I am leaving


Around evening, I went to Kylie's room. Chinano was already asleep and I was feeling bored. I needed someone to talk to so she was the next best option.

I tapped on her door before entering.

"Hey", I said taking a seat. She looked up from her book.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see my older sister", I said.

"It's nine, you should be sleeping and I shouldn't even be here"


She shrugged not saying anything. I noticed the copy of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility in her hand.

"I thought you hated classics"

"I don't. Was just trying to frustrate you. Now leave!"

"Why are you being so harsh? Don't flatter yourself, I am not so gladdened to be here", I said flipping through some books on her table.

I heard her phone ring and before I could even glance towards the phone, she snatched it from the table unconsciously pulling it out from the charger.