Sticky situations

After taking a second look and double checking to make sure there wasn't anyone who could either be a witness or a hinderance to the next action she was about to take, she stepped closer to the wardrobe on the side of the room with the most depressing color- a dull shade of green.

Inching closer while still making sure she wouldn't have a surprise guest, she neared the wardrobe with extreme caution while trying her best to get her work done knowing that if Alya or anyone else were to somehow walk into the room at the moment, it would be the end for her.

Finally in front of the mahogany wardrobe, she pulled it open silently thanking her stars that it didn't make much of a creak as she thought it would.

Within seconds, she had the lilac box with the name tag Alya Chizitaram on the floor. She went through the bags looking for anything but nothing in particular.