You spot Maxie first, setting up what looks like a little paddock on a sunny stretch of grass. They're uncharacteristically colorful today, having forgone their usual all-black ensemble in favor of a bright blue tank top and shorts emblazoned with tropical parrots. Behind Maxie, Zoe is waiting with two little Jack Russell terriers in her arms and fitting in perfectly with the weather in her pale yellow sundress.

"Oh, you're here!" Maxie calls, waving you over. When you reach the wooden pen, Maxie hugs Tobias and gives you a friendly pat on the shoulder. Zoe smiles at you and Tobias as she comes over with the dogs, looking pleased to see you. "Nice day for it, huh?" Maxie says with relish. "I know Daisy and Dot have been looking forward to this since last year."

They take the two dogs from Zoe and plop them down in the makeshift paddock. Immediately, the smaller, darker Daisy zooms off, seeming delighted to have the chance to run around. The paler, spotted Dot, however, seems more interested in sniffing you, trotting up to the edge of the paddock just to snuffle at your shoes.