Assigned As Draco's Personal Maid

Rama watched in silence as the woman assigned the other maids to their work and they dispatched, leaving her and Malika left.

Eleanor's reddish hazel eyes narrowed to her before they stopped back at Malika. The woman seemed to have a serene countenance yet, there was an underlying tone to it masking beneath her poise.

"I'll assign you both to your daily tasks." Eleanor announced.

"Malika will be assigned to kitchen, garden, and feeding duties. You will take care of the kitchen needs, cooking, cleaning, and washing. Everything that needs to be done in the kitchen, you will tend to the garden and lastly, you will feed King Draco's pets every day, any questions?" Eleanor passed Malika's duties to her, Malika very well understood how to go about the first two duties, but the third one felt a bit wearisome.

"Excuse me..."

"Madam Eleanor, call me Madam Eleanor." Eleanor said and she nodded.

"Okay. Madam Eleanor, could you please specify what you meant by I will be assigned to feed the King's pets? What kind of pets? I want to be prepared beforehand." Malika said in her most polite manner, she seemed to be adjusting not too badly in the foreign land, after all, she was appointed the title of a maid like she was in the past.

"They're living things after all, so of course they will be fed by you once a day as two others are assigned to also feed the King's pet. You will be taking the evening shift as the other two takes the morning and noon shift and also, the King's pets are wolves, you should be familiar with that kind of animal." Madam Eleanor narrowly drawled as she answered her questions patiently.

Familiar with what? Wolves that could tear her apart? Rama screamed inwardly, it was undoubtedly all Draco's doing and the thought made her teeth clench hard in agitation.

"W-wolves?" Malika stuttered with quivering lips as she swallowed hard in fear.

"Yes. They're caged so calm your racing heart down. It's beating so hard, my eardrum feels like they're about to blow." Madam Eleanor said with a nonchalant expression as if she hadn't just said she would be feeding wolves.

"Caged or not, they're still dangerous. You can't let her close to a rabid creature!" Rama exclaimed with a slightly raised voice as a frown etched on her face.

Madam Eleanor whipped her face toward and with slow stealthy movements, she moved toward her with her tall figure and she stared down at her. Her serene countenance faltered to be washed with a displeased one as her thick brows furrowed.

"Do remember, Rama that you are no longer a princess or a queen, you're nothing but a slave and I am in a higher position than you are. So you better adjust your tone and behavior or I'll make sure you get the punishment you deserve, I will not tolerate you talking to me with insolence or a raised voice, are we clear?" Madam Eleanor warned with a flicker of menace swirling into her eyes.

"Are we clear?" Madam Eleanor repeated as she emancipated on the words with a hard tone.

"We are clear Madam Eleanor." She replied with a flat tone. The bitter words stuck inside her mouth failed to form words, she didn't want to risk Malika getting hurt because of her unruly anger and sharp mouth, so she kept shut although she didn't know how long she could keep the whole thing up, she might just explode any moment.

"Good. Now Malika, you'll have an old maid show you around and how to get your duties done, you're clear about your duties now, are you not?" Madam Eleanor queried with a hard tone and Malika meekly nodded her head. She couldn't argue about her assignments given to her, the madam had made up her mind and there was nothing she could do to alter it.

"I am, Madam Eleanor." She replied with a low voice before Madam Eleanor averted her gaze back on Rama.

"As for your assignment Rama, you will be carrying out typical tasks around the castle, but the main work you're assigned to is as the King's personal maid. You'll carry out tasks the king assigns to you, no matter how tedious or menial it is. You have no right to go against him or you'll face the consequences. As you know, the king is not very hospitable." Madam Eleanor said with a stern expression.

"What? I-I'm the king's personal maid?" Rama queried frantically as she was stupefied by her assignment.

It was definitely Draco's doing, but why on earth would he assign her his personal maid? It was absurd and totally confusing.

"Yes, Diana will assist you both in your works, I have better things to do." Madam Eleanor said and she walked out with a dreary smile that revealed her slightly pointed incisors which supported Rama's theory of her being a half vampire. It was obvious even without the pointy fangs as she had a menacing aura like the night creatures, although hers were hidden beneath a mask.

Diana which was the plump woman waved her hand at them to follow her after Madam Eleanor left. They followed after her through the corridors till they emerged through large double doors.

It was a spacious hall room with maids scampering back and forth as they carried out menial tasks.

"Hey girls! We have new hands." Diana said with a loud voice as she clapped her hands together to gain their attentions.

"Elaine, you'll assist this one named Malika in carrying out her tasks in the kitchen, garden and feeding of the werewolves while Reina, you'll assist the princess on taking care of the king's personal needs, do ya understand?" Diana ordered to the girls she had called out and they echoed a yes in unison before Diana dispatched from their sights.

The girls averted their gazes to drop on them and snickers and loud murmurings resonated in the hall.

"It's a princess from a ruined kingdom. I can smell the royalty from a mile away. How does it feel to be degraded to nothing?" A maid with brown hair and tiny monolid eyes remarked with detest coating her words.

They were all humans, so she couldn't comprehend why they were being so hateful, although judging from their appearances, they didn't seem to come from a well off family but rather a run down one or presumably they were maids before in their ruined kingdoms.

"She'll eventually get a taste of what misery feels like. I bet King Draco will suck her dry before a week." Another maid snickered loudly and a mock filled laughter followed, resonating loudly in the hall.

"Watch your mouth, you don't know who you're talking to!" Malika yelled in anger.

"Don't." Rama said. It was a waste of time and energy exchanging words with the dimwits in front of her, she'd just ignore them instead as they weren't worth her sweat or sharp tongue.

"Yes, listen to your princess." A dirty blonde haired girl sneered with a drawled hiss.

"I'm Reina, I'll teach you how to carry out your job." A redheaded girl said to Rama as she moved toward her, ignoring the jeers from the other girls.

The other girl assigned to help out Malika exited the hall as she explained her duties to her.

"Ignore them, they're all sour because their lives are miserable." Reina said as they exited the hall, she looked a few years older than her although her beauty still radiated with her unique features.

"Were you from royalty?" Rama queried but the girls shook her head softly.

"No, I was a noble's daughter in an unfortunate kingdom." Reina replied, and her blue eyes suddenly turned dull as she felt nostalgic.

"I see. Well, were you the former personal maid of King Draco?" Rama enquired, she needed to be aware of what she was up for, Draco and his cunning mind games was becoming more enigmatic for her to figure out.

"No! He's never actually had a personal maid. I myself I'm surprised by the new development." Reina said with a slightly hushed tone as they walked through the corridors.

Rama's brows creased at the information, if he's never had a personal maid, then why did he assign her as his? Whatever was going through his devious dark mind didn't seem like anything good.

"What task am I carrying out?" Rama queried.

"Well, you're assigned as the king's personal maid so he'll assign a work to you but if there's none, then I'll show you how to do menial tasks." Reina explained and she bit here lower lips in agitation. She wasn't ready to meet those crimson eyes of his that tormented her and reminded her of every wound he inflicted on her.

"How long have you been here?" Rama asked out of curiosity.

"I stopped counting but I think five years, and yes, I'm surprised I've not been sucked dry yet by the night creatures."Reina remarked with a short chuckle.

Rama stared at her for a second wondering how she could easily accept her life as a maid under the mercy of the night creatures, it was a fate she wasn't ready to accept and a fate she would never accept.

"I don't know if the rumors were true and don't mind me asking, but were you a queen in your kingdom?" Reina queried with widened blue eyes in curiosity and Rama gulped softly before she answered.

"It doesn't matter." She replied with a low voice as she turned her face away from the girl but she didn't say anymore and heavy silence ensued as they proceeded towards Draco's chambers.