
After a while Alya's laughter died down.

"Alya Chizitaram, I am really interested in knowing what was so amusing to you," Isa said still glaring at Alya.

"It's actually not much. I just remembered something. Besides, didn't you just witness what happened?... Oh! You were the victim, that's probably why you don't see the fun in it", Alya said still laughing.

Isa glared at her for a long time before finally saying, "Well, I am not surprised at all. You are no different from Alda, actually, you two deserve to live in a mental asylum."

She turned to leave when Alya said, "It's quite a pity. I would have understood if you just needed company but I'm quite sorry, I can't live in your house."

Isa seemed to freeze for a moment. I bet about a minute passed before she finally turned slowly to face Alya. She looked completely speechless.

Alya on the other hand was now focused on discarding her salad plate. After which she picked up a novel and started reading.

I saw Alesscia glaring at her but I couldn't just understand why. Isa's case was different and it had nothing to do with her, it wasn't as if she was even friends with Isa.

When she probably couldn't bare it anymore she decided to speak.

"Alya Chizitaram or whatever shit you call yourself, it's clear that you have a habit of putting people down. It's not like you are enemies with Isa or something. Like, what right do you think you have to laugh at her... "

"Hey, have you checked out this book. Its like the best Nigerian book I have read. I mean, how did Chidera Okolie even do it. The name alone is just captivating, "when silence becomes too loud". And then the book in general is just something else. Don't you think? " Alya asked the boy sitting next to her.

He was more of a reader so he would have quite a chance of answering her. Plus, he probably had a crush on her and was basically dying to respond.

And I just kind of felt that it was the first time she was talking to him in his life so he would definitely not miss the opportunity to speak to her.

He nodded with a very wide smile. "Yeah. The book is really nice", he said.

Alesscia looked so annoyed she was almost seething.

"You are really pathetic. Everything about you and your miserable life just makes me sick to my stomach", Alesscia said.

I personally did not appreciate the way she was speaking to Alya.

"Yeah, my life's pathetic enough but not half as pathetic as yours. You're so desperate to save a fake relationship you're even putting yourself at stake. You've got a Grade A in stupidity don't you think?" Alya asked not looking up from her book.

I thought Alesscia would flip but she didn't even utter a word although there was a pained expression on her face.

I almost thought I saw her blinking away tears. Soon she left Alya's table and picked up her bag heading straight for the door.

She was going home in the middle of school again? How did she even get permission to do that every time?

Oh! Wahala be like non-celebrities like myself.

I turned to look at Alya. She was still reading her book as if nothing happened. And her ever famous frown sat perfectly on her face.


I took two days break from school and the break would have been longer if the mid-term exams weren't beginning that day.

Guess the lazy part of me finally ended up dominating the nerd in me.

I walked past Isa yelling at Josh on my way to class and had a small flashback of what happened on Wednesday. I laughed a little. She must have added me to the list of people she hated.

Although she was in the wrong anyways. What Alda did was also wrong but I actually liked the way she did it.

It reminded me of what Jarad sang in 'Make Believe', ten seconds from loosing my head, time to show you what the lunatics do.

The whole scene was just comical. I also felt really bad for Alesscia, I shouldn't have used her problem against her.

Although I seized to feel bad about it when I heard the dumb album she released that was filled with songs about heart break.

When Taylor Swift and Sam Smith sing about heartbreak, it's just great. When Juice wrld sings about heartbreak, it's divine. But her's just seemed so pathetic to me.

The songs were really nice if I were to be totally honest and kept my sadistic part out of the whole thing. It's just that I really felt that she wouldn't have to endure all the shit she told me about if she actually wanted.

I passed a few people talking about one of the songs from her album, Numb.

They were fans so they were just gushing over how wonderful the song was. I rolled my eyes. I really did like the song no matter how sadistic I tried to be.

I got to our block when I met a group of girls talking about her and her songs in a really terrible way. And listening to them, it was quite clear that they had a problem with Alesscia and not with her songs.

I made to ignore them but I couldn't just tolerate how they were talking about her. They wouldn't even be able to utter a word in front of her and here they were, associating her name with all the terrible things you could think of.

"Hey girls!" I said finally deciding to stop them.

They all turned to look at me with a few bearing confused expressions. It was understandable since I had never talked to them before.

Forget talking to them, I might have snobbed a few of them before although I really prayed that wouldn't be the case.

"I was just passing and I heard you guys talking about Alesscia and I don't think it's nice to talk about someone like that even if you don't like her songs that shouldn't be a reason to..."

"So? Mind your business would you?" One of the girls snapped.

Who the hell did she think she was to speak to me like that? She should actually be grateful that I considered speaking to her, nicely at that.

I burst into a humourless laughter deliberately to irritate them. And I guess it worked since they bore both confused and annoyed expressions as they stared at me.

"I was just saying though. I forgot that wannabes like yourself could only ever dream of talking about Alesscia. You can't even get the opportunity to kiss her ass in your dreams. I have to leave since I actually have a life unlike a bunch of scumbags I made the mistake of interacting with", I said with a bright smile.

I turned to see Alesscia staring at me. She had a neutral expression on her face and I had no clue what she was thinking about neither did I know how long she had been standing there. I took one more glance at the girls to see their drained faces before I left.