Gooe gooe slime……..

(A/N: contemporary time jump begins from this chapter)

"This game space is quite large, it is as large as four continents joined together, I would take my time to explore it later, it would be nice to keep some memories," Emmy said.

"I agree with you on that, he paused, How are we going to find the girl though" Nolan asked

"Weren't you listening to the head?" Emmy replied, "Well, he said that she was last seen on this street, she might be in one of these buildings so I think it's best we spread out and search around it might be easier to find her" She suggested as she also needed to get something away from Nolan.

"alright," Nolan said and they both went their separate ways, Nolan walked around the street for a while.

It had been a while since he was alone as such and walking through the streets memories of his past events with Emmy and the others came up.

"It's been a nice and long experience hanging out with other players, me and Emmy we make quite the team, but I would have preferred Ally, it's been up to a month and I still haven't found her…..

/And that's why you forgot me??" Ra said angrily "I have been dying of boredom watching you go around, there's no action. You're so boring/

"loud mouth, you're not worth talking to, you're a waste of time"

/I see you should have told me earlier when you were getting your ass whooped/

"Yeah yeah yeah, maybe I was too shameless too, I'd take any opportunity I have, just help me find the player if you can," Nolan said

/system radar has been activated, finding nearby players, and showing all recognized and unrecognized players/

/You can use the map to find the player you're looking for idiot!!/ Ra said

'Seems like his only good at curses' Nolan thought, using the digital map he found the radar leading him to the player.

After walking for minutes he finally arrived at the marked place on the map, but he was reluctant to go In seeing the signboard which had the words Fairy Lovers brothel, looking at his map again to make sure he was in the right place and it appeared so.

Gulping a mouthful of spit he walked into the brothel 'what the fuck will she be doing here' he thought as he entered the brothel.

"Young Mr. why don't you come to spend a nice long night with me," one of the women said seductively, even with his mask on he couldn't avoid being confronted

"am sure the young master has a taste he won't go for cheap things like you," another said "As you said am sure he has good eyes he can tell who has the better quality," she said giving him a wink.

While reaching out for his hands but she was suddenly pulled back and 'pa' a slap was smashed right into her face, the handprint could be seen, rubbing her cheek in shock she angrily roared.

"How dare you!" she pulled on the other girl's hair and it turned into a fight with the two shouting like mad bitches allowing Nolan to leave the scene unnoticed.

Still following the radar he arrived at a certain room which according to the radar the player was meant to be in, he reached out for the doorknob but series of dirty thoughts flooded his mind 'what could she be doing in there?' he pondered he gave a deep sigh to calm himself.

Opening the room door as he had thought, she stood straight in the center of the room with straps on her hands and legs and her mouth as if kidnapped.

As the door pulled open her eyes locked on Nolan, she looked at him desperately as though begging to be released she let out soft moans from time to time, Nolan was left in a daze after entering the room.

He had prepared beforehand for any possible outcome but seeing it himself he was left well….., Her clothes were partly thorn, exposing her bare chest and her huge boobs along with her well-curved waist and some other parts of her body, there was a blue sticky liquid all over her body, the slimly liquid wriggled round her body while pressing hard against her pink nipples making her moan through the straps on her mouth, it was like watching a porn scene play out.

[Gooe gooey slime! A slimy goo that burns fabric on contacts and enjoys sexual pleasure from women, the goo has a strong binding effect which differs depending on the level of goo, the goo slime feeds off male genders and is agitated by them]

The system pinged as he used his appraisal skill on the beast.

[HP: 92]

[Level: 5]

[Strength: No physical body to display such]

[Agility/Speed: 450]

[Stamina: 500]

/ system quest defeat slime and get 5000 Nano points/

"Why did I have to run into this?" Nolan cursed as he saw the stats of the gooey slime that was a whole level above him and seemed to despise men, he immediately dashed into action.

The slime shoot out a series of goo's toward him, which he easily evaded.

'Thankfully it doesn't have a physical body, else it would have been a lot harder to deal with, the speed and strength would've been a lot more terrifying' Nolan thought as he immediately pulled out his light saber from his second space.

[Fast boots activated] He dashed towards the slime, few meters away the slime shot out another goo towards his face.

Shifting to the side he easily evaded the attack and landed a solid hit on the slime slashing through like a hot knife through butter, turning back swiftly he readied his second attack but the slime used the girl as a body shield. It seemed as though the beast had intelligence similar to that of the bosses.

"This cunning bastard" Nolan cursed as he immediately reacted taking some steps back he was about to go in for another attack but he noticed the slight stiffness in his hand.


It was a fast and decisive move that he least expected from the beast at the moment.