Game Event Hosted!.

Nolan struggled with the goo on his hands and another was shot to his left leg, looking up he could see the slimly face curling into a mocking smile.

"Let's see who gets to smile last" Nolan said pissed off, with his two hands tightly fitted to the hilt of the saber due to the goo, Nolan raised the sword to his eye level.

[plasma blast activated]

A red hot laser shot off from the tip of the saber so fast that the slime couldn't react on time and was blown into pieces.

[HP: 5]

[500 Nano points have been used to activate plasma blast]

'It leaves as quick as it comes' Nolan thought seeing how he had just used up 500 nano points.

[550 nano points left]

This was the first time he had used the plasma blast ever since he had gotten the ability as a passive skill for all his sabers.

Looking back at the girl who was now sitting on the floor staring blatantly at him, he noticed all the goo's in the room gathering at the spot where he had killed it even the ones on his hands and leg left to join up with the others.

/forgot to mention the gooey slime is also hard to deal with due to their regenerative ability, as long as they are still alive, they can regenerate back to full health so you have to end them once/

"you idiot and you're telling me this now, I was relieved knowing I had dealt with it the first time"

/Well you just have to do it again/

The good slime had fully regenerated even becoming bigger than it initially was, casting its huge shadow over Nolan.

"Hahahaha, almost forgot I had that," he said taking a deep breath, his lightsaber disappeared

"hey, what the hell are you doing you need your weapons to defeat the slime or are you giving up already," the girl said as she managed to remove the straps on her mouth.

"don't worry I've got everything under control," he said and then a dim white light engulfed his hand and a short rifle appeared he raised the gun using his second hand for support but then 'Burp' a loud burp was heard as the Slime engulfed and swallowed him.

"idiot" she cursed, laying helplessly, although she had succeeded in removing the straps on her mouth she couldn't say the same for the ones that were on her hands and legs, she could only look as the slime advanced towards her with a perverted smile.

Suddenly it paused in its track and a large red beam shot out right through its gut and kept expanding till it engulfed the whole slime covering the whole room with smoke.

*Cough* *cough*

"goddamn that place was terrible it kept reducing my HP every second.

[HP: 58]

[Player has defeated good gooey slime]

[Reward: 5000 Nano points]

[Player has gotten the passive ability stick]! Allows you to set traps in certain places and can hold the target to a place for a certain amount of time, the time limit can differ depending on strength of the target]

[Notice this is a passive ability and can only be used with nano gloves]

Walking up to her, he gave her a hand "I don't need your help standing just help me remove the straps"

"You're quite the feisty one can't even say a 'thank you for saving me," he said a bit pissed by her behavior.

"What do you mean, why should I say thank you?"She asked with a hint of disdain.

"Well, I guess I'll just take you back to your dad straight away I've got nothing to tell you" Nolan said a bit angry by her words.

She didn't place much meaning to it but now she couldn't help but ask herself the question, 'Why else would a stranger enter into her room? It. Only made sense if he was looking for her, and he must have probably be sent by her father.

"Please don't take me back, I don't want to get married off into that family, they're so rude" she replied, her character making a complete three sixty degree turn. She looked keenly at Nolan with pleading eyes, her eyes tearing up.

Nolan was speechless by her shameless act, he was amazed by her splendid ability to cry on cup but he wasn't going to fall for. Suddenly he heard a beep sound from his intercom which he linked with Emmy. Looking at it he could see a message.

[Nolan, there was no luck on my end I'll be coming back ]

Suddenly a loud sound blared like a siren, noises like fireworks filled the sky followed by a loud voice,

[BOOYAH!! new event hosted, the first phase has began, the faction battle royals has begun. Players gear up for the fun is about to begin. The rules for this event will have sent to all faction leaders, Enjoy]

In a dark room unknown to the rest of the players, three figures could be seen. Their once pristine figure had now taken the shape of three identical male children.

"Mellisa, don't you think you're pushing things a bit too far,....You should know these humans well. With the way they act they will never give a second thought about slaughtering themselves" One of the three said, her bright blue eyes filled with tenderness and care.

"This is a battle for the survival of the fittest, we can't put the fate of our world in the hands of a pip-squeak" The other replied with a sly grin as she looked at the screen that was in front of them, showing all parts of the virtual world.

"It's either now or never" the voice added.

It was a short notification one that was abut to stare up a new beginning in this virtual world.