Deja Vu

Rama stretched in the comfy bed as the sunlight softly streamed through her window. She was already awake but it seemed like a hassle to wake up, her limbs were too lazy to move so she stayed in bed for a while.

Groaning, she finally climbed out of the bed and reluctantly moved to the washroom, which might as well have been her favorite place in the castle.

The oval shaped crystalline tub sat in the middle of the all white room, filled to the brim with sparkly, scented water. Peeling off her clothes, she sank into the tub and soaked in it for some time.

She closed her eyes for a moment as she leaned her head against the rim. Relaxing, she felt the water ripple softly as though something was moving beneath it.

Before she could open her eyes, a reverberant echo drifted through the air "Rama!" As quickly as it came, it faded away.