70: Back for the day [pt3]

"Kid, what the hell? You almost gave me a heart attack with your reckless actions. What would have happened had you not finished the boss in time?"

The healer asked with a surprised voice. The healer had been ready to cast a massive healing spell on the shooter if the mob managed to hit him.

In the healer's eyes, it had been a close call and the shooter had gotten lucky.

"Ehh? But I was not in any danger, to begin with. If I failed to kill the boss, then I would have just dodged the mob. It's quite simple."

The healer could only listen to the shooter with his jaw clenched tightly.

What the shooter was saying was not simple. Even professionals were not able to pull this trick off consistently. But the way this kid said it made him seem confident in his survival.

"See, I told you that this kid made it look like he is hacking this game. Isn't he amazing?"