"This Way Kakarot!" there were signatures they were- well, he was sensing here, multiple inferior, weak ones which made Vegeta head towards them, Kakarot following along close behind. They came out into a more open area within the large station, seeing thousands upon thousands of weak, pathetic earthlings.
"Well, Kakarot, you help this lot, I'll go ahead, find whatever is controlling this thing, then blow it up. I care less about these people." Kakarot sighed, answering with a small sphere of blue Ki forming with his hands, firing of a small, controlled barrage towards the guard robots.
"Right Vegeta, just don't blow up the place until I'm out. I will… flare me energy when I've got everyone out, you just hand on until then, good luck Vegeta." Vegeta nodded, speaking softly, as Kakarot left his range of hearing.
"...You too." Vegeta moved quickly, passing by more earthlings, paying them no mind, instead, either smashing his first or putting a leg through these weaker robots with ease, destroying a few of them along the way. So far, besides the one they spotted running when they both entered together, he hadn't seen anymore of those Broly-look a like's running around, the hallway led into a massive complex, different than everywhere else he seen.
"So, this must be it then, right… Now, where is the conductor of this wreck?" he floated upwards slightly, landing over the railing and landing down below, the domed structure within the middle of the enormous room, all sorts of large and small cables wiring towards this single point.
"Hmph." he aimed his right-hand forwards, firing off a blast, the blast exploded on impact while he walked through the new hole he made, inside the domed area. What he saw next made his eyes widen, a grotesque scene but noting he hadn't seen before, though this… There it was, the head of Broly, half of it covered in all manner of wiring, steel and metal melded with a fleshly side, one of gone and replaced by a red light, the actual eye was bloodshot and lacked an iris. The hair that remained, a spiked up part on Broly's left side, colored greenish Golden, signifying his 'Legendary Super Saiyan' status, though whatever that has survived seemed to lack any form of intelligence, the head could only growled towards Vegeta, propped up in the middle of the room and connected to a series of wires and tubes that proceeded to form a metal body, connected to whatever systems ran this place.
"So, you survived after all… Look at you, the once proud- once legendary creature whose image was of that of our ancestors, a true, blood thirsty Saiyan you were, one of the greatest that legends spoke of, why Frieza himself feared us… but no more, your more machine than Saiyan, allow me… … to put you out of your misery!" he powered up, though then he gritted his teeth, almost forgetting that Kakarot was suppose to flare his energy first, before he could deal with the problem here and now. It seemed, that Broly did have some iota of intelligence for he stared at him, alarmed by his close proximity, before the Broly head started growling, half his tone of voice was synthesized by some voice modulator or something-
"-What?" Vegeta turned back, as out of the walls themselves, formed two Broly androids, fully formed and growling towards him, attacking him now though Vegeta noticed their reluctance to get too close to the Broly head. Flickering out of the way of the first one, he was then hit by the second, they were quite fast for metal tin cans-
"-Kill Kill kill Kakakakakkakakakaakakakakakakakrolrorororororororororottttt!!!!"
their voices in sync, they still attacked Vegeta without a regard to their own safety.
Vegeta was hard-pressed to even damage these even within his 'Super Saiyan Two' so he switched it up, transforming a furious rage, into his 'Super Saiyan Primal' form, taking multiple blows to his abdomen and face in the process, knocking him towards a domed wall, pushing through and hitting the walls within the massive chamber.
The two Broly drones landed in front of him, their metallic footsteps heading for him,
What ever damage done to them was already being repaired, he flickered forwards,
after imagined quicker than the Broly duplicates could react.
"They are stronger than me! How are mere scrap metal parts able to offer any resistance to my power! Hurry up Kakarot, I won't be able to duck and dive these guys for ever!" he growled out, flickering away, out of reach of any of the two, trying desperately not to be ambushed by anymore of them, two of them were bad enough.
"Alright, everyone! Got out this way, get to somewhere far away from here and keep your heads down!" Goku finished blowing multiple holes through the hull of the station, his 'Kame Hame' wave which he fired in front of the thousands of people still alive… Yeah, being told that a few of them had been killed, taken from them and led away to die, Goku made sure to check for anyone else, though he could only sense the thousands of people here, in this massive chamber and Vegeta, whose strength had risen all of a sudden, concerning him. Few of the people had tried to get his attention, thanking him, Goku nodded, giving those who tried a smile before he quickly headed for Vegeta's position, calling out behind him, pointing out.
"Everyone make it out of here, it isn't safe! Get as far away as possible!" Goku then sensed for Vegeta's Ki, 'Instant Transmission' used when he focused, a two-finger salute placed upon his forehead in concentration. Goku reappeared, Vegeta in his strongest form, that of the 'Super Saiyan Four' transformation or as it was known before Goku himself demonstrated 'Super Saiyan Three' was possible and the next natural transformation up above that of the second-grade transformation… Kron naming it the 'Super Saiyan Primal' form.
Goku landed, seeing that Vegeta wasn't fighting much, only keeping them guys at arms length for now while afterimaging constantly, their strength beyond them, whatever blows landed on these guys would only be repaired and improved upon. Though they paused in their attempts when they spotted Goku, his eyes widened when they went ahead and changed targets right there and then, blows aimed to his abdomen sent him spiraling through the hull of the metal walls, blowing right through a few of them, wincing in pain, one of his eyes opened to see that one of them were now chasing him down, even widening the gaps in the hull that Goku was blasted through to get to him.
"Kakarot, forget these guys, we need to destroy the mainframe area, I seen the head of Broly there, he must be controlling these guys, hurry up." Vegeta was taken by the hair suddenly, the Broly clone gripping tight as he tossed Vegeta upwards, through more hull of the metal structure without a care for damaging the… whatever this thing really is. Goku renewed his attempt to bypass this guy without fighting, there was too much at stake to be defeated now. He took off behind him, flying as fast as he could, dodging multiple punches from the Broly metal clone after him. It was then that Goku's eyes widened, when a few more of these guys started coming down multiple hallways, even out of the walls, chasing him with reckless abandon.
"Gahh!!" one of the clones got him, though instead of sticking around here, Goku concentrated mid-hit, as he was launched towards more walls or Broly duplicates, using 'Instant Transmission', he reappeared nearby to Vegeta and called out.
"Vegeta, where is the mainframe area anyway!" Vegeta winced, though it wasn't because of what he said, but being kicked hard through the wall nearby, he called out while his crashing into the wall created a crater.
"O-Over there!" Vegeta pointed, flickering out off the wall before the Broly could land on him with both knees.
I had the 'Wrathful State' to still activate, but for now, I continued to destroy as little of these guys as possible, the Metal-Broly army continued to make their way to me. Now that I was out in space, I was much faster here, these guys were fast as well but, my speed without being held back by gravity, I was able to keep out of their way, multiple afterimages as they fought, I dodged.
The sheer size of that Big Gete Star, sitting upon the planet was mind boggling, and with Broly… here, it was a apocalyptic scenario. I wonder of this was because of the God of Darkness interfering, but most likely it was my fault. Not that I cared, though I just wished that I fully obliterated this guy instead of a piece of him being flung into space, then the Big Gete Star absorbing the remains.
I remembered the full annihilation of both Cooler and Frieza, for this exact scenario but I must have gotten lazy with Broly's death.
Multiple flickering around via afterimaging, the blows of these bunched up guys made this fight reminiscent of that one scene in the Matrix movie I still remember with fond memories, these guys were so close with their attacks but for now, as long as I had their attention, the others should be safe enough to deal with the real Broly. It was only but ten minutes of keeping these guys busy, I was only waiting for Vegeta and Goku to finish whatever survived of Broly but man, I was growing both bored and angry with these guys, my temper being as it is and the fact that I was no longer inflicting much of any danger to these metal clowns.
Then it happened, half of these clowns begun blasting back down to the surface, at full speed, coming down through the atmosphere like comets, on fire from entering while the half that remained continued to target me. They must have run into Goku down there or they were going to stop Goku and Vegeta from destroying the main frame. I decided to go down there too, though with 'Instant Transmission instead of wasting time flying back down. My coming this far out into space has done its job, my distraction was over it seems, now I'd better get town there and make sure the job is done and fast, for just one of these guys launching a blast of Ki aimed at the planet could end everyone. Focusing on Vegeta, I blinked, ending up back down on Earth, Vegeta being assaulted by a Broly, I decided to just go full power then and there, using the 'Wrathful State' with my already activated 'Super Saiyan Primal', I quickly punched through this Metal Broly, eyes searching for the domed room I knew that housed what should be what remained of Broly.
"Y-You, Kron-" I ignored him for now, the Broly that chased Vegeta down was rubble, now to deal with the real threat and fast, before were become overwhelmed or the planet is raped of its natural resources, I seem to recall that was its purpose here. I quickly blasted the remaining dome, my blast melted the dome away, revealing that of Broly, or what remained of him, being a half a head and a part of his neck, connected to a wire-entangled body that quickly formed from out of the debris surrounding him. His eyes showed no intelligence of any kind, that of his eyes remained transfixed on either myself or Goku, still dodging, now helped by Vegeta behind me. My Ki swirled around me, that of my energy begun forming in my right hand which I now held up, intent on finishing him off once and for good.
"...This was a close call-" I began, even when the wall surrounding us begun to push out new Metal Broly's at an accelerated rate, it must be the computer side of the Big Gete Star, seeing if it can stop me but at this point…
"Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!" the blast, that of my 'Royal Spear' traveled towards where the real Broly was connected up like a computer, just as the beam would have reached him, a wave of Broly metal clones landed right in front, their landings continued to blow through the roof, adding their numbers to the front of the explosion tearing apart the entire area. I hover backwards, while pushing my energy in to continue the onslaught when all of a sudden, more of them dropped right through the sealing right above me, my head glanced up when they landed upon me, cutting me off from my own beam, which continued to fluctuate against the wall of Broly's.
Landing on top of me, they continued to put their weight into holding me down, while a few of them laid in some blows into wherever they could aim, my stomach, my ribs… whatever they could get a hit in.
"Kkkkkkkkaaaaaaakkkkkaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrroooooooottt!" their metallic, almost in sync voices buzzed loudly in my ear, while in front of me, where Broly's actual head hung, now surrounded by multiple Metal Broly duplicates, less then half of them were melted though whatever was left were starting to head for the head of Broly.
"What the heck? Hrrhrrrrrrrrrrruuuugggggghhhaaaaaa!!" I exploded with energy, pushing every Metal Broly out of my personal space, even while the Metal Broly's continued to combine right in front of me.
"So, you've got- more! Secrets-" I was being harassed by multiple Metal Broly's, I puncture through a few of them, blasting a lot of them in an instant as Goku and Vegeta landed nearby. The metal in front of us, solids melded into liquid metals and continued to swirl around where the original Broly was.
"He's transforming? What an… interesting twist-" Vegeta growled out, interrupting my trail of thought.
"-What are we going to do about it, look at this psychopath! Are we going to deal with him then, together… he's getting bigger and is gaining size by draining all of the metal around him!" Vegeta pointed out the obvious. Broly was taking in every piece of metal around him, wires quickly forming metal skin, while he continued to expand in size, the other, duplicates of the old legendary Super Saiyan either hung back, awaiting orders or something or, some of them were being absorbed, the metal forming them being absorbed into a greater whole.
Much of the Big Gete Star continued to break down around us, debris continued to head for the parts that were being bulked up in size, all the while as we hung back, I was ready to end this but Goku and Vegeta seemed a little tired. His size was now reminiscent of two Iron giants in height if you stacked them atop each other.
Getting into my stance, my Ki swelled as I glared at that of the head of the titanic-sized Metal Broly, I called out.
"Alright, let's get this finished and done with, before this big-headed idiot blows up the planet." using the 'Wrathful State' and then aimed for the head, testing out melee blows though whatever area I punched became liquid metal in an instant, quickly reforming and repairing the area attacked. With the Big Gete Star slowly shrinking, while the Metal Giant Broly continued to expand, now showing signs of movement while still connected to the Big Gete Star, I needed to end this and quick.
"You two! Hang back or help out, but we've got to do this now-" I called out, as a dark red energy sphere sailed past us, ripping into and exploding onto the Giant Metal Broly's right arm while the smaller Metal Broly duplicates now decided to attack. Mira, Towa, Dabura, Tien and Chiaotzu were here now, they found their own opponents while Goku and Vegeta powered up as well, though Goku's hand were raised upwards. I gave him a look, while Vegeta shouted out, scoffing.
"It's too late for your big, 'Spirit Bomb' technique Kakarot-" Goku shook his head, replying with a grin, which seemed to only offend Vegeta. Goku transformed quickly, taking on 'Super Saiyan Three' as he called out with a serious glint in his eyes.
"-No Vegeta, Kron should be feeling it n-now… I'm transferring my energy to him. Now, finish this fight, Kron!" Goku called out, as wisps of yellow orbs traveled out of his hands, flying towards my position, lightly floating inside of my own Ki energy swirling around me, a could feel his energy and decided to end this with a massive 'Tyrants Wave' blast, which now was quickly forming within my hands thrust forward. The energy shrouding me now, quickly fueled the 'Tyrants Wave' blast I launched, that of the immediate Metal Broly's were quickly engulfed-
-i also felt quite angry, that of my own red Ki from 'Super Saiyan Primal' was in fact, not the color red at this time, instead a very deep, black, purple. I turned my head to the side, while pushing more of the energy to wash up over the titanic-sized Metal Broly, as I seen Towa smirk towards me, looking quite smug, even while a Metal Broly was too busy trying to attack her, which she used some of her abilities to 'lock' the attacker in some kind of 'time lock'.
"go ahead Kron… deal with this mess, though I am indeed surprised that the Big Gete Star could become this much of a threat. An interesting tidbit of information… But ultimately useless at this time. Now, finish it off." she demanded, her gaze meeting mine, as I easily pushed more energy from that of her extra boost to my own Ki, her power boost giving me boundless energy to me which I carefully poured into my 'Tyrants Wave' attack, finally the Big Gete Star itself was starting to implode, while moving debris heading for the Titanic-sized Metal Broly stopped in it's tracks and falling down, no longer controlled. The blast of mine obscured everything around, that of the explosion, in a perfectly aimed and time explosion as to not destroy the planet, annihilated entirely problem here and now.
Broly or what remained of him… he was now definitely well and truly gone... The Big Gete Star itself started to detonate around us as every single part of it begun to disintegrate into rusted metal before even that metal quickly disintegrated into dust... a strange occurrence, It seemed like the Big Gette Star had tried to dislodge itself from the planet, it pushed off of West City, now floating up high in the sky and continuing to flee before even its core components detonated, the metal started to rain down below though the energy of my blast quickly disintegrated even the rubble and metal remnants falling down from the sky.