The White Dress

Around 4 a.m., I woke up. I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, for some minutes. I sit on the bed. I was thinking about what Emma said. "I need to give myself some time. I have a memory loss problem." I take a deep breath and look down at my right arm.

There is no improvement in my right arm. I am taking medicine every day. I stood up and walked up to the window. I tried to open it, but I could not because it was sealed. I looked out the window. I did not see anything.

Where am I?” I spoke. I do not know how people live here. It is so lonely here.

It was still dark outside. I walk up to the door and step out of the room. I look around and see that everybody is sleeping in their room. I walk downstairs, and suddenly I hear a creak as one of the room’s upstairs doors opens. I look over my shoulder, but no one is there, and no door is open.

I was hearing things. She is right. I must relax. Do not over-imagine things. I say this while walking out of the house. I closed the door behind him.

Afterward, one of the room’s upstairs doors slightly opens.

I was standing outside the house. I lift my head up and look at the sky. Everyone is sleeping. What should I do now? I spoke. I looked towards the farm on the left.

I started walking toward the farm. I started doing chores on the farm. While I was working, I heard quiet lights and soft footsteps outside the farm. I look at the door, but no one comes to the entrance of the farm.

“Hello, anyone there?” I asked.

I did not get any response, so I walked up to the door. I looked around and saw no one out there. I stand there and stare at the sky. The sun is not yet up in the sky.

Hmmm... my wild imagination I nodded my head with a smile on my face. “I will drive myself crazy,” I said.

I got back to my work. A few minutes later, I felt that someone was watching me from the window on the right side. I suddenly looked up at the window, but no one was there.

I lay down on the ground and started staring at the ceiling, and the next minute I laid eyes on the dress, which is behind the broken old machine on the left side near the window. I stand up, walk up to the machine, and pick up the dress.

I pick it up and look at it. It was dirty and torn off the bottom of the left side. The dress color is white, but yellow and red flowers are printed on it.

What are you doing here? “To whom do you belong?” I asked.

A minute later, I entered the house with a dress in my hand. I hear the voices that are coming from the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen, Alberta and Robert were talking.

Just give him time. He is doing great. You do not have to act like that. “Do you want him to leave?” Robert said.

Alberta turns her face toward Robert. I just... as she was speaking to Robert, she noticed me standing at the door. Alberta stops there and comes close to me.

“How long have you been here?” Alberta asked me.

not long enough. “What are you talking about?” to Alberta?” I asked.

Robert comes close to me. He jumps into the conversation. We are talking about nothing? “What is in your hand?”

I look at him. Okay, Err... It is a dress that I found on the farm behind the broken machine. “Can you tell me who it belongs to?” I spoke.

As I showed them the dress, Alberta’s hands started shaking. She just walked away from us. I unexpectedly inquired.

“What happened? “Why are your hands shaking?”

Robert puts his hand on my shoulder. Robert said. Come on. We talk outside. Your mother is not feeling well. ‘Daniel’

I walked out of the kitchen with Robert. I look at him and asked, “What happened?” “She was fine yesterday.”

So, you found this dress on the farm. “It could be Sarah’s dress,” Robert said.

“I don’t think so because it is not Sarah’s size,” I said. “Before you say it belongs to Mom, I want to tell you that it couldn’t fit her either,” I said with a smile.

Alberta screamed. I remember now. “It belongs to Emma.”

Give it to me. “I’ll place it in the laundry, and your mother will give the dress to its rightful owner after cleaning it,” Robert said while taking the dress from me.

As Robert was walking away, I stopped him.

Hey, “Dad,” from today I want you to call me Danny. “I like it,” I said.

Alberta was listening to their conversation from the kitchen. After hearing this, Alberta gets furious.

Meanwhile, Alberta suddenly appears from behind the door. she shouted.

“Your name is Daniel, and we will call you Daniel.” “I don’t like this name.”

I looked at Alberta in astonishment. What not to like? It is short for my name. “It’s a pet name,” I said.

Alberta roared and came close to me. “I said no one would address you by this name. I do not want you to break these principles whenever you want” Alberta's face was red with anger.

I walked forward. What are you talking about We are your children. And as far as I know, this is home and not a school” I spoke.

Alberta looked up at me. I was just staring at her. No one was present there at this time. I do not know where the rest of the house went. As Alberta comes closer with a big kitchen knife in her hand, I lean against the wall. I get scared and confused by Alberta’s reaction.

Do you hear me? “Your name is Daniel,” Angry Alberta yelled. I have just said. Your name is Daniel. And we shall call you by this name.”

I look at her. I asked. Did I say something wrong?” ‘Mom’ You do not need to be so angry. It is just a name. Why are you making a big deal out of it”?

“Alberta,” “Alberta,” “just calm down,” Robert said.

Robert intervenes and takes Alberta to their bedroom upstairs. They walk into the room, and Robert closes the door behind him. In the meantime, Jace and Ryan come out of their room. They look at me.

They asked in one voice. “What happened?”

I look down at my stomach because he was feeling burned, so he lifts his shirt and sees that a small red dot appears on my stomach.

At that moment, Alberta runs out of the room and falls down the stairs. Robert tries to grab her hand but is unable to do so now. Robert runs downstairs. He picks Alberta. She fainted from the fall, and her head is bleeding. Robert took her into the room and laid her on the couch. I was standing there, and he did not move a muscle. Jordan and Sarah also came downstairs after listening to the noises.

Jordan saw me standing against the wall. Sarah walks to the room where everyone is with Alberta. Robert was yelling Alberta’s name, but she was not responding. Sarah and Ryan started crying.