Ceil's Marriage

After Lydia, Sebastian, and Claude had adopted Ceil, they had made it clear that Ceil didn't have to continue his arrangement with Elizabeth Midford if he didn't want to. "But... it's my duty. We've been engaged for... well as long as I can remember," Ceil said after Lydia said something to him about it.

Lydia bent down so her face was to his and ran her fingers through his hair. "Do you remember why I told you that Sebastian, Claude, and I were taking over the responsibility of the Queen's Guard Dog from you for the time being?"

Ceil didn't move away from her. In fact, he moved closer to her. He mumbled into her neck, "So that I could enjoy my childhood."

Lydia chuckled lightly. She understood him perfectly well. She loved that he clung to her as a mother. Sebastian still treated him as an employer, but she could understand that. He had worked for Ceil for years. Claude, on the other hand, he and Ceil had a more friendly relationship, so long as it was in the house. Since both Sebastian and Claude still, mostly, only wore their butler uniforms they behaved as such outside and inside the house around others. It only changed when they were alone with Ceil. Soon after everything that had happened Ceil had told Lizzy that he wished to dissolve their arranged marriage. She was beyond destroyed. Lydia's heart went out to the girl, but she wanted her son to be happy, and she knew that he had never been truly happy with Lizzy.

It had happened, during Lydia's pregnancy, that Ceil met a young lady. There were still balls and other social engagements that he had to attend. Lydia and either Sebastian or Claude always went with him. And this one particular ball Claude was with her. He kept begging her to sit down as she was quite large at the time, but Lydia wanted to stand and watch Ceil. She grabbed his hand as she smiled, "Look, my love. Look at our boy."

She heard Claude from behind her a moment later, "Oh my... that look on his face. That look could only mean one thing."

Lydia turned slightly to look at Claude, "Indeed it does. Ceil has spotted a young lady that he may like."

Claude hugged Lydia from behind, "That is wonderful, my dear. Let us not get too far ahead of ourselves. I'm sure if it's true he'll come to tell us."

She put her head on his chest, "You're right, of course."

Sometime later Ceil and a young woman came over to them. Claude let go of Lydia and the two of them stood side-by-side. Ceil had a huge smile on his face. That put Lydia in a good mood. "Mother," Ceil said when he came up to the two of them. "I would like to introduce you to Lady Adelia Catherine Paterson."

Lydia bowed her head and Claude bowed at his waist. "It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Paterson," Lydia said.

"What do you think of our Ceil," Claude asked as he stood back up straight.

Adelia looked to Ceil, a shy smile on her face, "We have danced a few times and talked a little. He seemed nice. When he offered to introduce me to his parents, I couldn't say no."

Lydia could tell the confusion on Adelia's face at Claude's and her own outfit, but she was too polite to say anything about it in public. They stood and talked for a while longer before Ceil pulled her back into the crowd for more dancing. "He's changed so much in such a short time," Claude observed.

"You're right, and for the better in my eyes. I just hope that young lady can see it too and doesn't judge him before she gets to know him," Lydia said quietly.

"Even if she does, Ceil will have more opportunities to meet other young ladies."

"True," she sighed.

By the time Lydia had given birth to the twins, Ceil and Adelia were courting. Adelia had yet to come over to the manor and Ceil hadn't said anything about her asking about their family, so Lydia wasn't sure what the young lady knew. It worried her. At the moment, though, she had other things to occupy her mind.

Around the time that Silas and Colin turned two, Ceil said something about wanting to hold a ball. He was 16. He was looking more and more like his father, though Lydia had kept that to herself so far. Neither of the three of them could think of a reason to deny him, so they agreed. As Silas toddled off after Claude and Colin toddled off after Sebastian, Lydia was about to leave as well. "Mother... wait," Ceil asked.

Lydia stopped and walked back to the desk that they had kept in the study which was where they had met, "What is it, Ceil?"

"I wanted to tell you why I was holding this ball," Ceil said as he stood from his seat, pulling his jacket closed.

"You don't have to."

He sighed loudly, "But I want to Mother."

Lydia smiled at him and motioned him over to her. He came over. He was taller than her now, but she still pulled him into a hug. Ceil wrapped his arms around her and put his head on top of hers. After several moments, he said, "Thank you... for everything."

"What do you mean?"

Ceil pulled away and looked at her, "If it hadn't been for you... well, I wouldn't be here. I was an angry young man, bent on revenge. I was willing to do anything to see that revenge take place... even die. Because of you, though, I have a chance at a full life."

"You deserved it, Ceil. I saw that in you," Lydia said. "I didn't know what would happen, but I knew I had to get you a second chance at a real life, no matter what."

Ceil hugged her again, "Thank you so much, Mother."

Lydia chuckled again and returned the hug. She then asked, "Now, are you going to tell me why you're holding this ball?"

Ceil laughed then and let her go fully, "Well... I intended to ask Lady Adelia to marry me."

"Really?" Lydia asked happily.


"Oh! I'm so happy for you, Ceil!"

"Then you consent?"

"I do indeed, but you know you'll need to talk to your fathers too."

"I know," Ceil said with a smile. "But I wished to ask you first."

"Now off with you. I've got work to do," Lydia said, hitting Ceil's shoulder playfully.

Ceil giggled and walked out of the room. Lydia all but knew what Sebastian and Claude would say. They would be throwing a wedding in a few years. There would be no way she would let Ceil get married before he turned 18.

Sure enough, about 2 1/2 years later the manor was abuzz with people. They were putting the final touches on everything. Lydia could tell by their faces that Sebastian and Claude wished to help, but she refused to let them. Today was not the day. Silas and Colin were running around in their dress clothes. "Boys, please don't get dirty!" Lydia called.

"Okay, mother!" Colin called back.

"Don't worry, love. I'm watching them," Claude told her.

Over these past two years, they had gotten to know more about Adelia. She was just perfect for Ceil. He had grown up even more. "We won't be able to stay much longer," Sebastian whispered in her ear.

Lydia sighed and nodded her head sadly, "I know, love. I know."

She wanted to stay as long as they could. She didn't want to abandon Ceil, but the longer that she watched the services, the more she realized that he was no longer alone. He had a wife that loved him. He would eventually have a family as well. Her own family could not continue to stay.

Ceil invited her to dance, so she accepted. During the dance, he asked, "Is something bothering you, Mother? This is a happy occasion. You should be smiling."

Lydia looked up at him a smile on her face. "Oh Ceil, I am happy... more than happy. You have exceeded my expectations," she pulled herself in close to his ear so only he would hear. "It's time for us to go, my son. Time for you to take back what is yours."

Ceil looked at her with a shocked expression, "B-but... I'm not ready! I don't want you to go!"

Lydia put her hand on his cheek, "If we waited for that... you would never be ready. I will always think of you fondly, and I will be keeping an eye on you. Keep out of trouble won't you?"

Ceil looked hurt. He didn't say anything for a long time. Sebastian came up behind them, placing a hand on her back. This caused the two of them to stop dancing. He bent his head and whispered into Ceil's ear. Lydia didn't hear a word of what he said. When he stood back up he did one of those close-eyed smiles, "I'm sure you would agree, right?"

Ceil nodded his head slowly, "Yes, of course. Thank you, Sebastian."

Sebastian bowed his head, then turned to Lydia and Claude, "Let's go, shall we."

Claude just nodded and then said, "Colin... Silas... we must go."

Lydia was more moving on autopilot. She followed her mates and children as they left and headed to their room. They packed up, one suitcase each, and then headed out... walking. To where... who knew?