, I was just one of four sent out. The planet Trade Organization… taking that empire over is also an idea but bah… I was pretty lazy these days and only liked to fight, make new techniques and push myself to greater heights, fighting-wise, leaving the 'empire building' to both Winter, her mother and brother and also Bulma's company, which was very much accelerated via technology by the what was it- black… box? Science- whatever that Winter sold off to the Briefs upon her arrival all those years ago, prior to Raditz first showing up.
Seeing as I didn't need a ship, with my 'Aura Sphere' technique keeping me alive, I blasted off in a random direction, keeping my senses up and about as to scout out any potential target or point of interest which could be sensed.
I did land on the home world of the Arcosian people, Arcose for a spell, trading some of my wealth for food supplies, even a clone got hungry and the like, seeing these business-aliens again, their older leaders remembered me or well, that of my race by the tail at my waist and warned me about the planet Trade Organization still being strong in this area. I even brought some souvenirs, just some latest in the line in some weaponry, armor, scouters and the like for which I thought Bulma would appreciate tearing apart to see how they tick, they even had some other things, swords, books, training devices- you name it, they welcomed my patronage and I got enough stuff for the wife's, I would have to be especially careful not to have myself dispel from being foolish in a fight or something.
The week after that visit, I headed over for a brief stop to the planet Yardrat, to see Pybara and his people, though they were a bit miffed I didn't bring them any sweat potato's as an offering, so it was a brief visit as well as a promise to come see them again and next time, bring them some, for Pybara wanted to train me further.
The original could do so later, Pybara called it 'Forced Spirit Fission' and the brief time I showed him my own progress in the brief pit-stop on his world, he believed that I was ready for the next step in spirit control training. I made a mental note and left that planet, as the next planet I visited confirmed to me that the PTO weren't as Remnant as I would have thought. They seemed to be organizing and such, the alien whose species was that of Cui, told me so before I showed him the molten core of his planet, blasting him and his racist friends into space dust.
"Oh? Hmm, another planet- big readings too in life force… I can sense… strong powers- I will hold myself back and not kill these ones; I need to learn a bit more of this area of space encase there are anything of interest." I blasted into the atmosphere, noting the amount of traffic, the familiar shaped buildings of PTO base structures and then grinned. Landing in a more rundown part of the city, the place had various amounts of people going about their business, not just that of soldiers or grunts. Actual people, who if I could guess, were merely citizen of the old empire. You would think that this planet was conquered some time ago at first, but upon landing you'll see that even the non-military building was that of the planet Trade organization styling, everywhere you looked, though there were different colored buildings compared to the military areas- where I felt the most concentration of powerful… enough fighters. To disguise myself as I hit the streets of this alien world, I also wore the latest in line of the PTO armor, that I looted on the planet I last blew to dust, while wearing a scouter which I got from the Arcosian's.
"This is a decent city… a lively place. Hey you, what planet is this?" I questioned the nearest passerby, a warthog alien of some kind, who grimaced slightly as I grabbed him. He was a PTO grunt of course, his gaze narrowed in on my tail which is when he started sweating like the pig he is.
"T-This is F-Frieza planet thirty-one. You a-are, a Saiyan-" I grabbed him, pulling him closer, and then like a mate, patted him on the shoulder.
"Fret not, I'm just looking around. Now, who is the leader of this planet- the garrison?" I asked this time, motioning the guy over to a stall, an alien woman behind her stall shop begun closing but I snapped my fingers at her.
"Get me a plate, and my friend here too." the guy was held on tightly, he couldn't shake me off and I motioned for him to sit down.
"Alright big guy. I don't suppose you know who I am right?" the guy shook his head, before replying hesitantly, though his eyes lit up at the meal given to us.
"What do you want to konow… I only know that you're one of those mangy Saiyan's, you survived somehow- Hey! Over here!" he signaled someone behind me, I took a nice helping of my meal, it tasted quite good-
"-H-Hey! On your feet Saiyan! You will come with us to the garrison commander. Up on your feet, beast." Already done with my meal, I laid a few Arcosian notes on the table for the alien vendor and turned to face the PTO force, there were four of them, though the yelling was attracting attention, there were other troopers heading over as well, the sight of the altercation attracting another group overhead, flying in.
Realizing they were communicating via their scouters, I was now found out, though I didn't give a shit, more amused than anything. The four- now twelve warriors, with energy readings not of concern for me, I instead surrendered, deeming it the fastest way to get to the leaders.
"I surrender… take me to your leader." I smirked while the alien grunts rounded me up, putting up a brave front.
Life went on for Vegeta, the threat of this unknown god being merely an afterthought, the bastard was in hiding, that much he knew. Vegeta continued his own training, training his son and he started training his daughter as well. His baby daughter, Échalote being born a year more or less ago, he grunted when Piccolo came at him, blasting his Ki-blast enshrouding him, Sixteen's own blast came upon Piccolo next, which changed Piccolo's priority to the cyborg, Sixteen's strength was increased by his own training, made him even stronger then Vegeta's 'Super Saiyan 4' form, but as a cyborg, he also got some of his strength from upgrades from Bulma, Kron's smart wife. Now that Raven begun working under Capsule Corp, her training slowed as she also watching the kids this week. Clones and all that.
Vegeta smirked, his Ki swirling in his right hand as he thrust it forwards, a beam of purple energy assailed, expanding rapidly now encompassing both Piccolo and Sixteen's positions.
"Time to end this! Haaaaaaaagh!" he pumped more Ki into his attack, the sky lit up as the blast exploded, obscuring everyone's sight. Kron could be sensed then wind bursts begun to push against the explosion, rapidly blipping against the explosion in quick succession, his fight with Kakarot and Zangya at the same time, Raditz and Tien coming in to assist the two against him.
Kron and Vegeta this time, this spar, these large brawls were Pyrrha's idea, Kron's warrior wife, a kind of tournament for only those who was in their clique, strong enough to bother fighting with. Vegeta snarled, Sixteen and Piccolo appearing- Piccolo with one less arm though he sprouted a fresh one as he closed-in on him, the three of them now trading blows with one another at a quickened pace.
Vegeta edged forwards, flickering in the middle of Piccolo and Sixteen, though the two made to catch him, Sixteen's right hand blasted forward, knocking into him while a elongated arm of Piccolo's wrapped around him and grabbed him at the tail, he growled in a bit of pain, though he fought through it, them pushing him like this was what a Saiyan enjoyed.
"Come now Piccolo, Sixteen, is that the best-"
"-'Hell's Beam'!" Sixteen roared out, his hands removed and held between his arm pits, blasting a fierce, twin red beams from the gauntlets where his hands were removed from, Piccolo also shouted out at that moment.
"'Hellzone Grenade' haaaaaaaaaah!!" The two of their attacks combined, hitting Vegeta at the same time, though at that split second, another attack, purple in color smacked into the combined might of Sixteen and Piccolo's attacks. Vegeta was hit by the combined blast, though the two from Sixteen and Piccolo exploded prematurely before engulfing him, he had the sense to blast downwards from the overhead mix of explosions.
Vegeta flickered right near Kron as he landed onto the scorched ground, wrecked of multiple craters and debris, Vegeta took a position to ready himself for a combined attack from the others.
"Kron, it is time. Show them all- Haaaaaaaaaaaagh!!" Vegeta pulled out everything, 'Super Saiyan four' or 'Primal', whatever- his strength flared out around him, as Kron too bent into a position to exert his own strength. Their aura's flared, intertwining together, Vegeta's harsh red and Kron's reddish green mixing up. Kron and Vegeta then chose their targets, Piccolo and Zangya Kron's new targets.
Vegeta went after Raditz, blasting into his position, his right hand suddenly reaching forwards with a Ki-blast held, ripping into Raditz armored abdomen, blasting him into the ground. A follow-up, Vegeta created a mass number of Ki-blasts, launching them in a volley towards the ground, their homing wisps arching in a circle right towards where Raditz stood. Kakarot teleported suddenly, Vegeta witnessed the 'Instant Transmission', Kakarot holding a two-finger salute to his forehead before both Raditz and Kakarot vanished upwards, joining Piccolo, Zangya, Tien and Sixteen.
Vegeta paused for a moment, taking a quick breather as he witnessed as Kron while the target, he was pretty much at half strength, what with a clone the bastard made to send into space for some silly adventure as stupid as looking for the remnants of the Planet Trade Organization. Still, he was holding his own against them all, Vegeta growled out, gathering energy for a massive Ki-blast towards them all. Kron would dodge, but right now he was keeping them all grouped up.
Energy erratically discharged around him, electrical bolts danced up around his Ki, his body as he cupped his hands together, the starting of a large sphere forming within his hands. The energy made a low-sounding constant hum, which continued to get louder, the energy sphere formed, and he launched it.
"'Final Flash' Haaaaaaaaagh!!" the large red beam annihilated floating debris, rounding out an instant crater around where he stood. Kron Hammered right into Piccolo, right elbow cracking into his jaw, while the others reacted to the blast, their attempt to forestall the beam, their own energy formed up as they used their own KI to try to hold the beam back for a moment.
Kron reappeared right near him, while Kakarot, Raditz, Piccolo and Tien flickered further backwards away from them- away from the blast, launching their own beams down while Zangya flickered up to her allies, adding her own beam to the others. All beams fought against Vegeta's large Ki-Blast, as Kron huffed out.
"...'Royal… … … Spear haaaaaaaa!!" his own beam reached up and connected with Vegeta's beam, adding to the large energy swirl in the sky, the culmination of the attacks causes a chain-reaction, a large explosion erupted, from all the attacks detonating after too much energy in a small area couldn't hold on no longer.
"Next!" the large, red judge called out, a tone of authority as well as boredom could be heard from the godling's voice. The soul of Recoome flew forwards, now after a long time of waiting in line, it was now 'Recoome's Soul' to be judged, the ogre guards shuffled forwards in awaiting of the larger man's sentence.
"Hmm… Now, let's see here… … … right! Recoome! Former Ginyu Force member, Warlord… right! Killed by uh, killed in a weird way… Possession by a rogue god… … killed by Kron- Hmm! That must mean, you! Get me King Kai! I need to Warn him that this rogue god is on the loose out there still. Send this Recoome to hell. Now… Next! Tell me when King Kai arrives!" he turned to one of the trolls, who nodded whilst replying.
"Yeah Sir! On it!" Recoome and consequently, Darkness hidden within were beamed downwards, falling into a black hole, they fell for a while. Upon landing, a new realm for which he found himself stuck in, the Form of Recoome split from him as he left his body while erasing any memories of his possession within his soul, now a formless wisp of black energy, Darkness floated for a while, searching.
'Now, even this realm has many souls within… I will have a good time, finding and assimilating every soul I can, but first… exploring this realm and finding some of the stronger souls within, possibly there were prisons holding more dangerous foes, especially evil souls and other damned entities he could take into his being. That Recoome left to head out, wandering and running into other, damned souls while Darkness headed into another random direction, noting all the weak, but numerous souls, in humanoid forms, wandering around within the hellish landscape. Red skies, desert lands and lava rivers, Darkness felt all the 'dark' feelings and emotions of this realm, their hopeless causes and so he picked one of them, alone and fall of hate. Some alien, Darkness formed into his 'dragon' form and then in an instant as the alien turned to glance in his direction with curiosity, Darkness ate the unknown alien in one bite, his soul converting into a minuscule amount of god energy that expanded his reserves… by a very tiny amount.
It worked… he absorbed every ounce of the alien, the soul which formed as this persons body it had in life, was consumed by him, he smiled in his 'dragon form' rumbling animalistically, his throat rumbling as he laughed. Darkness's mouth didn't move as he spoke, that of his dragon form slowly morphed into his humanoid form,
"...This is it; this is how I'll gather enough energy… I'd better search around for the more powerful souls, but quantity is a certain kind of quality… in a way… Time to get to work." He slowly vanished into the ground, intangible and he sensed for his next targets, slowly stalking each one, keeping his existence hidden within this realm.
(Word Count for the Power List - 630)
?? = power-level is rising after training but not checked.
?-? = Suppressed.
(Battle - Powers)
(Battle - Powers)
(Legendary Super Saiyan Through S-Cells)
-Kron/MC Base = 84,804,200,000 Base -|- Oozeru(X10) = 848,042,000,000 -|- Golden Oozeru(X500) = 42,402,100,000,000 -|- Wrathful State(X10) = 848,042,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan(X150) = 12,720,630,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X150) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = X3,150 = 267,133,230,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan-II(X300) = 25,441,260,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan2(X300) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = X5,400 = 457,942,680,000,000 -|- Kaio-ken -X100 = 8,480,420,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan(X150) X Wrathful State(X10) = X1,500 = 127,206,300,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan4(Primal(X36,000)) = 3,052,951,200,000,000(Three Quadrillion Fifty-Two Trillion Nine Hundred Fifty-One Billion Two Hundred Million) -|- Legendary Super Saiyan4(Primal(X36,000)) X Wrathful State(X10) = X360,000 = 3.0529512e+16 (Thirty Quadrillion Five Hundred Twenty-Nine Trillion Five Hundred Twelve Billion)
-Raditz Base = 56,240,880 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 1,912,189,920 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 562,408,800 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 2,812,044,000
-(Future) - Trunks Base = 64,246,860 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 3,212,343,000 -|- Super Saiyan II (X100) = 6,424,686,000
-(Present) Trunks Base = 35,884,276 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 1,794,213,800
-Ursula Base = 35,745,345
-Achilles Base = 31,908,452
-Anthony Base = 32,145,108
-(FUTURE) - Jaina Base = 2,800,000 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000
-(Present) - Jaina Base = 21,460,487 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 1,073,024,350
-Yang = 43,700,440 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,709,427,280
-Goku Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 148,980,080 -|- Kaio-ken - X100 = 14,898,008,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 7,449,004,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = 1,050 = 156,429,084,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 14,898,008,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = 1,800 = 268,164,144,000 -|- Super Saiyan-III(X400) = 59,592,032,000
-Zangya Base = 6,400,000,000
-Winter Base = 23,848,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X48 = 1,144,704,000
-Krillin Base = 23,086,248 -|- Kaio-ken - X54 = 1,246,657,392
-Pyrrha Base = 42,700,924 -|- Kaio-ken - X64 = 2,732,859,136
-Gohan Base = 96,068,000,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 960,680,000,000 - Kaio-ken - x46 = 4,419,128,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,803,400,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,606,800,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken - x18 = 1,800 = 172,922,400,000,000
-Vegeta Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 122,600,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 6,130,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan Saiyan-II(X100) = 12,260,000,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 1,226,000,000 -|- Golden Oozeru(X500) = 61,300,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) = 490,400,000,000
-Raven Base = 40,240,620 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,494,918,440
-Blake Base = 26,084,460 -|- Kaio-ken - x49 = 1,278,138,540
-Weiss Base = 26,042,459 -|- Kaio-ken - x43 = 1,119,825,737
-Yamcha Base = 21,000,097 -|- Kaio-ken - x53 = 1,113,005,141
-Tien Base = 28,063,800 -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 1,852,210,800
-Chiaotzu Base = 12,000,000
-Ruby Base = 6,400,000
-Piccolo Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 6,060,800,000 (Weighted Clothes) -|- 7,000,000,000 ((Full Power) (Weighted Clothes Removed)) -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 462,000,000,000
-Chichi Base = 8,000
-Sixteen Base = 2,880,860,048
-Seventeen Base = 2,246,084,200 -|- Kaio-ken - X36 = 80,859,031,200
-Eighteen Base = 2,242,870,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 76,257,580,000
-Qrow Base = 23,084,021 -|- Kaio-ken - X46 = 1,061,864,966
-Hercule Max = 600
-Kibito Base = 90,000,000
-Shin Base = 4,200,000,000
-Dabura = 5,000,000 - Under Seals, also under control Of Babidi. -|-500,000,000 = Original Power Level with seals on power removed, No longer under Babidi's thrall. -|- 400,000,000,000 Empowered by Towa. (X800)
-Majin Buu (Full Power) = 20,600,200,000,000
-Mira(S-Cells/Zenkai) - 24,000,000,000 -|- Towa Magically Empowering Mira(X800) - 19,200,000,000,000
-Towa - 600,000,000
-Kid Buu???? (Reincarnated) - 30,480,200,000,000????
-God of Darkness - ((Recoome Vessel) (One Half (50%))) Dragon Consumed = 3.1609512e+16 (Thirty-One Quadrillion Six Hundred Nine Trillion Five Hundred Twelve Billion) -|- ((Deteriorating Recoome Vessel) (One Half (50%))) Dragon Consumed = 1.5804756e+16 (Fifteen Quadrillion Eight Hundred Four Trillion Seven Hundred Fifty-Six Billion) -|-
-God Of Light - Destroyed Utterly.