Wedding Day II

 The birds chirped and the leaves rustled with the beginning of a new day, her wedding day had finally arrived.

 The door to her chamber swung open with maids barging inside to prepare her for the journey to the castle where the wedding was being held.

 They tugged her gently in a bid to wake her up and she opened her eyes with a displeased groan. Without her knowing, she had fallen asleep after lord Damien had marked her and tucked her in bed. 

 She would have opposed and slept some more until she realized it was her wedding day, the realization made her fully awake with trepidation settling heavily in her heart, she had a worse feeling than before, one that made her toes curl in uneasiness.

 She followed the maids to the washroom with a lost expression, she didn't even care about them scrubbing her even though she hated it, as she was lost in her spiraling thoughts and myriads of emotion.