71: Fourth match - first round

Olivier spent five whole minutes debating whether to help Luna out or not. But in the end, he felt sorry for her and decided to plug her mouse into her PC.

The sudden response from her PC startled Luna enough for her to cry out in fright. She also clutched her chest to stop her panic attack.

"What the hell? Is this computer cursed? How the hell did it…. Kid, did you play a prank on me?"

Olivier shook his head and pointed toward Luna's mouse.

"It was unplugged so I plugged it in for you."

Luna's face flushed once she heard what Olivier said. She had not even considered it as a possibility.

Meanwhile, Luna's chat exploded because of her clumsy actions and Luna had to pay attention to that. Olivier let her be and went to sleep.

Tomorrow was their last match and Olivier knew nothing about their opponent. As a result, it had the potential of being a tough match for his side.