The door shut open to reveal the same plump woman whom had given them food in the cell walk into the room. She had some clothes in her hold as she walked in.
The plump woman's eyes narrowed to the remnants of food seated on the table in front of the girls before it averted back to them.
"Follow me." The plump woman ordered with a grumpy voice and without waiting for their reply, she veered around and exited the room.
Rama and Malika exchanged glances but immediately sprouted up on their feet and went after the woman without question.
The woman didn't care to look back to know if they were following behind. She lead them out of the castle and towards a dark tunnel area at the corner.
They followed the woman into the dark tunnel with flickering torches burning dimly on the walls.
The girls shivered a bit as the outside was cold and their frail clothing couldn't do much to protect them from the unforgiving cold. The woman halted in front of a small pool like bath before shoving the clothes into their hands.
"You girls reek like rotten meats. Scrub hard." The woman uttered with a frown on her face as she wriggled her nose in disgust before retreating from their sights.
Rama scoffed in disbelief. If only the woman knew who she was, but now she was degraded to nothing and she really did stink as she hadn't had a bath for days, so she held the foul words residing on her tongue.
"Let's wash up, I'll assist you." Malika said.
"I don't need your assistance, once again I'm not handicapped and I'm not a princess so stop treating me like one." Rama snapped, everything irked her so much but she didn't want to take it out on Malika, even though her rage couldn't be suppressed.
If only Malika would stop reminding her every time that she was now debased to less than a lowlife, although she was trying to help, it wasn't helping.
"I'm sorry." Malika said with a low voice.
"It's fine, let's just wash up. I feel disgusting." Rama said with a dragged sigh of exasperation as she placed the clothes down on the cold floor, before stripping the dirty clothes off her body and Malika followed.
She shoved the dirty clothes aside and the cold air pricked her skin making her shiver. She placed her feet into the water in an attempt to get in but it was freezing cold, it made her withdraw her feet with a shriek.
"It's so cold." She muttered. She had always been given a warm soothing bath, but now she had no choice but to cope with the ice cold one.
"We have to wash up, let's manage." Malika said with a grim look on her face as she anticipated the ice cold water pricking her skin like needles.
Rama nodded her head softly and slowly immersed herself into the cold water, it pricked into her skin like ice daggers and she hissed as her limbs ached.
"Bad luck, the water becomes ice cold at night." Malika said as she dipped herself into the water.
Rama took hold of the scrub and soaked it in the water before scrubbing herself with it. She scrubbed hard to remove the dirt that had stuck to her body and face. In no time, the dirt came off and she resorted to washing her black hair that had stuck to her scalp from all the dirt residing in it.
She bitterly immersed her head into the water after scrubbing the grease and dirt off her hair as she rinsed it.
Her skin retained its golden glow after washing and when she was sure she was perfectly clean, she hastily emerged out of the cold water. A few towels were hanging on a wired rope and she immediately took hold of it as she dried herself with the towel along with Malika.
They put on the clothes given to them by the grumpy woman. It was a brown thick dress, not fairly bad or fairly good either but at least they weren't dirty or reeking. They rubbed the towel against their hair to dry it or else they'd catch a cold before setting to leave.
They emerged out of the tunnel and proceeded to the castle. Rama halted in her steps and her eyes narrowed to the unguarded gates. She scrutinized the empty surrounding and then stared at Malika.
"No, not what you're thinking!" Malika exclaimed in a hushed tone as she shook her head softly, making wet ringlets of golden locks go astray.
"I was just observing, I'm not that stupid. Besides, it might be a trap." Rama said.
"It definitely is." Malika said almost instantly with slightly raised brows.
They went back to the room they exited from. Malika was exhausted, so she soon fell asleep on the straw mat while Rama stared out the window for a long moment as she crouched on the floor.
The crescent moon reminded her of Roshan, she would never still be able to accept his horrendous death, it made her heart bleed knowing he was dead and even though it wasn't her fault, she felt self resentment. It felt like everyone and everything around her were cursed to be doomed because of her.
A tear drop rolled down her cheeks and she softly sniffed before wiping it off with the back of her sleeve.
After much pondering thoughts, she laid beside Malika on the straw mat. Even though the straw mat wasn't as comfy as her luxurious bed, she was mentally drained and depleted, so she soon succumbed into the soothing embrace of slumber.
The sun peeked its golden rays through the window to enact its light through with no curtains to stave it off, but even with the disturbing sun light, the girls didn't want to wake up as they hadn't had such a comfortable sleep in days.
The cell was always too cold and the air was sated with the putrid smell of rotting corpses.
A rude push and loud voice made the girls shut their eyes open to see the grumpy woman hovering above them.
"Wake up you lazy bones!" The woman's loud voice resonated in the small room. They slowly got up on their feet which only earned a displeased look etched on the woman's face.
"Come on." The woman ordered and without waiting for a reply, she exited the room and they followed after her as she dragged her feet through the halls.
Now that it was much brighter, Rama could observe the magnificence of the castle that was designed in an extravagant manner, yet with a Gothic setting.
The floors were covered with black marbles and relics seated randomly on small tables in the corridors. Ominous Sculptures hung from pillars stretching from the ground floor to the top floor.
Her observations were disrupted when the grumpy woman lead them into a plain double door. The room was spacious and in it was situated female humans whom she presumed were maids.
About six of the maids were in a horizontal line while a woman in her mid forties stood in front of them, but she couldn't decipher if she was a human or vampire as she had reddish hazel eyes. The woman's features were clashing between a human and a vampire's as she had dark features like the vampires and almost pale skin, although she had a slight disparity between the two kinds, so she didn't fully fit into the context of one.
The grumpy woman motioned for them to stand in the line, so they did. Rama saw the woman's gaze stop on her. She figured out she was the head maid or so.
"Who are you?" The woman asked, directing her question to her and she figured the woman was already aware of the title she held before she was degraded.
"My name is Rama." She replied faintly and the woman nodded her head thoughtfully but she didn't bother to ask about Malika.
"I am Eleanor, the head madam and I manage the running of the household in the castle." The woman informed as if she cared and she inwardly rolled her eyes.
"From today onwards, your works will be assigned to the both of you." The woman added and Rama's brows shot up, but she couldn't argue. She wouldn't want to get on Draco's bad side or the woman's, who was someone with an higher authority than her knowing Malika would be punished for her defiance.
"If I may ask, what kind of works?" Rama queried and the woman tilted her head to face her.
"As servants of course." The woman drawled with reddish hazel eyes peering into her jade ones.
Rama swallowed softly at her words, being taken captive as a servant to the vampire king didn't seem like the worst thing that could happen to anyone, at least her limbs were still attached to her body and he was kind enough to keep it that way, although she wouldn't refer to him as kind, he hadn't physically hurt her but instead hurt the people she cared about and destroyed her Empire.
"I'll assign you both to your duties now." Eleanor announced.
So this was what he meant when he said he had better use for her? As his servant? She pondered.