131: Aqua's bet

The team quickly fought the earlier monster before they reached the maze section. Olivier looked up at the target he needed to shoot and made an accurate shot. His accurate shot brought the barriers down for the section.

With this, the easy part was over already, and the real part of the run was coming ahead. The pre-boss was a real run-killer.

"Aqua, we are counting on you to buff us all up. We will handle the monster on our side just fine."

Luna called as she quickly clashed with the mini-boss. She was able to damage the monster a lot but, she also lost a significant amount of HP. Aqua had to instantly heal her because of this.

"Hey, stop adding to my workload here. I am already being swept up in work here. I cannot afford to keep babysitting you as well."

Aqua complained but he had to instantly turn his focus on the boss in front of him. The mini-boss had recovered from Luna's attack and had a shield now.