
 "It sounds even more absurd hearing it from you. So if everyone defies you, you'd kill them all? Isn't that why punishments are being created and served?" Rama argued as she shot him a judging stare with crossed arms.

 "Punishments are too easy and merciful." Draco said. 

 "Death is merciful." She argued, emphasizing on her every word. 

 "I won't debate anymore Rama, you won. You always win." He said with a drawled sigh as he gave up with the argument before it had even started. 

 She beamed sheepishly as she curtsied "I know I always win."

 Their attentions were abruptly averted to the dead clone as it fell from the chandelier to drop on the floor with a hard thud, the tip of the chandelier dripped with blood as it swung lightly from above the ceiling, emitting a murky squeaky sound.