130: The council head strikes back [pt2]

The council head was proud of her tricks. She was glad that she had taken care of the overall paperwork and never included the Esports Club in it. It had been her duty to do so, but who would say anything to her?

And now, that turned out to be the correct decision since it helped the council head make the stupid humans in front of her bow down to her. It was nice to feel this powerful.

"What the hell? You cannot do that to us. You cannot just say that you have not processed our paperwork. That is not fair."

The big boss spoke up against the injustice. He was not going to take this humiliation lying down. He was going to fight against the council head and get his rights.

"Oh, it's not fair? Who said I had to make fair decisions? First, I am not someone who cared about fairness at all. I am the council head and I make the final law. Second, your pathetic club should not exist in the first place. All it does is take up resources."