Let The Games Begin: Rose

Heather is unnaturally nice, and surprisingly has Matt's sense of humor. It's like I'm looking at the female version of him. Penny and I call her wolf girl, because of her long dark hair and piercing hazel eyes.

The six of us sit at a blue table in the courtyard, chatting before the morning bell rings. It's amazing how we've doubled our group size in the span of a summer.

I look Ben's way. I still can't believe I have a boyfriend. None of the guys at my school seemed to be dating material. I wonder where he was hiding.

"You should try studying," Heather says to Matt.

He looks up from the notebook that he's been flipping through. "I am."

"Nooo, you're cramming. Babe, I told you that we could study at my place."

He smirks. "So you can seduce me? If you want to be alone just say so. You don't have to use that tired line with me."

She rolls her eyes when we laugh.

"Anyway, I did study."

Her brows raise. "I'm impressed."

She's rightfully surprised. Matt can't study alone, or else he'll get distracted. After the first paragraph, he replaces the textbook with a game controller.

He did study, but not alone. He went over to Penny's like usual. On the surface, it's not worth mentioning because they're just friends.

"When did Mrs. McDaniel say our assignment was due?" Ben asks AJ. They have science together.

"Next class."

"Good. I thought I forgot to bring it." He looks through his bag. "But, I did remember this." He smiles, handing me an orange piece of paper.

It's the rules for this year's art competition at the museum. I read it twice, grinning wider each time.

"Show some decency will you, and cover that thing up?"

I couldn't care less about Matt's stupid crack on my gap.

Penny leans over. "What it is, Rose?"

"The art museum's having their annual competition for the high schools in our district. I won last year," Ben says. "I was going to try again this year, but Rose wants to give it a shot."

I finally look up. "What do you mean? You're not signing up?"

He shrugs, zipping up his bag. "Well, you're applying, so why would I?"

"Don't stop on account of me."

When I cross my arms he grins, talking slowly.

"Rose, why would I want to compete with you?"

"Who said it would be a competition?" My tone is confident.

His hands balance like a seesaw. "Painting versus photography."

"You don't think photography is art?"

"It's art. It's just not that impressive in comparison. I wouldn't want to lessen your chances." He knits his brows. "Wait. Are you mad at me?"

The table grew quiet a while ago.

My jaw tightens. "Not that impressive?"

"I didn't say that. I said it's not so much in comparison. With one you take the picture, and with the other you make the picture. It's harder."

Matt and AJ clear their throats to warn him, but it's too late. He's already put his foot into his mouth.

I glare. "Let's let the judges decide."

He gives up on the argument with a sigh. "Okay, Rose."

The bell rings.