No New Friends: Rose

I take a seat in history class, going over my notes for the test today. Seconds before the bell, the door swings open. I know that it's Dan without having to look up. He's consistent at being last minute. He always sits by me, by hasn't spoken a word since our last talk.

When he walks my way, I smirk. No seats buddy.

He's different today, not all smiley. He blows out a breath, knocking on the desk beside me. "Do you mind if I sit here?"

It wasn't really a question, but she doesn't seem to care.

"Yeah, sure." She blushes, tucking a red wave behind her freckled ear.

He takes her seat, and pulls out the classwork, not once looking my way. Mr. Frank collects the homework, telling us to study with someone for fifteen minutes before the test.

Screeching from a chair drowns out the conversation that I'm having with the student behind me. Dan's desk pushes against mine, sending my pencil rolling. He hands it back, and I snatch it away. I consider moving, but everyone's taken now.

I sigh, handing him my notes to quiz me with. "Let's just get this over with."

He scans the papers. "What are the dates for the Second Sino-Japanese war?"

"July seventh, nineteen thirty-seven to September second, nineteen forty-five."

"What was the first major city to successfully repel Japanese advances?"


"Who provided aid to China at the start of the war?"

"Germany and the Soviet Union."

He looks impressed. "Why am I reviewing you if you already know this?" He flips through the notes, deciding to study for himself instead.

My tone is dry. "I don't know, Dan. Maybe it's because I went out of my way?"

His eyes flick up from the paper. He clears his throat, reading aloud. "Dan, I'm really glad I met you. Last night was fun! We should do it again sometime, love Rose."

My eyes widen in horror! I snatch the notes back, pretending not to hear the surrounding snickers. I want to claw that smile off his face.

I clench my fists beneath the desk. My jaw is tight. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

His smile weakens. He shrugs, running a hand through his blonde hair. "Come on, it was just a joke."

"Like the popcorn? Like middle school?"

He pauses, then focuses on his own notes. "Sorry, alright? I'll stop."

I lean in. "You can't even look at me when you say it."

He sighs, meeting my eyes. This time he looks sincere, and it surprises me.

"Sometimes I go too far. Won't happen again. I like you, that's all."

I scoff. "This easy catch is with Ben, remember?"

He frowns, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I shouldn't have said that. You're a cool person." His leg shakes. "Anyway, I meant platonically."

It's time for the test. We clear our desks, and sharpen our pencils in silence.

However he feels, I'm not interested.


I'm sure I aced the test. I've never had to worry about my grades. Not having much of a social life leaves me with plenty of time to study. I swing my bag over my shoulder, leaving to the next class.

Dan catches up with me in the hall, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey, I just wanted to apologize again."

I press my lips, swallowing down an insult. "Consider it forgotten."

He nods with a small smile. "So, we still friends?"

I resist a laugh. "When were we ever?"

He shrugs. "Maybe, but there's no reason why we can't be."

"Not true." I shake my head. "There are rumors going around about that night at the beach. People are being pretty lame, and bothering Angie about it. Anyway, even if I wanted to for some reason, I couldn't. Know what I mean?"

The news visibly hits him. His eyes drop to the ground.

"You didn't know?"

He shakes his head. "No."

I lose my patience. "You took the video. Why is it going around?"

"I posted it on Snapchat that night, I wasn't thinking."

I readjust my slipping bag. "Look, I need to get to class. But, forget them. They're all idiots anyway."

He seems to be deep in thought when he turns the corner. As I watch him leave, I can't shake a feeling. Even if Angie was out of the picture, I'd never be friends with him.