
Lothaire watched Larisa as she prepared to leave for school, she knew he was watching her, peering his eyes through her body.

She was glad he didn't bring up her parents, knowing how he was, he wouldn't even care about them but he cared about her feelings so he refrained from talking about it since he wanted to wipe off their memories from her head and only give her memories of him.

"Uhm Lothaire." Larisa called and his thick brows raised up questioningly.

"I'll go to school alone, you don't have to accompany me." Larisa said, she knew he wouldn't agree but she wanted to go to school normally and also spend time with Anne and only God knew that none of that was going to happen if he accompanied her.

"Sorry Angel but I can't do that." Lothaire said with a tough look and she knew it'd be impossible to plead it out with him.