
Just as quickly as they went on the break, Martha the reporter was shocked by the sudden influx of armed officers.

"Sir Claven under the request of the Senate you are under arrest for indiscriminately endangering human lives. You are expected to remain quiet as anything you say now can be used against you in the law court." The head officer said, signalling the other two behind him to cuff Claven.

"Do not touch me with those filthy cuffs you have in your hands" He said coldly with disdain in his eyes.

"How dare you come in here with those stupid accusations against me, do you know who I am?"

"Yes Claven, I know very well who you are" A voice suddenly interrupted.

Williams had expected such reactions from Claven considering his background, so he wasn't in the slightest shocked.

He had made a few, not-to-good encounters with Claven far before he'd entered into this game of politics.

On first sight one would think he was a calm and collected person but he was actually someone who got easily irritated with little and irrelevant things. And he always wanted things to go his way.

In fact, he was the complete opposite of whatever he portrayed himself to be. He was worse than a snake perhaps the only fitting description that suited him was that he was a sly fox.

And that was why Williams loathed everything about this man.

"You're in my country, more or less my state, and you have put the lives of millions if not billions in danger and yet you still speak so nonchalantly about it, like nothing happened.

You still have the guts to claim innocence!" William raised his voice, showing how angry he was.

"This is absurd! Someone should. get me my lawyer, I can't stand here listening to such slander" Claven stood up gracefully straightening his Tuxedo before making his way to the door, completely ignoring Williams as though he wasn't there.

"I'm sorry Mr. Claven but under constituted authority you are not to leave this country or this state till you or your company finds a way to bring all those people out.

Don't worry if it's for your lawyer, we will get you your lawyer but don't expect to win this case. Take him away" William ordered and immediately the officers went forward cuffing Claven, who surprisingly showed no restraint.

"William this issue is far above you, don't go sticking your head inside this hole before it gets bitten off. You're messing with the wrong person Williams.

If you let me go, I'll pretend like non of this ever happened and everyone goes home happily. But if you want to go down this ditch then be rest assured that no one is leaving that game. I'm just playing safe but don't push me." Claven's dreaded voice sent chills down the spine of everyone there except Williams who stood there unfazed by what he thought to be empty threats.

If it were in the past, he'd probably be cowering in fear but the position he found himself in, he didn't see the need to be afraid of such a threat, he had heard worse.

The officers need not be told what to do and in a few seconds just as quickly as they had come they had left. The wailing sirens that crowded the street had soon dispersed and the street became just as quiet as it once was.

"Hope you got everything?" Martha asked the camera man.

"Uh.... yeah yeah I did" the man replied almost forgetting that he had the camera on all along.

"This would really make the headlines tonight" and without sparing anytime she got back to work, spreading the news far and wide what had transpired in the WWN (world wide news) HQ that morning.

"it is now suspected that the Star Fire company might have actually known what happened, or were the ones responsible for the installment of the glitch in the game. But for what purpose?" She asked rhetorically ending the news report for the morning.

Williams and Tank drove in the black limousine, William still in thoughts.

"Do you think he purposely did the whole thing, because the way he spoke..." Tank asked, recalling what had transpired.

"Probably, you never know what goes in the mind of these people nowadays" he said calmly closing his eyes in thoughts.

'For what reason will such an influential figure such as Claven indulge in such a dangerous act? What could he possibly wish to achieve?'

"Haa" he heaved a deep sigh of relief. "At least we know where to start. He should be interrogated and I'll talk to the head of states where his companies are situated. They should be scrutinized and locked down until further notice, we can then think of bringing the kids out" William said.

"Yeah that's a good idea" Tank replied.


Tenkin had reasons why he didn't want to use the salamanders ability at the start. Firstly his power points were still recovering from the fight with the bull and he also wanted to be sure what kind of ability his opponent possessed. Thankfully it wasn't something that could go against his flames.

[Power points: 100/100]

[Nano points: 50]

Unlike the Nano points which one earned from missions and killing beast the Power points were completely different.

They could be recovered unlike the Nano points that were just a one time something. they couldn't be recovered, you work! to get them. This was probably because it was used primarily as a means of currency in the game.

The power points were only used for activating character abilities and each ability possessed by a character differed in the amount of power points needed to activate them. The stronger the ability the higher the power points required.

And of course the ability of the Salamander came with a lot of power points.

[50PP Used!] [time duration: 30secs] The good thing was that it came with a good amount of time, which was rare.

Sedrick was immediately alarmed when he saw the red hot flame pouring out from Tenkin.

It appeared like a bright blue hue flickering on some part of his body surprisingly the flames had no effect on him. Sedrick jumped back in alarm, trying to keep his distance .

Tenkin stood up from the ground where Sedrick had pinned him before, picking up his staff.

[Infusing fire element into your pseudo staff]

His staff burst out n flames and once again he stood ready to fight.

"Even though you're a level higher than mine, I got way more tricks. under my hat"