
I was lying on my bed listening to wade in the water by the spirituals via my earbuds when I opened my eyes to see Isa standing in front of my bed waving her hands to get my attention.

This was my third week in the hostel and apart from frequently glaring at me, this was the first time Isa was making an attempt to speak directly to me.

I took off an earbud as I dryly asked what her problem was.

"You are playing your music too loudly, I can hear you from three rooms away. Could you at least be considerate and turn down the volume. This is a hostel not a club", she said and I knew she was just messing with me.

I was on fucking earbuds and it wasn't as if the song was playing at the highest volume. To top that, the nearest bed to mine was more than six feet away. I could swear that even her that was standing in front of me couldn't hear a single thing.

"Which song am I playing?" I asked annoyed.

"I don't care what song you are playing just stop it okay?"