Prisoner To The Vampire King IV

Rama couldn't comprehend how long she had been sleeping in the chilly cell, not that the nap she took was consoling in anyway. The cold air pricked her skin like ice daggers and her legs cramped up from the cold and sitting on the hard floor for what felt like an eternity.

She fluttered her dark lashes as she shot her eyes open to catch a glimpse of Malika sleeping soundly with her head leaning on her shoulder with her golden locks spraying over it.

How could she sleep so comfortably? Even though she was a maid in the past, they were given the privilege to sleep in good mattresses and were treated reasonably.

She sighed in exasperation as she licked her dry lips. She could feel her stomach rumble softly for food and her throat was parched from thirst but there was nothing she could do but inwardly wish she died from hunger to evade the vampire king and his torture.

The cell was as dark as before with no window to gain awareness of the time whether it was day or night. She couldn't even hear a thing from within those dark cold walls acting as a barrier from freedom, it felt like they were shunned from the rest of the world, they were forgotten and presumably left to rot.

She chuckled softly, a bitter chuckle at her predicament. Of course, the vampire king would forget about them. They were typical humans with no significant meaning, he probably had forgotten about her existence and eventually would neglect her there to rot in the cell like the other rotten corpses who emitted a putrid smell from the other cells.

At least, it would be better dying than living to become a human blood bag or sadistic entertainment for those night creatures.

She leaned her head back to rest on the cold wall as her mind drifted to varying thoughts and memories. It was still hard to digest the fact that the Empire laid in ruins and her mother was presumably dead alongside her people who were massacred.

Whenever she closed her eyes, she would wish to open them back to her life as the queen, she wished it was only as sick nightmare and she would wake up from it, but the truth was as bitter as the bile stuck in her throat.

Rama knew there was no waking up from this nightmare, her reality and her existence was already sealed as one from the minute of her inauspicious encounter with Draco, the vampire king.


"You can address these matters. There's a logical reason why I made you my second in authority." Draco remarked nonchalantly as he handed Zamiel the papers roughly while they walked through the dimly lit corridors.

"They're not a hassle to address, although there is an arising problematic situation." Zamiel spoke in a reposed manner and Drack halted for a second to hear him out, patience wearing thin in his expression.

"What problem? Don't tell me its the fucking witches again." Draco implied, thick brows creased with irritation.

"I'm afraid it is not. They are strange creatures not only assailing our kingdom but attacks are also heard of in other humans kingdom." Zamiel informed, his expression as composed as a still lake.

"Right, to hell with the humans. What creatures?" Draco queried, a hint of curiosity in his blood red eyes as the topic piqued his interest.

"We have no idea. It couldn't be a wild animal, its not that easy for one to kill vampires and the claw and bite marks were larger and profound than a wild animal's." Zamiel explained, though it was serious, his facial expression was still calm and composed like an unwavering rock.

"So if its not a wild creature, what do you imply it is? A paranormal beast?" Draco drawled in a lazy tone as they strode through the halls and proceeded into a spacious room embedded with elegance and superfluity but in a Gothic setting.

A fireplace crackled brightly in the middle of the room while Draco moved to the couch and took a seat, crossing one long leg over the other as Zamiel sat opposite him.

"Maybe. We'll discover it out once we locate their territory, probably." Zamiel said before standing up to leave.

"And how are you going to do that? You don't wield magic now, do you?" Draco implied sarcastically but with a bored expression and Zamiel halted in his step.

"Maybe." Zamiel replied sarcastically, although his face lacked any hint of sarcasm in it as he retained his blank expression still.

"What's your plans? You've always been the theoretical one." Draco remarked as he flicked his index and middle fingers against each other and a spark of flame flew in the air as it emitted from the friction induced by his fingers.

Zamiel's red eyes narrowed to his fingers before it averted back to his face.

"It's a shame, I don't have one yet. I'll be sure to inform you about the progress if I do." Zamiel noted before veering around as he proceeded to leave.

Draco watched his retreating figure in silence until he halted and gradually turned around to face him when he was only a meter away from the double doors engraved with dark craft work.

"About the prisoner...What do you plan to do with her? You've never captured a human ruler as a prisoner." Zamiel queried, his curiosity overwhelming him at the moment.

It was odd for Draco to capture a human as his prisoner unless he used them to work as slaves and food, not a prisoner as he had no reason to imprison them, so he wondered what was going on in his enigmatic devious mind.

He saw Draco's crimson red eyes glint with dark excitement as he spoke and a dreary grin tore through his lips to reveal his pointy incisors before he spoke.

"Well, the prisoner seems quite fun and it would be such a thrill to torture her, are you going to scold me now for having a human prisoner?" He said with a sardonic smirk.

Zamiel rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"You can do whatever you wish, but if you want to torture her, why punish her maid for her defiance instead?"

"Why do you care about her maid and a human, already grown attached when I instructed you to bring her over? Fucked her already?" Draco inquired, although it came out as a tease, his red eyes hardened as he locked his gaze with him and a lopsided smirk made the side of his lips curve up darkly.

"I don't get attached and definitely not to a human. I was merely being rational, if you want to torture someone in a human case, they wouldn't feel it if you torture someone else in their stead, not as much as its inflicted on them." Zamiel suggested in a clipped tone.

"I know, but she's different. She doesn't care about herself, not as much as she cares for people close to her and her fucking Empire. It'll be fun to break her." Draco remarked with a sly smile.

"You want to break her because she got under your skin and you're pissed that she did. It appears like a personal rivalry." Zamiel blurted out nonchalantly.

"That feisty princess has a sharp mouth but getting under my skin with it is impossible." He said as he rested his chin lazily on his palm.

"Right, I'll leave you to your sick pleasure then." Zamiel said flatly before turning to leave.

"She might be dead already, she hasn't eaten in two days and its very cold in the underground cell. Either hunger kills her or the cold." Draco said darkly as a short dreary chuckle escaped his lips.

"Well, you should feed her if you want to torture her, humans are fragile beings especially the females." Zamiel remarked.

"You act like a gentleman when you're nothing but a monster, but I understand its easier to be yourself in the dark when no one's watching." Draco said in a low dark voice, aware he'd catch every word.

Zamiel didn't reply and instead exited his room with a rolling of his eyes.

"Regardless, he's right. What fun would it be if she died." Draco muttered darkly beneath his breath.