As soon as you step through the gates, you see that in the space of a single day since you were last here, the park has been transformed. You're met with a wooden archway, covered in summer flowers and bearing a sign that reads: "Silvertree Town Fair." Beyond that, what once were open lawns with a few quiet benches are now thriving markets made up of colorful stalls, games, food stands, and even a platform near the fountain where a pair of musicians are tuning their guitars. Even though it's still early in the day, people are already starting to fill up the remaining space, laying out blankets on the grass to watch the music and strolling through the lanes of stalls.
Just looking at the park, you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed by possibility—but now at least you're certain: with so much happening in front of you, you're certain that you'll find some way to further the cause of saving the forest.
You don't get very long to take in the fair, however, as Tobias quickly scans the scene and points towards a spot far off to the right.
"There they are," he says, and he takes off running. It takes you a little while to catch up; you're not quite so used to rushing around.