Illisionary Wall

"Wouldn't it be nice to just live in a cottage in the forest?" Rama rhetorically asked.

"Hm." Dalen nodded while his attention was shifted away by her beauty.

"Don't get me wrong, it's nice living in the castle." She said with a hasty chuckle.

"It's alright to have preferences." Dalen shrugged, bothered by the fact of her living in the castle.

"I was meaning to ask you, I don't mean to pry but I was worried and it happened in a haste and we never spoke about it, but..." She blabbed, the words not making a sensible sentence.

His eyes squinted in confusion and she bit her lips in embarrassment for blabbing out without inwardly thinking.

"What do you mean to say Rama? You look tense." He remarked calmly, the resemblance between he and Aurora was uncanny, no wonder she felt at ease with either of them.

"Uhm, the other day, you were acting quite strangely." Her voice toned to a whisper at the last words.