Visit to her company

Ezra took a deep breath as he approached the towering skyscraper that housed Hailey's company. He had been invited to visit Hailey in her office, and he looked at the building and said, "Soon this whole place would be mine".

As he made his way to the elevator, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the impressive building. The sleek design and modern features spoke to the success of the company, and Ezra can't wait to become the CEO of the company!

When he arrived at the top floor, he was greeted by a receptionist who directed him to Hailey's office. He knocked on the door and waited for her response.

"Come in," Hailey's voice rang out from inside the office.

Ezra opened the door and stepped inside, taking in the luxurious space that Hailey had created for herself. The room was filled with natural light, and the sleek design of the furniture and decor matched the aesthetic of the building perfectly.

Hailey was sitting behind her desk, typing away on her computer. She looked up and smiled when she saw Ezra.

"Ezra, it's so good to see you," Hailey said, standing up to hug him.

"It's great to see you too," Ezra said, returning the embrace.

They sat down in comfortable chairs facing each other, and Hailey offered Ezra a cup of coffee from the nearby table.

"I'm impressed by all of this," Ezra said, gesturing around the room. "You've done a remarkable job with this company."

Hailey smiled, clearly pleased with the compliment. "Thank you, Ezra. It's been a lot of hard work, but it's all been worth it."

They chatted for a while about Hailey's business and the challenges she had faced as a CEO. Despite the pressure and long hours, Hailey was passionate about what she was doing and loved the work she was doing, she wanted to make her parents proud.

As they wrapped up their conversation, Hailey stood up and walked to the window, looking out over the city below.

"I still can't believe how far I've come," she said, her voice filled with wonder. You know, when my parents left all their assets to me, for a while, I thought I wouldn't be able to handle the whole thing.

Ezra said to himself, "Don't worry, soon these will be mine. Then I will show you that I'm the real boss". He then stood up and joined her at the window, looking out over the city as well. "You deserve it, Hailey. You're incredibly talented, and you've worked so hard to get where you are."

Hailey turned to him and smiled. "Thanks, Ezra. It means a lot to me."

As Ezra prepared to leave, he went close to Hailey and pulled her by the waist, then kissed her, At first, Hailey was shocked, but soon she responded to the kiss. After they broke their kiss, Ezra left, and Hailey fell on her chair smiling.