A Bond Of Damnation

 Her lips quivered uncontrollably with fear and anticipation of the worse, as she realized something was undeniably wrong and she was left out in the unknown.

 The taste of the air was of acrid bitterness, as if the very night had a foul taste, but it was a taste of her fear, mixed with dread and anticipation.

 Garnering up her energy even though she felt her legs wobble weakly beneath the white dress, she pushed his hand away from her face to look into his eyes. Although his hands pulled away from her face, she knew it wasn't her push, she wouldn't have been able to anyway. 

 She darted her gaze back and forth between the two demons who both had an unhinged secret hanging in the air.

 "What is going on? I need an explanation, you cannot push me around and expect me to follow blindly." She said with a firm tone as she exchanged glances between them as she panted heavily, not for air but in fear. 

 "We made a deal." Draco drawled out.