Unexpected Attack.....

Unlike he'd expected his opponents weren't planning any sort of hidden attack, out on the middle of the street two figures suddenly sufficed. One of them wore a tight blue outfit that showed evidence that it was a girl.

She swept her long blue hair to the back, with her ruby colored eyes sternly fixed on her targets.

She had two red guns on her hands, which had some tint of purple around their edges.

By her side was a bulky man, who had quite the fierce look. He had a mohawk for a hair cut and on his shoulders were spiky armlets, he wore a military like uniform and giant spiky boots.

"Wow... that was. a nice dodge, I was expecting this to be a one hit something." The man took the lead, initiating a conversation.

"If I may ask, what's with the attack?" Tenkin asked calmly, yet his gentle and calm voice seemed much more terrifying than appealing.

It was as a result of being a solo player for years, he was looking at them sternly, he knew for sure that any little mistake would spell death. The attack from earlier was far too above average for a normal player.

"Hahaha...." The man laughed out loudly "You're a very funny one"

"I don't remember cracking a joke" he retorted coldly.


In a second the man who happened to be in front of him was now behind him, with a large evil grin plastered on his face.

Tenkin's gamer instincts quickly picked. "Don't worry when I'm done with you, you'll know why" The man whispered into his ear, throwing out a heavy punch.

Tenkin reacted almost as quick, turning around and placing his hands in an 'X' style blocking the heavy punch that the man threw at him.


The punch carried great impact, and Tenkin was blasted away, his. legs skidding through. the floor with insane speed.


A loud sound resounded as he crashed into a large building before finally stopping.

"Tenkin!!" Allison was shocked by the impact the punch had but her courage didn't falter. She turned spinning both her dagger's at high speed.

She threw the first which the man deflected as though it was nothing. Using the slight chance she maneuvered her way and sliced at his legs.... Let's just say her attack was a futile one.

She was going for another hit when she suddenly felt someone grasp her by the hair. A feeling of terror swept through her as she saw the latter's face, but he didn't spare her a glance as he just flung her to the side.

"I don't hit ladies..." He said " Oh and by the way, I'm Sedrick"

Tenkin made a great impact on the building shattering a huge chunk of the wall and of course reducing his HP badly.

[HP: 94]

Thankfully it wasn't a direct hit or it would have been worse. Sweat had already washed over his face, he was panting so hard, having only one thought in mind.

'How can he be so strong?' It was an unexpected turn of events.

At first he thought he had the upper hand but after the punch he knew very well gat his opponent wasn't one to be trifled with.

"Shit the freak is here" Tenkin cursed as he caught a glint of the figure that was heading towards him.


Another heavy blow was thrown right where he once was, but he managed to roll away right on time. This was similar to fighting the bull again and he didn't like fights that had to do with raw strength.

Usually because he preferred wits over muscles. "Coward come on and fight" Sedrick yelled.

Tenkin didn't reply, he just took a stance holding firmly unto his staff, it was really time to go all out.

[Inspect: Level 6 player detected]

Tenkin system announced.

[World system reward: +1 upgrade to all weapon. Task: defeat enemy at all cost]

He wanted to ask questions, probably know how his opponents got to level 6 but he knew the latter wouldn't answer him anyway so he just had to beat him first.

Although Tenkin was a level 5 and his opponent was a level 6, he still smiled. The reward were just too awesome.

"I'm going to wipe that smile off your stupid face, loser.." Sedrick proclaimed, immediately kicking off with a run.

[Rocket boots activated]

Tenkin's boots shone faint blue and he blasted off too like a rocket, for him the rocket boots were the only way he could match Sedrick's speed.


They both collided, dust rose and died down just as quickly. Tenkin was holding up his staff while Sedrick fist had collided with it.

Tenkin shifted and so did Sedrick but he forwarded a kick .

Tenkin bent over, holding firmly onto Sedrick's feet and. with a twist he flung him away, Smashing him down to the floor.

Sedrick hit the floor hard and a large bang resonated, causing him grunt in pain. Gritting his teeth he pulled himself up with a Chinese get up.

He was somewhat angered that Tenkin was putting up a good fight, he was expecting an easy mission but things were a bit harder than he'd thought.

"Solar slam" Sedrick chanted, finally being forced to use his special ability. Light engulfed his fist and *BAAM* he punched the ground. It shook a little, making Tenkin lose balance and in that split second he pounce right at him. His hands were spread out, he held Tenkin by the face and ferociously slammed him on the ground.

Yet again, another resonating boom resounded causing dust to rise, it was a back to back brawl, non wanting to let the other.

[HP: -20]

[Critical Hit: Auto repairs will now commence]

"Arrgh..." Tenkin grunted, he left his staff and held unto Sedrick's arm that still held his head in place.

"Do you smell something burning" Tenkin asked out of the blue gritting his teeth in pain.

"Huh?" Sedrick was somewhat confused.

[Salamander Fire affinity is now activated]

"I bet it's been long long since you smelt stakes" Tenkin added, his hands now burning brightly with hot blue flames.

[Remember to leave some power stones and comments. Your contributions are my motivation.

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