Metal Broly, A Problem That Should Be Solved, Before It Becomes Very Serious.



These Metal Broly were adapting, adapting to my strength which is while not scary, still the seriousness of the situation should be addressed and soon, which is where I was heading. To the source of this invasion, that of the Big Gete Star, though the closer the got, the more Metal Broly's would intercept me on my path. Consequently, the more I would have to be forced to plow through, and the next one would be a bit stronger, making me put in more effort. I still had the 'Wrathful State', 'Legendary Super Saiyan Two' was enough for these guys so far, but I had to take into account that from what I remembered of the Big Gete Star, which remembering Cooler explaining it, in the movie… which would not happen in this timeline, obviously. Was that the more of them I destroy, the more their strength adapts to the last blow they took, or some such nonsense.


I had no choice, getting to that metal object and finding the core, that is now my immediate concern. I also decided to just afterimage any of these Metal Broly's attack, moving outside their range to take attacks from me, ow that I've remembered about their strange adaption ability which the Big Gete Star somehow feeds into remotely or through some signal.

"With everyone out of the way, important I mean… as callous as I mention, the others can be revived with the dragon balls. Getting rid of this thing before the planet is consumed by the thing… and annihilating the source of the Metal Broly's is my most immediate concern now." Flickering out of the way, as a cyan-colored beam- no, three of them came blasting towards me, homing in on me, following every which way I flickered to with deadly accuracy and speed, I managed to flicker into a position as to make two of said beams meet at the middle, blowing them up, while the other I flicked away with a rough back hand, hurtling the beam for the. But more Metal Broly constructs appeared, afterimaging into place along my line of sight, each one as fierce as the next. All of them, glowering towards me, with a intense hatred, they looked about to be shouting-


"-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-rot--rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot-rot!!!!" multiple screeching, metallic-like voices sounded out all at once, immediately striking my ears, threatening me with a good time, now all of them converged on me at once, I quickly created a clone and, said clone quickly used 'Instant Transmission', to warn the others, not to engage the Metal Broly's and instead, destroy the mainframe of that large superstructure. Then the clone would disperse, now… to dodge! How many of these guys were converging on my area!


They were coming from everywhere, mostly from the Big Gete Star, all angry and rearing to gut me. And they only think I'm Kakarot- Goku, wonder how he is fairing against these guys though, if they are coming after me, they might not yet know about him.




He with Vegeta in the front, Raven and Chichi gone the other way to head to the lookout, the two of them were very low and moving with their energy suppressed. Goku and Vegeta were heading towards the city, to the school in West City, Gohan should be fine in Satan City-


"-Guys, quickly. Come, land down here!" suddenly, Kron's appearance halted any further jump-skipping along the shattered ruins and hills in between their target. Vegeta could be heard wincing, his teeth clenched but the two of them complied, Goku wanting to hear the man out, for he eh, seemed kind of in a rush?


"Alright you lot, Goten and Tarble are fine, should be on Amenbo Island, with the others, my children included, but we've got a more important task for your two. It's Broly, somehow, a piece of the bastard must have survived our turning him into mulch the first time around-" Vegeta seemed surprised, he gasped, retorting whilst cutting Kron off, Kron didn't seem to mind though.


"-W-What, that… guy, y-you- you're fighting him then! You get all the good fights-" Goku, trying to placate Vegeta, hush him more like as they were dragging attention towards themselves, interrupted him.


"-Wait Vegeta, So Kron. You're fighting the guy then, what do you need of us, that is why you sent a clone, huh?" Goku smirked, he knew the tells of Kron by now, that and he could sense 'Kron' to the southwest as well, exerting himself and up against what Goku could guess was multiple enemies, the man chuckled, replying.


"You catch on quick Goku. Yeah, I am fighting them, or for now, trying to make as less damage to these guys as possible, for they seem to adapt to every hit- every Ki-blast, every one of them that I have destroyed. Now I've got to go, but before I do, you two, plus whoever you can gather should make your way to the large metal object, find its mainframe and shut it down… permanently. I think, with it out of commission, we can end this nuisance Broly before he could accidentally blow up the world- I should dispel! The real Kron should know that these guys could blow the planet if we were to miss any of their Ki-blasts. You guys, get to that thing, get inside it and destroy the mainframe! Also, save as many people who've been taken captive as you can!" Kron's clone dispelled in a pop, Vegeta spoke up, arms crossed.


"Right, you heard the bastard, we're saving the day… and 'he' gets to fight. Well, Kakarot, let's get this thing done, I need to get back to my training, the gap between Kron and your son won't lessen itself." Vegeta huffed, arms at his sides as he jumped-skipped upwards, moving very fast, Goku didn't reply, instead catching up with Vegeta, their Ki tightly wound within themselves, as to not give away their positions to any of the invaders, so they can get to the massive metal… thing.




"Alright Chiaotzu, seeing that Yang is out of commission with her growing pregnancy, it will be just us, like all times huh." Tien said, a small smile on his face, Chiaotzu cackled as the two of them headed off towards West City and the monstrous sized crashed station there.


"Yeah Tien, though I've got to say, these machine guys are pretty strong, their metal doesn't help either. Good thing they can't take my psychic abilities, scraping them by crushing is simpler than punching them." Chiaotzu said, Tien nodded, a smirk plastered on his face. The two of them turned back around, their sights on the city coming into view, though that same crashed metal satellite could be still seen, even all the way at their place up in the mountains, far from the city. Tien glanced downwards, as a scream could be heard, his eyes narrowed, and he already blasted towards the source.


"Let's get back into it Chiaotzu, same as last time, right." Chiaotzu nodded, the two of them dipping downwards sharply, landing as a lot of robots had heaps of people surrounded, one of the bots standing nearby a woman and her child.


Chiaotzu focused as his psychic power surrounded fourteen of the metal tin cans, while Tien flickered in nearby to the woman and child, moving them back via flight nearby the others.

"Alright all you, get to cover, find somewhere safe and stay put!" Tien called out, glancing at the large crowd of civilians, who nervous head nods and answers but finally, they were moving quicker. Chiaotzu crushed a few more with ease, the robot scrap piles littering the sunken street, then there was another who landed nearby though unlike the others, this one seemed human in appearance. Chiaotzu cock-sure this one would be easily dealt with all the same as the rest, fumbled with a nervous brow, his hands extended, and fingers clenched whilst he tried to hold in place this one.


"T-Tien! This guy is s-something else-" Chiaotzu's teeth clenched in focus, trying and seemed to be failing to hold this one in place, it's eerie grin, unfocused metallic eyes and physical size made this guy one tough robot. Chiaotzu fell forwards, his telekinetic power failing as this one flickered forward to meet him, Tien, now blazing in 'Kaio-Ken' times one hundred twenty-six, found his punch not even denting this bot, who only smirked, grabbing his arm and squeezing-


"-Gaaahhh!" the sickening crunch, that of his arm been easily snapped, bone now protruding through the skin, the other hand of the guy held upon Tien's abdomen, a slight, cyan-colored glow begun emitting when a black-swirling red Ki-Blast came hammering down, followed by a red Ki-blast, coming from two different angles. It was that Dabura guy, him and the other guy who got possessed before. Tien could only glare at the metal man, who had a hold through half of his metal body, his body bent in an awkward shape, while Dabura and Mira touched down next to them. Tien was surprised when a soft woman voice could be heard nearby to him, she bent down, the woman who was partners with this Mira, wearing a red and black skin-tight suit and a scientist coat.


"Hmm, looks like you're out of commission for a bit. Feel privileged, that I will be healing you. Mira, deal with that Metal Broly would you. Oh, and watch out for any others. Dabura, your spit won't work. Cover me, leave Mira to dismantle the legendary Super Saiyan cyborg." she called out, Dabura hummed in annoyance, flickering nearby to them, Chiaotzu touching down a second later.


"-Right, w-well, you healing me? With w-what-" she grabbed his broken arm, interrupting him, a look of concentration appearing on her face.,


"-Silence, haven't you heard, patience is a virtue. Don't move." Tien gritted his teeth, a dark blue hue surrounded his arm, her face showing intense focus as trails of sweat dripped down the contours of her face. He felt intense pain, though he done best not to show anymore weakness to this woman, the smirking Dabura and of course, his best friend Chiaotzu. Tien focused on the fight instead, the now dubbed 'Metal Broly' repaired quite fast, metal ropes surging into his body, forming its old shape and the now renewed Metal Broly engaged Mira, the two of them at equal footing. Flickering fast, their engagement attracted to Dabura, Tien and Chiaotzu's horror, three more of them, all equal at least in appearance, which Tien bet, meant also in strength.


Dabura growled, turning to eh, Towa? Yeah… must be?


"What now Towa, there are four of them now! Mira is barely able to beat this one-" Towa raised from where she was leaning on one knee, Tien felt that his arm was fully healed, surprise evident on his face but Towa interrupted Dabura, annoyed.


"-You forget what I can do brother." she smirked, a spear or staff appearing in her right hand, before she took the top of said staff into her left hand, dark, pitch-black energy with wisps of red and purple swirling through the black energy and around the staff, she was whispering to herself. Tien and Chiaotzu could only keep quiet, while Dabura hummed, nodding his head in understanding, Tien though could only see as whatever energy that was swirling around her staff was also appearing around Mira. Mira fighting not just one Metal Broly, but four, decimated two of them with an orb of black-red energy fully destroying them, before he flickered, bring a fist through another one, said hand through the punched one opened, a beam of Ki quickly blasting for another of them, Mira then elbowed the last one, though now this Metal Broly seemed to have 'adapted' or something, Mira looked like he was now on equal footing.


"...I see, so… it is the Big Gete Star, Hmph, I almost forgot that the Big Gete Star is constantly monitoring these metal cyborgs and constantly repairing the damage it detects and bettering the design of its creations. I also recall that, whatever flaws it finds in its robots it improves in the next ones built and its current deployed cyborgs." she raised into the air, Dabura glancing towards her before following while Tien and Chiaotzu remained where they stood.




Every one of these guys figured I was 'Kakarot', with their shouting, robotic sounding voices penetrating my ears every few seconds from a different one of them Metal Broly's or as they would be called if it was Cooler here instead, Meta-Broly, but this guy- these guys couldn't

't string along even the most basic sentences, attacking with reckless abandon. Their strength steadily increased, mind that must be what the big Gete Star was doing, editing them after every blow I inflicted. But this was good, the Meta-Broly cyborgs while increasing in numbers, were steadily following me upwards, even most of the normal robotic soldiers were coming after me, being blown up quicker than these Broly look-alikes.


"Come on! Come get me, you damned oaths… come to daddy… 'Tyrants… … …Wave' haaaaaaaa" I blasted downwards, my Ki washing over a good-sized contingent of them, all coming at me at the same time, their bodies being engulfed in the blast, obscuring my vision of them. But more pushed through, the blast was intercepted by multiple, cyan-colored spheres, launching towards the wave is sent, energy against energy strained to the limit-


-An explosion inflicted by my and their blasts detonated in the air, tearing apart those within the blast radius while more and more of the Meta-Broly cyborgs came crashing through from the sides or straight through the middle.


"They adapt quicker than I can destroy them." I said aloud, now in the stratosphere. But it seems like that the Big Gete Star had absorbed Broly, possible his head because they kept coming after me, their cyborg faces affixed with a permanent scowl carved onto their metallic mugs. Being this high up, where no normal person could breathe, which in this case I could with my 'Aura Sphere' technique, it seemed my plan to become the center of attention has succeeded. They continued to blast upwards, more and more of them being created by that damned Gete star.


"...Up here, the planet is still in danger… but as long as I remain higher than this… army of Meta-Broly Legendary Super Droids, their missing blasts should travel deep into space." I said aloud, powering up for round two, more of them flickering into my personal space, for machines they were quick, their blows that landed also hurt more than normal, even for my increased strength.


"Is that all you fools got! Come and get me, Kakarot!!" I smirked, loudly proclaiming myself as Kakarot, that had most of them Meta-Broly duplicates angrily scowling even more, while their efforts increased tenfold, even with tunnel vision. But Broly was more of a brawl-type fighter, even with his strong Ki-blasts he can launch, the meathead in life, from what I remembered of the movie, he would attack head on with fists. This didn't look like it changed here, with the majority of these guys damn-near fighting each other, pushing others aside to just get a hit upon me.


"...Another one? Alright lads, 'Tyrants… … …. …. Wave'!!" I called out, pushing my strength, pouring a lot of my Ki into this next blast, more than before, to engulf multiple of them this time, as I grinned, arms outstretched while I poured more Ki into the A.O.E Ki Blast.


"You guys keep on setting yourselves up and I will keep knocking you down! Haaaaaaaayaaaaaaaaaaa!!" More energy being pushed into the attack greatly expanded the range of the blast, though there were instances where I could see multiple Meta-Broly duplicates pushing on through the blast, tearing holes into it, their faces glaring hatefully at me even while they began disintegrating, their metal bodies in a constant state of repair and 'vaporized' from this 'Tyrant Wave' blast. At last, making some space for me, I flickered more higher, now exiting the planets stratosphere, my eyes widening as more and more of them… from blips to closer, there were thousands of them… they just kept coming!


"Shit… look this guy, he's a fucking madman, and as long as his original body, which- eh, yeah, which is the Big Gete star itself… I think. It has to be because his brain should have melded with it, It makes sense with all these Broly's coming after me. Well, it is up to Goku and Vegeta, to destroy the mainframe where Broly is." I flickered upwards again, as more of them entered my personal space, the fight begun once more as I had to afterimage multiple times just to get a hit in, though I was not constantly landing hits as much as I was aiming for blows which would do more damage, the more hits I was doing was only just giving the Big Gete Star work to 'improve' upon them all.




He and Kakarot landed nearby to the structure, Vegeta placing both his hands upon the metal shell while Ki swirling in his hands, he growled out as Ki erratically formed underneath his hands, two beams shattered towards the metal surface, pointblank explosion sounded out, obscuring his view briefly, Kakarot acting the fool nearby to him.


"Can it Kakarot, we're in now." he said quietly, glancing around through the hull of this metal- what reminded him of a ship or similar, he stepped inside while Kakarot jumped in after him, Kakarot shouted next to him.


"Man… so we're should we begin? The place sure doesn't have any signs of life inside… It's going to be hard finding anything, I cannot sense anyone aboard." Kakarot and he looked around, before Vegeta flinched, seeing someone approaching them. He grabbed Kakarot, pushing him into the gap which they blew apart, but it had already sealed itself behind them, without them hearing. They went up against the walls as a large… Broly ran passed them, his head was constant looking upwards, the hall he ran down while long and winding, the Broly robot was now2 out of sight, heading around a corner. The two of them stepped back from the wall, looking down the way it had come from.


"Will go this way Kakarot. Now, keep an eye out for where that freak of a Super Saiyan came from." Kakarot replied, looking serious for once.


"Right, let's continue to keep our energy levels down, lest we run into more of those guys." Vegeta nodded silently, they quickly stalked through the hallways opposite the way in which the Broly tin can went down.


(Word Count for the Power List - 630)


?? = power-level is rising after training but not checked.

?-? = Suppressed.


(Battle - Powers)

(Battle - Powers)

(Legendary Super Saiyan Through S-Cells)

-Kron/MC Base = 84,804,200,000 Base -|- Oozeru(X10) = 848,042,000,000 -|- Golden Oozeru(X500) = 42,402,100,000,000 -|- Wrathful State(X10) = 848,042,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan(X150) = 12,720,630,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X150) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = X3,150 = 267,133,230,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan-II(X300) = 25,441,260,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan2(X300) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = X5,400 = 457,942,680,000,000  -|- Kaio-ken -X100 = 8,480,420,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan(X150) X Wrathful State(X10) = X1,500 = 127,206,300,000,000 -|- Legendary Super Saiyan4(Primal(X36,000)) = 3,052,951,200,000,000(Three Quadrillion Fifty-Two Trillion Nine Hundred Fifty-One Billion Two Hundred Million) -|- Legendary Super Saiyan4(Primal(X36,000)) X Wrathful State(X10) = X360,000 = 3.0529512e+16 (Thirty Quadrillion Five Hundred Twenty-Nine Trillion Five Hundred Twelve Billion)


-Raditz Base = 56,240,880 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 1,912,189,920 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 562,408,800 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 2,812,044,000


-(Future) - Trunks Base = 64,246,860 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 3,212,343,000 -|- Super Saiyan II (X100) = 6,424,686,000


-(Present) Trunks Base = 35,884,276 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 1,794,213,800


-Ursula Base = 35,745,345


-Achilles Base = 31,908,452


-Anthony Base = 32,145,108


-(FUTURE) - Jaina Base = 2,800,000 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000


-(Present) - Jaina Base = 21,460,487 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 1,073,024,350


-Yang = 43,700,440 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,709,427,280


-Goku Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 148,980,080 -|- Kaio-ken - X100 = 14,898,008,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 7,449,004,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = 1,050 = 156,429,084,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 14,898,008,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = 1,800 = 268,164,144,000 -|- Super Saiyan-III(X400) = 59,592,032,000


-Zangya Base = 6,400,000,000


-Winter Base = 23,848,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X48 = 1,144,704,000


-Krillin Base = 23,086,248 -|- Kaio-ken - X54 = 1,246,657,392


-Pyrrha Base = 42,700,924 -|- Kaio-ken - X64 = 2,732,859,136


-Gohan Base = 96,068,000,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 960,680,000,000 - Kaio-ken - x46 = 4,419,128,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,803,400,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,606,800,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken - x18 = 1,800 = 172,922,400,000,000


-Vegeta Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 122,600,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 6,130,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan Saiyan-II(X100) = 12,260,000,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 1,226,000,000 -|- Golden Oozeru(X500) = 61,300,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) = 490,400,000,000


-Raven Base = 40,240,620 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,494,918,440


-Blake Base = 26,084,460 -|- Kaio-ken - x49 = 1,278,138,540


-Weiss Base = 26,042,459 -|- Kaio-ken - x43 = 1,119,825,737


-Yamcha Base = 21,000,097 -|- Kaio-ken - x53 = 1,113,005,141


-Tien Base = 28,063,800 -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 1,852,210,800


-Chiaotzu Base = 12,000,000


-Ruby Base = 6,400,000


-Piccolo Base (AFTER HYBERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER (Against Majin Buu) = 6,060,800,000 (Weighted Clothes) -|- 7,000,000,000 ((Full Power) (Weighted Clothes Removed)) -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 462,000,000,000


-Chichi Base = 8,000


-Sixteen Base = 2,880,860,048


-Seventeen Base = 2,246,084,200 -|- Kaio-ken - X36 = 80,859,031,200


-Eighteen Base = 2,242,870,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 76,257,580,000


-Qrow Base = 23,084,021 -|- Kaio-ken - X46 = 1,061,864,966

-Hercule Max = 600

-Kibito Base = 90,000,000


-Shin Base = 4,200,000,000

-Dabura = 5,000,000 - Under Seals, also under control Of Babidi. -|-500,000,000 = Original Power Level with seals on power removed, No longer under Babidi's thrall. -|- 400,000,000,000 Empowered by Towa. (X800) 

-Majin Buu (Full Power) = 20,600,200,000,000

-Mira(S-Cells/Zenkai) - 24,000,000,000 -|- Towa Magically Empowering Mira(X800) - 19,200,000,000,000

-Towa - 600,000,000

-Kid Buu???? (Reincarnated) - 30,480,200,000,000????

-God of Darkness - ((Recoome Vessel) (One Half (50%))) Dragon Consumed = 3.1609512e+16 (Thirty-One Quadrillion Six Hundred Nine Trillion Five Hundred Twelve Billion) -|- ((Deteriorating Recoome Vessel) (One Half (50%))) Dragon Consumed = 1.5804756e+16 (Fifteen Quadrillion Eight Hundred Four Trillion Seven Hundred Fifty-Six Billion) -|-

-God Of Light - Destroyed Utterly.

-Meta Broly - ??