Getting the new updates


He was stunned by what the readings on the system were showing him, it actually showed how far they went in creating the game. "The readings are slow and steady does it actually mean they can sleep in the game and have the same feeling?" Thomson asked himself looking at his desktop computer, turning his head he looked at the tube behind him in awe 'now I wonder what's it like sleeping in a game?'


'Bitz bitz bitz'

The light sabers clashed together fiercely, two figures could be seen parrying their swords,

"This is madness, what do you mean that I have been killing players and I'm a threat, it's not like you saw me doing anything and you have no proof," the girl said as she fought back for her life. Hearing her the masked man laughed out loudly as though he heard the funniest joke of his laugh

"I don't need proof as long as you're on my bounty list," the man said

"You're a psychopath," she said and continued the fight

'This fight is a lot harder than I thought, for him to match up with me means he's a lot stronger than the average player and also partook in the testing program, but the thing that's worrying me the most right now is that I can't see any of his stats it's as though something's blocking me off' she thought to herself

"You're as strong as they say, fortunately for me I made the right choice by coming to you myself, I couldn't let any of the others from the faction they would've died and thankfully I was also the closest at the time," the masked man said "Playtimes over," he said pushing himself backward, he pulled out a small round metal ball and threw it towards her, for some time it looked as if everything slowed down, the ball slowly became brighter and brighter as it got closer to her when it got to her front the light shone so brightly that it could only be described as blinding and following it was a very loud and ear piercing sound, she tried covering her ears but the noise was still too loud, she fell to her knees

[HP: 30]

Finally, the noise had settled and the whole surrounding became tranquil and peaceful, but it was a different story for her, she screamed loudly as she felt a sharp pain in her gut.

Surprisingly she couldn't hear her voice, but at the moment she couldn't think straight because the pain she felt made her brain go numb, she could feel the light saber twisting in her insides and burning everything it came in contact with.

[HP: 5]

[Players health is in critical condition use 400 Nano points to restore health]

Suddenly the burning pain reduced then she felt another sharp pain as he suddenly dragged her by the hair and tossed her into the river,

' wu wu wu' he whistled as he walked into the distance, "what's my progress so far" he asked himself as he checked the system [54%] "Hmmm I still have a long way to go hopefully when more people join in it will boost my progress" Alex said

"haa, how long is it going to take for us to get their am exhausted," Nolan said

"It won't take much more time we're almost there," she said as she looked at the map and looked at the horizon "Just a few more minutes we will be done, this game is a lot bigger than I thought it's almost as large as five continents," she said and they both continued their long journey

Modern City...

Finally, they arrived at the said location "Wow this place actually changed look at all those skyscrapers, the structure of the whole city is completely enhanced with a lot of techs" Nolan said in awe

"Yeah it actually stands up to its name, let's get going, we don't have much more time, who knows" Emmy said and they both hurriedly entered the city.

Nolan kept looking aroundd still in shock with the drastic changes the whole place underwent, now he could see android's and robots walking the street, Nolan kept walking while staring around until he was suddenly stopped by Emmy.

She pointed towards a direction following her hands he saw a bulky man wearing a black tank top showing the outline of his muscular figure and a black jean trousers and huge boots, but the most conspicuous thing in his attire was the strange mask he wore which looked like a Japanese oni mask.

"That's a member of the faction," Emmy said

"let's go meet them and get this over with," Nolan said

"don't be stupid, you have to be careful, don't you find it quite suspicious that he just came out of the blue, he was certainly waiting for you," Ra said

"Hey what do want, are you going to stand there all day staring at us?" Emmy said

"Calm down, I guess you saw the notification too" the man said, pulling out the mask he had on.

Of course they could recognize the latter's face, "Frank! It's been long, how come you're here" Emmy asked surprised.

"What can I say, I got the notification so I had to come down to modern city" He said opening his arms wide for a bear hug as he approached her.

"Shady, hope you've been doing well too?" He asked Nolan, giving him a handshake, which he collected with a warm smile.

"Of course I am" Nolan replied.

"I guess you guys came to get updates on the new system the faction has put in place."

"Yeah that's exactly why we are here" Nolan said, with a serious expression. "Things are soon going to get wild in this game" he added. The conditions were becoming more unfavorable as more and more people were now killing indiscriminately to earn points.

Everything just seemed to be going haywire and with the recent event that was hosted by the world system everything would soon get worse.

"Yeah that's very true" Frank replied in a serious tone. "Initially I wanted to just solo out probably wait till the whole thing is over but I don't think that's gonna work, I will still get involved one way or the other" he added.

"Well honestly not much has changed since you guys went for your mission but the faction just decided to become a bit more secretive.... I don't think I can explain much to you in detail but I think I can show you someone who will. Follow me". He said leading the two.

"Quite understandable," Nolan said. That was the smartest move, that way the other factions won't be able to tell exactly what plans they had.

Minutes later they arrived at a café with the name 'THE CARAVAN

"What are we doing in a café?" Emmy asked

"I told you we are now a secretive society," The man said, at this moment Nolan felt as though he was an actor starring in a movie because the whole secretive base stuff reminded him of all those American movies, the two followed as Frank entered the café, the place was bustling with activities, a lot of people were in the cafe and the waiters went around serving the people.

Suddenly one of the waiter's came to the three, she wore a short pink gown just like all the other waiter's along with her white apron, her face was small and puffy she looked like a cute little girl with tied into pigtails and her green bright eye's toping off her cuteness.

"Frank I thought you just left," she asked

"Hahahaha, well something came up that's why I'm here again," Frank replied.

Nolan was happy that he could actually see Frank be so juvail again after what had transpired before. He actually felt quite sorry for him.

The waiter shot a glance behind him and quickly understood the whole thing.

"Don't you can head back, I'll take them to the official," she said reassuringly.

"Alright then, you guys heard her, I'll be leaving them in your care," he said before leaving the two

"You guys should follow me," she said