Old friends or old enemies?

When we got to the class, the Maths teacher was already there. We were late though and I honestly thought that he would comment on our lateness and probably pass a few sarcastic comments or even insults on us for not being serious but surprisingly he only nodded when we greeted him not stopping his teaching which made me conclude that he was either in a good mood or didn't have time to display his usual behavior.

We all took seats at the front since the back seats were surprisingly all occupied while the front seats were all empty. I was surprised to see Kaira in class. I still hadn't decided how to approach both her and Chiamaka now that I knew the truth.

I just wanted to know one thing, why?

I listened to the rest of the class with rapt attention while Alesscia seemed hell bent on distracting I, Ubaro and Ifeanyi but failed miserably.

By the time the Maths teacher left, she showed me a dress design she had sketched while class was going on.