
The day went by quicker than I expected and soon enough, I was in Chiamaka's house.

I thought she would be angry at me for pushing Ifeanyi judging from the way she yelled my name but it didn't seem as if she was mad at me the last time we spoke.

Then she invited me over to her house and for the first time, I accepted.

I was starting to change my mind now that I was parked in the compound of the large house. How could she just forgive me and then invite me to her house?

I would bet a million dollars that she was planning a sick revenge plan or... I was over thinking as usual.

I stepped out of the Lamborghini before picking out my phone. I texted her that I was there.

She replied with a "come in". And it took me a while to realize that this wasn't my house and she didn't need a security alert before letting me in.

I walked to the door and deliberated on whether I should knock or not. When I made up my mind to knock, the door flung open.

"Alya!" Chiamaka exclaimed with her usual overly cheerful yet deep voice.

"Hi!" I said also trying to match her enthusiastiasm but trust my lack of cheerfulness to betray me at the last moment.

"Come in", she said with a wide smile. I nodded before moving into the twin duplex.

I let my eyes move all over the house. It was just in my nature to admire stuffs.

"I love your house", I said in an attempt to sound nice. The house was actually okay but I didn't just fancy it.

"Thanks. I know it's terrible compared to yours and you're just trying to be nice but thanks anyway", she said while leading me to her room.

"What?! No, I actually meant it. It's quite... pretty", I said honestly.

She rolled her eyes.

"Stop flattering me. Who are you and what did you do to the honest Alya I knew?"

"I'm actually being honest", I insisted while shrugging.


We walked on and it took a short time to reach her room. I glanced at my phone to be sure and I saw that it barely took a minute to get here.

She got a call before she could open the door and she excused herself telling me to go in and make myself at home before taking the call.

I pushed open the door and the room immediately lit up. My heart immediately skipped a beat as I met eye to eye with a small girl standing at a corner.

I tried to look away and saw another guy at another corner. I stepped back and flinched when I bumped into an old lady... figure?

I was really starting to get creeped out. I noticed that there was a glass wall separating the room and the one next to it and I could basically see everything going on in that room.

There were also a lot of posters on the other non-glass walls, way more than there should be in a normal human being's room.

I turned around to leave just as Chiamaka came in. She must have noticed the scared look on my face as she matched it with a quizzical look on hers.

Then suddenly, it looked as though realization dawned on her.

"So sorry, I should have come in with you", she said as she headed for her bed. I stood rooted at that spot still very puzzled.

"Actually, these are just dummies", she said laughing lightly. I didn't speak and she continued, "I have autophobia and its kinda severe. Whether its about people not being in my life or just not having people around scares shit out of me

"That's why there are a lot of dummies and a see through wall on the interior as well. Sorry if it scared you", she said in a solemn voice.

I was still shaken but I decided not to let it show for her sake. I tried to act as casually as ever as I strolled towards one of the less creepy looking dummies.

"So these all are dummies right?" I asked stretching to touch the old lady dummy.

"No! I'm her nanny", it said and I almost fell to the ground out of shock.

Chiamaka laughed a small laugh.

"Sorry, that's actually my nanny", she said.

I turned to look at the old woman. She was staring at me.

"But the rest are dummies. You can touch them if you like", Chiamaka said.

"I think I have had enough heart attacks for an evening", I said walking over to sit next to her. I should have left this house by now if I was sane.

"So... Do you have a problem with people leaving you alone?" I asked in an attempt to further understand her problem.

"Kinda. I don't really know but it's really difficult for me to handle being left alone and people just walking out of my life is twice as bad", she said and I only managed to nod.

After forcing myself to stay a little while longer, I decided to leave. Chiamaka escorted me outside. I waved her goodbye before leaving.


Next day at school and the day had already skipped by. I had just finished writing Physics and since the rest of the class was still writing, I decided to go to the art class since they didn't have any papers.

I immediately regretted when I entered the class to hear Alice rapping "I like it" by Cardi B.

...Now I like dollars I like diamonds

I like stunting I like shinning

I like million dollar bills where's my pen bitch I'm signing

I like does Balenciagas the ones that look like socks

I like going to the jeweller, I put rocks all on my watch...

Apparently, a rap battle was going on between the two art classes with students singing recorded albums while the instrumentals were played.

The class was quite crowded and as I have mentioned before, I don't like crowds.

I thought of leaving although I didn't know where I would go as Jessica interrupted Alice with Megatron by Nicki Minaj.

...They call me Megatron

Just did a telethon

He got Margiela's son and I get my jealous on

I fuck him like I miss him

He just came out of prison

Bitches be talking shit but they ain't got a pot to piss in

My name is Nicki M...

Then Chineze rapped Megan Thee Stallion's part in wap.

...Gobble me swallow me drop down the side of me

Quick, jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me

I tell him where to put it, never tell him where I'm 'bout to be

I'll run down on him 'fore I have a nigga running me

Talk your shit, bite your lip

Ask for a car while you ride that dick...

I couldn't stand the crowd anymore so I just left the class.

I walked back to my class in hopes that they would be done with the exams. I didn't reach the class when I saw Chiamaka kissing Ifeanyi at a corner.

I don't know for what reason but I felt a slight pain seeing them together like that.

Before I knew it, I turned around and started heading back to where I came from in anger.

I found a quiet place in one of the empty blocks and I leaned on a pillar.

I didn't know how long I stood there but I was so lost in thoughts I didn't know someone else had come there until I felt someone snake their hands around my waist.

I elbowed the person and I heard the person yelp as I turned around to see...

"Oh you", I said relaxing.