
"...Is that clear?"

"Yeah, I get it. No electronic gadget should ever be found in my possession, I get toilet, laundry and kitchen duties until I leave the school. I get to clean a portion of the compound around the hostel every Saturday and basically just do work like a camel", I said adding the last part which hadn't been mentioned as part of my punishment but which was still basically the summary of the whole punishment.

I get to scrub toilets, floors, assist in cooking and serving food to a large population of students and do the laundry of students too lazy to do theirs. That, is the definition of working like a camel.

And then until I left the school I would be stuck doing all those. In their dreams. They should wait till I get home.

"No one asked you to work like a camel but that is your choice anyway. In addition to the listed punishments, you are expected to go home for the weekend," the dorms supervisor said.

"And how is that a punishment?"