Party Crasher


I kept glaring at the box on my laps. As I had expected, another piece of overly priced jewelry as a birthday gift from mommy dearest.

I vaguely recounted giving the last fifty thousand dollars diamond bracelet I got to some little child begging on the street because I could. Hopefully, she would know the worth of it.

At least I loved rings so I was so keeping that one. I would have preferred diamond though. Silver was just not my thing.


I snapped back to reality as I stared at my Mathematics teacher. He glared at me from the front of the class.

"Would you like to share with us the cause of your distraction?"

I shook my head and he returned to teaching. My eyes involuntarily darted to Ifeanyi's chair for the umpteenth time today.

He was not there. I sighed and looked back at my book. I had skipped school for two days because I was avoiding him so what did I expect to happen?