The Choice

Zamiel who was standing atop the hill with his wings unfurled suddenly bolted up into the skies and as soon as he was suspended midair, a torrent of dark mist engulfed his form, swallowing him into an abyss of darkness until he vanished into thin air.

He had decided to pay Lucifer a visit, he wouldn't sit still and watch the cunning fallen angel brainwash his mate and fill her head with honeyed lies and desires of her heart.

In the infernal realm of the underworld, a vortex of darkness manifested in the space of the empty hall and emerging from it, Zamiel stood, his regal presence emitting waves of melancholy from within.

His glowing red eyes retaining the intensity of hellish flames scrutinized the abode of the devil until it dropped on his minions who were crawling out of the darkness, but they stood around the corner as they watched him with keen dark eyes.