Moon And Stars: Angie

My family was suffocating me with their worry, so I asked Thomas if I could crash at his place tonight. I've been here plenty of times before, but never slept over.

Being eighteen doesn't mean that I can stay at a boy's house, but telling a half truth does. Technically, I am crashing at a friend's house.

He lays thick white blankets on the sofa. He's barefoot in his pajamas, ink black hair lazily tossed around. He was asleep when I phoned him, but come to think of it he never ignores my calls.

"Thanks for this."

He yawns, waving me off like I'm being ridiculous.

Before I can lay down, he gently pulls my arm. "Take my bed."

For such a small touch, I feel it everywhere. "I can't do that."

He leads me down the hall, and into his room.

Posters of U.K. bands hang on the walls, and books clutter his dresser. It smells like cologne and a bucket of mint.

I sit on the foot of his bed. He's already changed the sheets. They're still warm from the dryer, the scent of detergent lingering on the fabric.

"Goodnight," he says.


He leaves the room. Once I'm changed, I flick off the lights and climb into bed. Minutes pass. I lay awake, staring at the ceiling.

I knew my life would change after I spoke out, but nothing could've prepared me for it. The questions and stares. Dan being bailed out within hours didn't help.

I try to focus on the positive things in my life, like Thomas. He makes it easier.

I roll out of his bed, and tip toe down the dark hall. My cold bare feet stick to the tile noisily like suction cups. Light shines dimly from the living room lamp.

"Hey, do you wanna watch-"

I apologize, looking away and covering my eyes. Seeing him shirtless makes me feel like a peeping Tom. No pun intended.

He laughs. "You almost caught me in my knickers."

After a moment, I'm told that I can turn around.

He's fully clothed and wide awake, laying on the sofa. "What movie did you have in mind?"

I clear my throat. "Actually, I'm just going to turn in." I'm sure that my face is still pink. Who knew he was athletic?

He scratches his head. "Okay, then. Get some sleep." He calls my name before I get far. "Sorry, could you turn off the lamp while you're up?"

I twist the switch, and the bulb goes out. Only the pale moon shines, giving light to the room through a window.

I feel my way around, but still stub my toe onto something sharp.

"You alright?"

My eyes focus. I make out his figure in the moonlight. Concern rests on his handsome face.

"Nothing, I just stubbed my toe."

Even in this lighting, I see him fight off a smile.

"Could've sworn you were getting murdered from the sound of it."

He touches my ankle. Like before, I feel it everywhere.

"Was it this foot?"

I steady my breath. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"It's always the right foot, isn't it?"

I'm drawn to his smile. I flinch from the tickles, but then relax as he massages my toes. The pressure threatens to put me to sleep, but the butterflies keep me awake.


"Much," I say.

He lets go, and we stand to our feet. I'm directly under him, focusing on the light blue eyes that search my own. I'm aware of the rise and fall of his chest.



I lean in for a kiss.

He accepts.

It lifts me above my troubles, until I'm weightless in the sky, hanging with the moon and stars.