Big Gete Star Shows Up, Talk About Timing.



His people, the Namekian's remained on earth for the time being, while the reset for the earth's had been done, there was still the process of collecting them which is well underway. With Nail away, learning under King Kai for a spell, he could be wished back any time, Dende and Moori however were still having trouble.


The Namekian Dragon balls, these were still cracked, as if their energies were erased from within them or they were drained, by the rogue gods Dende was told by Moori it would have been due to them. The Earths dragon balls were then, highly prioritized to be guarded by Earths strongest fighters, with the four-star dragon ball with Goku, the others would be given to one of the others after their use for the year.


"Dende, there. They have arrived." Mr. Popo said, pointing as Moori and Dende turned, seeing as Seventeen, Krillin, Eighteen and Yamcha landed down, the seven sets of dragon balls with them, held by them all, Yamcha the only one carrying one of the balls, the others carrying two each.


"Alright guys, hngh… catch Dende dude." Yamcha casually threw the three-star ball towards Dende, his eyes widened as it approached him, but it stopped mid-throw, an eerie blue glow around it, Dende seen Mr. Popo's eyes lit up and the seven dragon balls hovered over to them.


"A-Alright then, I- now, the wishes, first Namek then you all sent there." Dende glanced at Moori, who replied.


"And then, if Nail is ready, to revive him on Namek. That is it." Dende nodded, glancing down as the dragon balls were lowered by Mr. Popo's telekinesis. There, Yamcha yelled out, a bit spry, a toothy grin on his face.


"Right! I'm off, Later's. Catch you later Krillin." he jumped off the lookout as Krillin called out.


"Right man, see you." Dende, concentrated, before he too, spoke loudly, calling on the dragon.


(Weiss Schnee-POV)


"Huh… the sky has dimmed, anyway you were saying." she turned to Bulma, who was tinkering in her laboratory, designing newer blueprints for her gravity chamber series. Weiss was assisting her, as much as she could when the side-paneling sunroof dimmed of sunlight, Bulma continued working, only humming, her concentration tunnel vision on her work keeping her focused.


"...Hmm, yeah- right. Weiss, come over here. Look at this." Weiss checked over her something, that of Bulma's newest designs, Bulma glanced at her expectantly, Weiss glanced at it and nodded…


"Uh, yeah. So, you're finished then, we should get out of here, it's a good day and here we are, stuck in your lab. We've been here for four hours Bulma, might as well get out of here-"


"-This part here… the conductors used for this section are here, here and… here…" Weiss just looked, with Bulma hyper-focused, it would take a miracle to get her out of here now. Their concentration on the blueprints continued, the side-paneling sunroof to the outside, even from the basement location of the lab they were at, the sky once again lit up as the dimmed sky went back to normal, Weiss looked up for a brief amount of time when her gaze was pulled further upwards, she seen a red star… in the sunlight. No, perhaps a meteor? Something was coming down, somewhere on the planet, maybe a ship of either 'Capsule Industries Corp' malfunctioned. Anyway, perhaps this would bring the brainiac to her senses, Weiss shoved Bulma, she glared up at her.


"Huh- what Weiss. Come on-"


"-Look you brainiac, there is something coming down! Look up idiot-" Bulma growled, though she went ahead and glanced upwards, seeing that the 'red star' turned out to be a fireball coming downwards, growing larger. Bulma and Weiss headed up out of the lab, Bulma yelling out as she led the way.


"It could be a asteroid, or a meteor. Or it could be one of the guys or gals, fighting and they sent a stray blast overhead. No... look, it's much bigger than that. It might be a ship… it's… definitely not natural." The sky was dimming once again, though this time the sun seemed to be blocked out slowly, like an eclipse as this… round object continued to head downwards- No! It is larger-


"-What is it? It nothing 'Capsule Industries Corp' has created!" the thing came down like a tidal wave of metal, with a few arms of it even crushing a portion of West City, Titanic in size, the noise it made as it landed upon the planet could deafen anyone hearing it. It was then that, as it landed, that of some sort of large unidentified object, large and foreboding that, the sky become littered with waves upon waves of metal robots flying around and landing, attacking civilians. Bulma and Weiss met up with everyone else up currently still at the Briefs domed home, on the lawn.


With most of the kids at school, Pyrrha was seen heading in the direction of the school, blasting through numerous robots in her path, Blake following close behind. Weiss, Bulma, Kali, Salem, Dr. Briefs and his wife, Bikini.


"Alright, with Pyrrha and Blake going to the kids' school, we're going to have to make sure we survive these… things." Weiss got into her fighting position, she would do without her rapier, these things being mad of metal. More of them appeared, these droids- robots, whatever and Weiss thrust her hand forwards, growling loudly.


"Haaaaaaaagh!" as Cyan-colored Ki-blasts homed in on the robots in quick succession, more of them continued to land, joining in their attack. Though everyone she ruptured with her energy blasts, explosions raining out, more of them continued to appear, landing nearby.


"They are strong, no doubt about that, though I'm making quick work of them- their numbers seem endless. They are coming from that large superstructure." Weiss yelled out, still pelting more of these things. That was then, another robot appeared, more humanoid in appearance, it like the others, didn't communicate with them, instead blasting forwards, flickering as if-


"-Gah!" Weiss screamed, she felt as the punch connected, she was sent through Capsule Corp, room after room, room and then punched outward through the other end, Weiss felt herself grabbed from behind… even in pain, she knew those hands.


"K-Kro-" she blacked out.




I headed home as soon as I seen the superstructure, for I remember that… thing, the shape of it. First on my list, was finding out if anyone had been merged with it, Cooler being destroyed both him and Frieza together by me at the back of my mind. But in front of me, it wasn't Cooler that was attacking us- who attacked Weiss to a bloody unconsciousness. There was no doubt abut the menacing look, the maniac glare… the psychotic pair of eyes. If looks could kill…


Broly, either his head or something relevant- no, definitely his head or brain, or part of it was enough for the big Gete Star to latch onto, though he was no means a genius, no words came off of him, he looked fierce as a metallic man, Broly's face a permanent scowl. There seemed to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere as far as he was concerned- I dodged him, flickering to a position nearby to the others before calling out, for once everyone was nearby, Bulma, her parents, Salem, Kali… The others were elsewhere, and the kids should be at school, with Winter in north city on business.


"Hang on all of you, time for you all to hide on the Lookout, come on!" I called out, everyone linked up their arms as more of those numerous robots landed nearby, about to attack.


Reappearing with everyone on the lookout while quickly and carefully lowering my unconscious wife. I quickly search for Pyrrha's Ki, being higher than Blake's, I found them so I was readying up for another 'Instant Transmission'. Taking out my capsule kit, I threw it towards Kali, calling out.


"Here, one of them has my healing chamber within. I've got no Senzu beans on me. Look after Weiss for me, I'll go pick up my kids and then go after that thing-" I pointed towards the large superstructure crash landed on the planet, Kali called out in reply, catching the capsule holding all my other capsules labeled within.


"Right, Kron... be careful, yes. I'll look after Weiss here." Kali was already within Weiss's position, about to throw the capsule when I vanished, returning to West City. The city itself was in a state of anarchy, the military were in the process in fighting against the robots, I sensed Dabura nearby, he seemed to be exerting himself in a bout, possibly with Metal Broly.


"Pyrrha, Blake-" Broly- Metal Broly was spotted, flickering for Pyrrha, whose 'Kaio-Ken' form was activated, though even with her red Ki engulfing her, her speed overwhelming, Metal Broly easily blocked every blow from her… without dodging nor actually blocking, his metal body absorbed her hits, I could see her face wincing in pain from every blow. Transforming to that of my 'Super Saiyan Primal' submerging myself in my green-red energy, I flickered when it appeared that my wife Pyrrha would be killed, taking the blow from Metal Broly. I easily shattered the metal Broly's arms with my own strength, sending him to the ground in a blitz, shattering metal from connecting, though I could see as Metal Broly's body was repairing itself at a fast rate, nanoseconds in fact when he hit the ground, he was already repaired. Turning back at Pyrrha, who had a fierce expression, heavily breathing, I called out to her and Blake, my kids were all there as well as the staff and the students of all ages of West, West City Academy. Pyrrha could use 'Instant Transmission', that was their way out of this heavily targeted area.


"Pyrrha! Get them out of her now! Take them to the Amenbo Island, it should be safe and full of Winter's and Bulma's staff, go now! This guy, he is beyond you love, don't give me that look! Move it!" I growled, now blocking blows from the lightning quick, Metal Broly, his strength and bulky form seemingly 'adapting' to every blow I was countering with. As of now, I still had the upper hand, but for how long? The only thing I knew was that I was happy Broly was an idiot, he hadn't said anything at all here and thus, he might not understand that he was in fact, 'gaining some resistance to my blows, lucky for me, he is a dunderhead and seemed to only attack.


Powering up quickly, I launched my 'Tyrant's Wave' pointblank at him, mentally controlling the blast to only decimate a small portion of the city block were fighting on, engulfing Metal Broly in a continuous energy wave, keeping it up until I felt that the attack would have done its job. Ending my feeding my technique, I was right, nothing remained of this Metal Broly, though where there is one… there could be others. Pyrrha, Blake, Achilles, Anthony, Ursula, Jaina, Wylla, Trunks then Krillin's daughter Marron and Raven and Vegeta's son Tarble along with the staff and other students vanished from the area.




He, along with Videl, were in the process of leaving Orange Star high school when the massive structure impacted the Earth, landing on a part of Satan City, possibly West City and wilderness. Countless metal soldiers littered the sky, heading to and from the large superstructure that touched down, pockets of police and civilians were being rounded up by numerous droids when Gohan attacked, he made sure Videl kept back for now, but these robots were easily dealt with.


"Hey you guys! Get to cover, Videl come over here. You should go with them; I'll make a clone to come with you." Gohan powered up, to his full strength though he held back with transforming for now, his base form being overwhelming for these things. The new Gohan walked towards Videl, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Videl replied annoyed, though she looked more worried than annoyed at this point.


"Alright, stay safe then. Hey everyone, come this way, we need to get out of the area, this place is dangerous!" she adopted a more serious pose, yelling out with a fierce, hands at her hips pose. She along with his clone, led away the hordes of police and civilians, the clone blasting any robot homing in on them. Gohan powered up to his full, 'Super Saiyan Two' form, he glanced around, now seeing another robot- no… a more humanoid being, still metal-


"-You- y-you're Broly-" the metal Broly laid into him, a bone crunching punch which staggered Gohan, he kicked back off of Broly's next punch, but Metal Broly trampled through towards him, flickering with surprising speed for that of his size and metallic body. This, plus the fact Gohan had one clone created, halving his current strength, meant he was weaker than this guy… who was supposed to be dead. A beam of energy pierced through Metal Broly, disconnecting his arm from his body briefly, metal string-like streams interconnected between the disconnected arm and torso of Metal Broly, repairing at a rapid rate while Gohan's gaze followed the beams shooter.


Piccolo… hovering up above, though not alone, his uncle Raditz was with him though he was busy blowing his way through multiple of the robotic soldiers that currently were drowning out the sky with their flightpaths.


"Piccolo, you see him-" Piccolo's Ki erupted, flashing red, he flickered down, intercepting Metal Broly, whose body shattered once more, this time the upper part of his body was blasted away. It was quickly repairing, however.


"Alright, Gohan! Your better off getting rid of any of your clones, fighting these guys at your full strength. Raditz and I will go after these robots-" a beam, coming from one of the buildings blasted towards them, this beam a cyan-colored beam, much like what Metal Broly was launching-


"-T-There's another one of them!" Gohan called out, eyes narrowed, glancing at the one whose body was in the process of repairing, while this other one stood menacing, glowering at them from afar.


"Damn… what is… this thing." Piccolo's gaze turned towards to the large unidentified object which landed upon Earth with a seething look, Raditz and him landing right next to Gohan. Gohan's gaze turned to both Metal Broly's… just as a third one landed on another building.




He, Kakarot, Raven and Kakarot's woman were at Kakarot's place when the attack happened, multiple androids- as Raven called them, attacked them, when that massive metal structure came down upon the planet, shaking the place up. He and Kakarot had just finished eating lunch when these things launched an attack on Kakarot's home.


"Kakarot! These things, are not even worth destroying, but I was getting bored." Vegeta, within 'Super Saiyan Two' made short work of the metal androids attacking them, Kakarot did so too while Raven made sure the woman Chichi continued to live. Vegeta landed, with Kakarot too on the ground, kicking one of the things around with a look of disappointment.


"Whatever these things are, they came from that. I'll take Chichi here, to the lookout and our daughters, in the house. Vegeta! Go to West City! Get Tarble- Don't try and back talk me!" Raven growled out, Chichi floating near to her, Vegeta's gaze met Raven's own, he sighed out, annoyed but would comply. Videl came out of the house,


"Fine! Alright then." Chichi added, more nervous from the attack, but a fierceness seeped out of her, now that the attack had ended.


"Goku! You go too, check up on Goten and Gohan. Alright!" Goku smiled, chuckled good naturedly, replying to his wife.


"Alright Chichi, I can do that. Come on Vegeta, let's get going!" Vegeta, turned to him, nodding and the two of them took of into the air, heading for the monstrous-sized object.




He and his wife, along with Seventeen were flying towards West City, Marron being their focus. At school, who knew that today some metal object crashed landed onto their planet, the next thing is spit out hordes of metal robots, attacking indiscriminately. They destroyed countless, flying towards West City, from their place in East City, their home. Flying along, Sixteen left to defend East City from more of these things.


"We're almost there, Eighteen! Seventeen, you head in low, try and help as much people as you can from these guys. Will get to Marron's school, with the others there!" Krillin called out, he thrust his right-hand forwards, launching a spray of small Ki-blasts towards incoming robots, shattering them in harsh explosions. Eighteen doing so, pointing at her targets with her left hands finger, firing pink Ki-blasts from the tops of her finger at her own targets.


"Man! That thing keeps getting bigger the closer we get!" Krillin called out casually, he launched a 'Destructo disk' at a group of the robots, dismantling them with ease, Eighteen didn't reply at first, her priority the multiple enemies coming towards them. West Cities sky was filled with the things- Krillin's senses 'shouted' at him, when a cyan-colored beam shot towards Eighteen, she managed to flicker out of the way, their new enemy more… humanoid than the previous metallic robots. This one…


"-Who is this guy?" Krillin said aloud, eyes narrowed, staring harshly at this new appearance, Eighteen flickered nearby to him. She yelled out, not in a good mood, a rare occurrence seeing her this irate, Krillin snapped to attention, listening.


"Krillin, go and get our daughter, get her safe. I'm stronger- I'll fight this shiny brute." she sneered, getting into a position to fight this guy. She further added, her Ki changing to a deep red, heat radiating from out of her, flashing brightly.


"Get moving Krillin, I'll cover you!" Eighteen blasted forwards, engaging the metal man in hand-to-hand combat, the sky flickered with blasts of air pockets, at each of their blows, they afterimaged across the sky multiple times in their bout while Krillin headed in the direction of the school, Krillin went low and helped others as he could.