Kiss me more?

"Hi", I said with a fake smile plastered on my face. How did he see me?

"Um... Hi", he said. "How have you been?"

"Great", I said my eyes fixed on the shelf.

"I was at your house on..."

"Yeah. I saw you", I said interrupting him. I really wanted to ask why he just left but I shouldn't.

"I remembered something really urgent that's why I left without coming in", he said quietly.


"Oh", I mouthed. I shoved the textbook back where I found it. I needed to leave there. I turned around to leave.

"Wait!" He yelled behind me.

I snapped my head to him. 'What did he want now?' I wondered.

"You are leaving already?" He asked.

"Of course not. I was just coming in", I said with an eye roll.


"I have Maths class", I said attempting to leave.

"No you don't."

I stopped to see Ifeanyi walking towards me.

"What?" I asked for clarification.