Dead Clone

 Her heart pace increased in perturbation on what he wanted to show them. Disturbed by the unknown she only anticipated the worse, she could only hope inwardly it was not a threat to them in anyway, but Zamiel's grave demeanor made whatever it was seem even more spooky. 

 "What is there to see?" She asked with bated breath, her question directed to Zamiel, but with a straight face he veered around as his voice echoed behind him in a drawl "Come see for yourself, queen." The tone he used in calling her a queen was somewhat mockful. 

 She scoffed as they followed behind him, making up her mind, she was ascertained that she didn't like this egoistic demon one bit, what a shame he was Malika's mate, the girl deserved a much better man in her life, she thought inwardly.