Everything went numb as Rama sat on the floor with eyes fixated on Roshan's corpse. She was in shock and denial that Roshan was dead, but his decapitated body lying on the floor stiffly as his own blood encompassed where he lay opposed her denial.
The howling of wolves echoed loudly in the forest, stealing Draco's attention from her for only a split second and a dark grin tore through his lips.
"Their Alpha is dead." Draco said nonchalantly as he brought out a kerchief from his pocket and wiped his hands thoroughly with it, leaving not a smear of blood behind.
Zamiel and a few other night creatures arrived at their location.
"Take care of the wolves." Draco ordered as his gaze rested on Rama who was out of the world. Her golden face had turned pale with shock overnight as her eyes rested on Roshan's corpse with an unfaltering gaze.
The night creatures ran past them with only the gust of wind lingering behind as they fled from their presence, while Zamiel stayed behind.
"Rama, snap out of it. How easy it was to break you and here I was thinking I'd have so much fun, but all I had to do was kill a man, not even your Empire made you crack." His mock filled voice whisked its way into her ears, fury sufficed her being and she whipped her head to peer into his crimson eyes with her burning ones.
"You'll scorch in hell before you see me break!" She hissed with detest and rage coating her words between clenched jaws.
Come what may, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of watching her crumble, after all there was nothing left for her to live for except for Malika, he had taken everything she cared for away from her. Her home, her people and her throne were gone and now, it was the man she loved even though he never reciprocated it back.
A twisted smile made both edge of his lips curve up dauntingly, as he looked at her with dark amusement encompassing his blood red perilous eyes.
"I figured you wouldn't break easily, but I sense the real fun hasn't started yet." Draco uttered rather calmly but the untamed glint in his eyes were a gaping disparity to his reposed tone and calm expression.
"Anyways, save your tears feisty princess. Your maid is yet to be punished for your defiance." Draco slithered like a hiss sadistically, as he ran his tongue over his pointy incisors and Rama thought she saw it elongate when his gaze dropped to her neck, but she felt as though it was a hallucination as it were lost to sight as quickly as it came.
"I didn't do anything wrong." Rama tried to tame her voice to sound less defiant, but some of the words came out in a strong hiss as she shot him a glare.
As much as she wanted to drive a stake into his heart, she wasn't that stupid to do something that will lead to Malika facing his wrath, no matter how heavy the grief, rage and hatred scorched through her veins, she was still sensible, even though she felt like disappearing into the ground or fading into thin air, she was realistic enough and she braced herself strong to face her living nightmare of terror as her reality.
"You tried to escape. Surely that is a defiant act or am I wrong, Zamiel?" Draco queried to Zamiel who was watching silently but didn't bother to chip in.
"Logically, you are. She didn't escape on her own accord, but was at the verge of being rescued until you interfered." Zamiel replied with a flat tone as his usual stoic expression plastered on his face like a permanent mask.
Draco shot him a death glare while Malika and Rama shot their heads towards his direction.
"Zamiel's right, but be careful Rama, I know a defiant act when I see one and next time, Zamiel wouldn't be able to save your precious hand maiden from being handicapped." Draco remarked with melancholy wearing over his tone which made Malika tremble visibly in dread.
"Get up, lets go." He ordered with a hard voice and the girls immediately scurried up to their feet. Rama forced herself not to look at Roshan's corpse again or she'd lose it, although the image was well engraved in her memory and she could never forget the goriness or the moment where his head was detached from his body, it all felt unreal and she found it hard to process it all.
Zamiel grabbed the arm of Malika with a tight grasp, preventing her escape even though it would be illogical for them to escape in their presence.
Malika stifled the wince from escaping her lips in other not to irritate him, as she was being hauled away by the night creature.
Draco yanked Rama by the nape of her neck with his fingers digging into her flesh, enough to draw blood but only her brows creased in pain as she didn't utter a sound, while she was being dragged to the vampire castle like a prisoner.
Her legs wobbled weakly as she was being dragged away while his fingers pierced through her skin. She was exhausted, famished and weary of everything. She just wanted to close her eyes and never open them again and be unburdened from her torture called living, why didn't the vampire king just end her life? Why did he derive so much pleasure from her pain?
She pondered endlessly on questions that she knew she would never get the answers to. She couldn't comprehend the time they settled inside the castle or the when they climbed on the endless stairs that stretched very high and vastly to the upper floors.
She felt dizzy and her eyes blurred with heaviness as she tried to keep it open. They emerged into a dimly lit small compartment area with not much to occupy it, as only a small couch with a straw mat and a few other insignificant items were installed inside it.
The girls were shoved inside the room as the night creatures occupied it. Rama was shoved harder than Malika who had gained her balance, so she found herself toppling over her missed footing, which she didn't do much to deter as she was too exhausted to even keep her eyelids open.
She immediately sprouted up her feet and dusted off the dirt from her frail clothing even though it didn't do much, as dirt stuck to every part of her body as a result of not having washed up for days, which she couldn't comprehend for how long.
"I was informed you didn't eat the meal given to you, I was trying to keep you alive." Draco said with a slightly irritated tone mixed with nonchalance.
"The animals in my kingdom had far better." Rama's snark reply came almost instantaneously.
"You still act like the spoilt feisty princess you are, haven't you realised yet that your title has been debased and lesser than an animal? You're no longer a princess or a queen, you're my prisoner." Draco mocked with a devious grin on his face.
"Anyways, enjoy it while it lasts, it'll be the last time you'll ever savour such exquisite meals." Immediately he spoke, the door shut open to reveal two human maids walking in with trays of food sufficed with exquisite delicious variety of meals on it.
The human maids were presumably captives he had acquired from his mayhems, but they didn't look ragged or starved, they appeared fairly fine and in a far much pleasing situation than they were in.
They dropped the food in front of them on the table with heads bowed and scurried out of the door, without lifting their heads up.
Rama couldn't smell or taste the food, it'd be impossible. She was hungry but she didn't have the appetite to eat, especially when she remembered the vivid but horrendous image of Roshan's head detached from his neck and the goriness made her stomach churn unnervingly.
She could hear Malika salivating softly as her eyes narrowed to the mouthwatering meal. She couldn't blame her, the poor girl hadn't drank a drop of water or eaten a morsel for days, but she on the other hand, didn't feel like taking a bite.
"Don't forget the maid gets punished for your defiance, so when I tell you to eat, you eat." Draco emancipated on his words with a hard cold voice as he ordered.
Rama gulped softly and picked up a warm fresh bread and viscously chewed on it with a frown, while Malika hurriedly stuffed her face after seeing her eat.
"Eat and garner up your energy, I'll have a much better use for you than just sitting around in the cell." Draco uttered as a sarcastic smirk appeared on his dauntingly handsome face and she halted before sparing him a glance.
Before she could stem a reply, he veered around and exited the room before locking them in.
What exactly did he mean by he had a better use for them? She pondered warily.
Malika stopped eating for a second as her mouth was still stuffed with food and she swallowed before she opened her mouth to speak.
"Are you alright?" Malika asked with a soft tone and Rama stared at her with empty eyes.
"He's dead. I'm not alright, I'll never be alright. My heart will always be darkened with hate and rage, but I have to accept my reality. We have no one left but us, we have no option but to go with plan B. It's the only way to evade this hell we're trapped in." Rama said but Malika fluttered her lashes in disarray and fear.
No one was ready to die, but she had grown numb and her soul had turned empty with darkness and rage that could never be suppressed, encompassing her entire being and the only way to let go of the unnerving burden and heartache, was to escape from the gruesome world and death was the only way out.