
Lothaire explained to her parents that they had done a court marriage as a gentleman would, her mother had a shock filled expression while her father's had a frown etched on every corner, showing his obvious anger at the news.

Larisa expected her father to be angry since he was a man of high self esteem, a perfect citizen with a good family background in the eyes of society and to top it all, he was one of the biggest sponsors in a church located in their area since they came from a christian home.

"Is this true Larisa?!" She could hear the anger in her father's voice as he directed the question to her even though he knew Lothaire wasn't lying. Lothaire just watched in boredom, he didn't know why humans made a big deal out of nothing.

Larisa couldn't answer her father even if she wanted as she lowered her head, shuddering slightly in nervousness. Mr Eden shook his head in utter disbelief and anger.