Dalen's Obsession

Rama's hands quivered slightly as she brushed his hair, it felt weirdly repetitive, as if she was repeating an event playing out in her head. It was almost like she was reliving her past, but it was too vague for her to draw out a clear picture in her head, the only thing she could comprehend was the familiarity in the present action of brushing his hair.

Finally, she was done taming the unruly strands to place, every silvery grey strand gleaming in place.

"I'm done.." She announced and he opened his eyes, the disappointment in them made it obvious he was enjoying the moment of her brushing his hair.

"Can I ask for a favour?" Dalen asked and she nodded immediately, ready to assist him in whatever he needed. After sacrificing his life for her, she vowed within herself to repay him back in whatever way she could, it was the least she could do for him.

"Of course, what is it?"