Goodbyes or good riddance

I returned to school when all my classmates had probably finished writing their JAMB. Alesscia didn't let me rest after she saw her JAMB score and she miraculously got three hundred and ten.

She made such a noise about it, it was just left for her to write 310 on her forehead just so that the world could see her JAMB score. She even got 310 tattooed on her right arm.

"The tattoo is nice isn't it?" She asked waving her hand in face so I could see the tattoo properly.

"It's just numbers. There isn't anything so wow about having numbers tattooed on your arm."

"Well it is better than that tattoo on your hand. I don't even know what it is, is it a sword or just the tattoo artist's mistake?" She asked. She just made a rude remark about the mark on my hand without really knowing it.

"It's not a tattoo," I said. I wondered how in earth people kept mistaking a scar for a tattoo.

"Then what is it?"