
"And for someone who should have brains, you don't do a lot of thinking," I said angered. Why didn't he stop me a few minutes later when I was done with Alda.

"Who annoyed you this afternoon? You seem to always be in a bad mood and offending people has really become a habit of yours..."

"Did you really stop me just to castigate me?" I asked incredulously.

"No, I actually stopped you to apologize even though I really don't know what I am apologizing for. I can't just bear to loose one of the best friends I ever had and if you feel that I did something offensive then I am really sorry."

"That's really sweet and all..." I started saying but paused. Auti never really did anything to me but then he apologized just because he didn't want to loose our friendship. If there was really anyone who needed to apologize it would be me.